How to use the pyemma.util.types.is_int function in pyEMMA

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github markovmodel / msmtools / estimators / View on Github external
        # set estimation parameters
        self._lag = lag
        self._nstates = nstates

        # if no initial MSM is given, estimate it now
        if msm_init is None:
            msm_estimator = _MSMEstimator(self._dtrajs, reversible=self._reversible, sparse=self._msm_sparse,
                                          connectivity=self._msm_connectivity, dt=self._dt, **self._kwargs)
            msm_init = msm_estimator.estimate(lag=lag)
            assert isinstance(msm_init, _EstimatedMSM), 'msm_init must be of type EstimatedMSM'

        # check input
        assert _types.is_int(nstates) and nstates > 1 and nstates <= msm_init.nstates, \
            'nstates must be an int in [2,msmobj.nstates]'
        timescale_ratios = msm_init.timescales()[:-1] / msm_init.timescales()[1:]
        if timescale_ratios[nstates-2] < 2.0:
            self._logger.warn('Requested coarse-grained model with ' + str(nstates) + ' metastable states. ' +
                              'The ratio of relaxation timescales between ' + str(nstates) + ' and ' + str(nstates+1) +
                              ' states is only ' + str(timescale_ratios[nstates-2]) + ' while we recomment at ' +
                              'least 2. It is possible that the resulting HMM is inaccurate. Handle with caution.')

        # set things from MSM
        self._nstates_obs_full = msm_init.nstates_full
        if self._observe_active:
            nstates_obs = msm_init.nstates
            observable_set = msm_init.active_set
            dtrajs_obs = msm_init.discrete_trajectories_active
            nstates_obs = msm_init.nstates_full
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / util / View on Github external
def _column(arr, indexes):
    """ Returns a column with given indexes from a deep array

    For example, if the array is a matrix and indexes is a single int, will
    return arr[:,indexes]. If the array is an order 3 tensor and indexes is a
    pair of ints, will return arr[:,indexes[0],indexes[1]], etc.

    if arr.ndim == 2 and types.is_int(indexes):
        return arr[:, indexes]
    elif arr.ndim == 3 and len(indexes) == 2:
        return arr[:, indexes[0], indexes[1]]
        raise NotImplementedError('Only supporting arrays of dimension 2 and 3 as yet.')
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / coordinates / clustering / View on Github external
def fixed_seed(self, val):
        from pyemma.util import types
        if isinstance(val, bool) or val is None:
            if val:
                self._fixed_seed = 42
                self._fixed_seed = random.randint(0, 2**32-1)
        elif types.is_int(val):
            if val < 0 or val > 2**32-1:
                self.logger.warning("seed has to be positive (or smaller than 2**32-1)."
                                    " Seed will be chosen randomly.")
                self.fixed_seed = False
                self._fixed_seed = val
            raise ValueError("fixed seed has to be bool or integer")

        self.logger.debug("seed = %i", self._fixed_seed)
github markovmodel / molPX / molpx / View on Github external
def listify_if_int(inp):
    if _is_int(inp):
        inp = [inp]

    return inp
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / models / View on Github external
        p0 : ndarray(n,)
            Initial distribution. Vector of size of the active set.

        k : int
            Number of time steps

        pk : ndarray(n,)
            Distribution after k steps. Vector of size of the active set.

        p0 = _types.ensure_ndarray(p0, ndim=1, size=self.nstates, kind='numeric')
        assert _types.is_int(k) and k >= 0, 'k must be a non-negative integer'

        if k == 0:  # simply return p0 normalized
            return p0 / p0.sum()

        if self.is_sparse:  # sparse: we don't have a full eigenvalue set, so just propagate
            pk = _np.array(p0)
            for i in range(k):
                pk =, self.transition_matrix)
        else:  # dense: employ eigenvalue decomposition
            from pyemma.util.linalg import mdot
            pk = mdot(p0.T,
                      _np.diag(_np.power(self.eigenvalues(), k)),
        # normalize to 1.0 and return
github markovmodel / molPX / molpx / View on Github external
    ngl_wdg : Input ngl_wdg with the representations added


    if color_list in [None, [None]]:
        color_list = ['blue']*len(atom_idxs)
    elif isinstance(color_list, list) and len(color_list)0 and len(iidxs)==2:
                    ngl_wdg.add_distance(atom_pair=[[ii for ii in iidxs]],  # yes it has to be this way for now
                    # TODO add line thickness as **kwarg
                elif _np.ndim(iidxs) > 0 and len(iidxs) in [3,4]:
                    ngl_wdg.add_spacefill(selection=iidxs, radius=radius, color=color, component=cc)
                    print("Cannot represent features involving more than 5 atoms per single feature")

    return ngl_wdg
github markovmodel / PyEMMA / pyemma / msm / estimators / View on Github external
# set model and estimator
        # copy the test model, since the estimation of cktest modifies the model.
        from copy import deepcopy
        self.test_model = deepcopy(test_model)
        self.test_estimator = test_estimator

        # set mlags
            maxlength = np.max([len(dtraj) for dtraj in test_estimator.discrete_trajectories_full])
        except AttributeError:
            maxlength = np.max(test_estimator.trajectory_lengths())
        maxmlag = int(math.floor(maxlength / test_estimator.lag))
        if mlags is None:
            mlags = maxmlag
        if types.is_int(mlags):
            mlags = np.arange(mlags)
        mlags = types.ensure_ndarray(mlags, ndim=1, kind='i')
        if np.any(mlags > maxmlag):
            mlags = mlags[np.where(mlags <= maxmlag)]
            self.logger.warning('Changed mlags as some mlags exceeded maximum trajectory length.')
        if np.any(mlags < 0):
            mlags = mlags[np.where(mlags >= 0)]
            self.logger.warning('Changed mlags as some mlags were negative.')
        self.mlags = mlags

        # set conf and error handling
        self.conf = conf
        self.has_errors = issubclass(self.test_model.__class__, SampledModel)
        if self.has_errors:
        self.err_est = err_est