How to use the pyansys._binary_reader.sort_nodal_eqlv function in pyansys

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if kdata is not None:
                remove = np.nonzero(const < 0)[0]
                mask = ~np.logical_or(np.in1d(krow, remove), np.in1d(kcol, remove))
                krow = krow[mask]
                kcol = kcol[mask]
                kdata = kdata[mask]

            if mdata is not None:
                mask = ~np.logical_or(np.in1d(mrow, remove), np.in1d(mcol, remove))
                mrow = mrow[mask]
                mcol = mcol[mask]
                mdata = mdata[mask]

        # sort nodal equivalence
        dof_ref, index, nref, dref = _binary_reader.sort_nodal_eqlv(neqn, neqv, ndof)

        # store constrained dof information
        unsort_dof_ref = np.vstack((nref, dref)).T
        self._const = unsort_dof_ref[const < 0]

        if sort:  # make sorting the same as ANSYS rdfull would output
            # resort to make in upper triangle
            krow = index[krow]
            kcol = index[kcol]
            krow, kcol = np.sort(np.vstack((krow, kcol)), 0)

            if mdata is not None:
                mrow = index[mrow]
                mcol = index[mcol]
                mrow, mcol = np.sort(np.vstack((mrow, mcol)), 0)