How to use the pyansys.common.parse_header function in pyansys

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def read_header(self):
        """Read standard emat file header"""
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f:
            self.header = parse_header(read_table(f), EMAT_HEADER_KEYS)
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>>> import pyansys
        >>> rst = pyansys.read_binary('file.rst')
        >>> nnum, data = rst.nodal_solution(0)

        Some solution results may not include all node numbers.  This
        is reflected in the ``result`` and ``nnum`` arrays.

        # convert to cumulative index
        rnum = self.parse_step_substep(rnum)

        # result pointer
        ptr_rst = self._resultheader['rpointers'][rnum]
        result_solution_header = parse_header(self.read_record(ptr_rst),

        nnod = result_solution_header['nnod']
        numdof = result_solution_header['numdof']
        nfldof = result_solution_header['nfldof']
        sumdof = numdof + nfldof

        ptr_nsl = result_solution_header['ptrNSL']

        # Read the nodal solution
        result, bufsz = self.read_record(ptr_nsl + ptr_rst, True)
        result = result.reshape(-1, sumdof)

        # additional entries are sometimes written for no discernible
        # reason
        if result.shape[0] > nnod:
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def _store_geometry(self):
        """Store the geometry from the result file"""
        # read geometry header
        table = self.read_record(self._resultheader['ptrGEO'])
        geometry_header = parse_header(table, geometry_header_keys)
        self._geometry_header = geometry_header

        # Node information
        nnod = geometry_header['nnod']
        nnum = np.empty(nnod, np.int32)
        nodes = np.empty((nnod, 6), np.float)
        _binary_reader.load_nodes(self.filename, geometry_header['ptrLOC'],
                                  nnod, nodes, nnum)

        # Element information
        nelm = geometry_header['nelm']
        maxety = geometry_header['maxety']

        # pointer to the element type index table
        e_type_table = self.read_record(geometry_header['ptrETY'])
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LOG.debug('There are %d result(s) in this file', self.nsets)

        # Get indices to resort nodal and element results
        self._sidx = np.argsort(self._resultheader['neqv'])
        self._sidx_elem = np.argsort(self._resultheader['eeqv'])

        # Store node numbering in ANSYS
        self._neqv = self._resultheader['neqv']
        self._eeqv = self._resultheader['eeqv']  # unsorted

        # store geometry for later retrival
        self.geometry = None
        if read_geometry:

        self.header = parse_header(self.read_record(103), result_header_keys)
        self._geometry_header = {}
        self._materials = None
        self._section_data = None
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Array containing the number of nodes with values for each element.

        etype : np.ndarray
            Element type array

        element_rst_ptr : int
            Offset to the start of the element result table.
        # Get the header information from the header dictionary

        rpointers = self._resultheader['rpointers']
        nodstr = self.element_table['nodstr']

        # read result solution header
        record = self.read_record(rpointers[rnum])
        solution_header = parse_header(record, solution_data_header_keys)

        # key to extrapolate integration
        # = 0 - move
        # = 1 - extrapolate unless active
        # non-linear
        # = 2 - extrapolate always
        if solution_header['rxtrap'] == 0:
            warnings.warn('Strains and stresses are being evaluated at ' +
                          'gauss points and not extrapolated')

        # 64-bit pointer to element solution
        if not solution_header['ptrESL']:
            raise ValueError('No element solution in result set %d\n'
                             % (rnum + 1) + 'Try running with "MXPAND,,,,YES"')

        # Seek to element result header
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records will be nmrow*nmrow. If the matrix is symmetric, only
        the lower triangular terms are written and the length of the
        records will be ``(nmrow)*(nmrow+1)/2``

        Records are written relative to the dof_idx.  The index is
        calculated as (N-1)*NUMDOF+DOF, where N is the position number
        of the node in the nodal equivalence table and DOF is the DOF
        reference number given by ``dof_idx``.
        element_data = {}
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fobj:
            # seek to the position of the element table in the file

            # matrix header
            element_header = parse_header(read_table(fobj), ELEMENT_HEADER_KEYS)
            nmrow = abs(element_header['nmrow'])
            lower_tri = element_header['nmrow'] < 0
            if lower_tri:
                nread = nmrow*(nmrow + 1)//2
                nread = nmrow*nmrow

            # Read DOF index table. This record specifies the DOF locations
            # of this element matrix in relation to the global
            # matrix. The index is calculated as (N-1)*NUMDOF+DOF,
            # where N is the position number of the node in the nodal
            # equivalence table and DOF is the DOF reference number
            # given above
            dof_idx = read_table(fobj) - 1  # adj one based indexing

            # read stress matrix
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nnod = solution_header['nnod']
        numdof = solution_header['numdof']
        nfldof = solution_header['nfldof']
        sumdof = numdof + nfldof

        #numvdof = solution_header['numvdof'] # does not seem to be set in transient analysis
        #if not numvdof: numvodf = sumdof 
        #numadof = solution_header['numadof'] # does not seem to be set in transient analysis
        #if not numadof: numadof = sumdof 

        # iterate over all loadsteps
        results = np.zeros((nsets, nnod, sumdof))
        for rnum in range(self.nsets):
            # Seek to result table and to get pointer to DOF
            # results of result table
            rsol_header = parse_header(self.read_record(rpointers[rnum]),
            if solution_type == 'NSL':  # Nodal Displacements
                ptr_sl = rsol_header['ptrNSL']
            elif solution_type == 'VEL':  # Nodal Velocities
                ptr_sl = rsol_header['ptrVSL']
            elif solution_type == 'ACC':  # Nodal Accelerations
                ptr_sl = rsol_header['ptrASL']

            record, sz = self.read_record(rpointers[rnum] + ptr_sl,
            # nitems = record.size
            result = record.reshape((-1, sumdof))

            # PDBN should be set if only a subset of nodes was output
            # PDBN is set only when solution type: nodal solution/displacement
            # PDBN is not set when solution type: acceleration, velocities