How to use the pycalphad.variables function in pycalphad

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        property(lambda self: self.MIX_GM - v.T*self.MIX_GM.diff(v.T))
    mixing_entropy = MIX_SM = property(lambda self: -self.MIX_GM.diff(v.T))
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    None yet.
    if not broadcast:
        raise NotImplementedError('Broadcasting cannot yet be disabled')
    comps = sorted(unpack_components(dbf, comps))
    phases = unpack_phases(phases) or sorted(dbf.phases.keys())
    list_of_possible_phases = filter_phases(dbf, comps)
    if len(list_of_possible_phases) == 0:
        raise ConditionError('There are no phases in the Database that can be active with components {0}'.format(comps))
    active_phases = {name: dbf.phases[name] for name in filter_phases(dbf, comps, phases)}
    if len(active_phases) == 0:
        raise ConditionError('None of the passed phases ({0}) are active. List of possible phases: {1}.'.format(phases, list_of_possible_phases))
    if isinstance(comps, (str, v.Species)):
        comps = [comps]
    if len(set(comps) - set(dbf.species)) > 0:
        raise EquilibriumError('Components not found in database: {}'
                               .format(','.join([ for c in (set(comps) - set(dbf.species))])))
    calc_opts = calc_opts if calc_opts is not None else dict()
    solver = solver if solver is not None else InteriorPointSolver(verbose=verbose)
    parameters = parameters if parameters is not None else dict()
    if isinstance(parameters, dict):
        parameters = OrderedDict(sorted(parameters.items(), key=str))
    models = instantiate_models(dbf, comps, active_phases, model=model, parameters=parameters)
    # Temporary solution until constraint system improves
    if conditions.get(v.N) is None:
        conditions[v.N] = 1
    if np.any(np.array(conditions[v.N]) != 1):
        raise ConditionError('N!=1 is not yet supported, got N={}'.format(conditions[v.N]))
    # Modify conditions values to be within numerical limits, e.g., X(AL)=0
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        current_potentials[...] = properties.MU.values
        if verbose:
            print('Refining convex hull')
        # Insert extra dimensions for non-T,P conditions so GM broadcasts correctly
        energy_broadcast_shape = grid.GM.values.shape[:len(indep_vals)] + \
            (1,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) + (grid.GM.values.shape[-1],)
        driving_forces = np.einsum('...i,...i',
                                   properties.MU.values[..., np.newaxis, :].astype(np.float),
                                   grid.X.values[np.index_exp[...] +
                                                 (np.newaxis,) * (len(str_conds) - len(indep_vals)) +
                                                 np.index_exp[:, :]].astype(np.float)) - \

        for name in active_phases:
            dof = len(models[name].energy.atoms(v.SiteFraction))
            current_phase_indices = (grid.Phase.values == name).reshape(energy_broadcast_shape[:-1] + (-1,))
            # Broadcast to capture all conditions
            current_phase_indices = np.broadcast_arrays(current_phase_indices,
            # This reshape is safe as long as phases have the same number of points at all indep. conditions
            current_phase_driving_forces = driving_forces[current_phase_indices].reshape(
                current_phase_indices.shape[:-1] + (-1,))
            # Note: This works as long as all points are in the same phase order for all T, P
            current_site_fractions = grid.Y.values[..., current_phase_indices[(0,) * len(str_conds)], :]
            if np.sum(current_site_fractions[(0,) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof]) == dof:
                # All site fractions are 1, aka zero internal degrees of freedom
                # Impossible to refine these points, so skip this phase
                points_dict[name] = current_site_fractions[(0,) * len(indep_vals)][..., :dof]
            # Find the N points with largest driving force for a given set of conditions
            # Remember that driving force has a sign, so we want the "most positive" values
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def _axis_label(ax_var):
    if isinstance(ax_var, v.Composition):
        return 'X({})'.format(
    elif isinstance(ax_var, v.StateVariable):
        return _plot_labels[ax_var]
        return ax_var
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            # plot the tielines
            if all([xx is not None and yy is not None for xx, yy in zip(x_points, y_points)]):
                ax.plot(x_points, y_points, **updated_tieline_plot_kwargs)

    elif projection == 'triangular':
        scatter_kwargs = {'markersize': 4, 'markeredgewidth': 0.4}
        # raise warnings if any of the aliased versions of the default values are used
        possible_aliases = [('markersize', 'ms'), ('markeredgewidth', 'mew')]
        for actual_arg, aliased_arg in possible_aliases:
            if aliased_arg in plot_kwargs:
                warnings.warn("'{0}' passed as plotting keyword argument to dataplot, but the alias '{1}' is already set to '{2}'. Use the full version of the keyword argument '{1}' to override the default.".format(aliased_arg, actual_arg, scatter_kwargs.get(actual_arg)))

        eq_dict = ravel_zpf_values(desired_data, [x, y], {'T': conds[v.T]})

        # two phase
        updated_tieline_plot_kwargs = {'linewidth':1, 'color':'k'}
        if tieline_plot_kwargs is not None:
        for eq in eq_dict.get(2,[]): # list of things in equilibrium
            # plot the scatter points for the right phases
            x_points, y_points = [], []
            for phase_name, comp_dict, ref_key in eq:
                sym_ref = symbol_map[ref_key]
                x_val, y_val = comp_dict[x], comp_dict[y]
                if x_val is not None and y_val is not None:
                    ax.plot(x_val, y_val,