How to use the pyemma._ext.jsonpickle.tags function in pyEMMA

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def getargs(obj):
    """Return arguments suitable for __new__()"""
    # Let saved newargs take precedence over everything
    if has_tag(obj, tags.NEWARGSEX):
        raise ValueError("__newargs_ex__ returns both args and kwargs")

    if has_tag(obj, tags.NEWARGS):
        return obj[tags.NEWARGS]

    if has_tag(obj, tags.INITARGS):
        return obj[tags.INITARGS]

        seq_list = obj[tags.SEQ]
        obj_dict = obj[tags.OBJECT]
    except KeyError:
        return []
    typeref = loadclass(obj_dict)
    if not typeref:
        return []
    if hasattr(typeref, '_fields'):
        if len(typeref._fields) == len(seq_list):
            return seq_list
    return []
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for modname in varpath:
                            curmod = getattr(curmod, modname)
                            # replace obj with value retrieved
                        return self._flatten(curmod)
                except KeyError:
                    # well, we can't do anything with that, so we ignore it

            if has_getnewargs_ex:
                data[tags.NEWARGSEX] = list(map(self._flatten, obj.__getnewargs_ex__()))

            if has_getnewargs and not has_getnewargs_ex:
                data[tags.NEWARGS] = self._flatten(obj.__getnewargs__())

            if has_getinitargs:
                data[tags.INITARGS] = self._flatten(obj.__getinitargs__())

        if has_getstate:
                state = obj.__getstate__()
            except TypeError as t:
                # Has getstate but it cannot be called, e.g. file descriptors
                # in Python3
                return None
                return self._getstate(state, data)

        if util.is_module(obj):
            if self.unpicklable:
                data[tags.REPR] = '%s/%s' % (obj.__name__,
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def getargs(obj):
    """Return arguments suitable for __new__()"""
    # Let saved newargs take precedence over everything
    if has_tag(obj, tags.NEWARGSEX):
        raise ValueError("__newargs_ex__ returns both args and kwargs")

    if has_tag(obj, tags.NEWARGS):
        return obj[tags.NEWARGS]

    if has_tag(obj, tags.INITARGS):
        return obj[tags.INITARGS]

        seq_list = obj[tags.SEQ]
        obj_dict = obj[tags.OBJECT]
    except KeyError:
        return []
    typeref = loadclass(obj_dict)
    if not typeref:
        return []
    if hasattr(typeref, '_fields'):
        if len(typeref._fields) == len(seq_list):
            return seq_list
    return []
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if util.is_iterator(obj):
            # force list in python 3
            data[tags.ITERATOR] = list(map(self._flatten, islice(obj, self._max_iter)))
            return data

        if reduce_val and not isinstance(reduce_val, (str, unicode)):
            # at this point, reduce_val should be some kind of iterable
            # pad out to len 5
            rv_as_list = list(reduce_val)
            insufficiency = 5 - len(rv_as_list)
            if insufficiency:
                rv_as_list += [None] * insufficiency

            if rv_as_list[0].__name__ == '__newobj__':
                rv_as_list[0] = tags.NEWOBJ

            data[tags.REDUCE] = list(map(self._flatten, rv_as_list))

            # lift out iterators, so we don't have to iterator and uniterator their content
            # on unpickle
            if data[tags.REDUCE][3]:
                data[tags.REDUCE][3] = data[tags.REDUCE][3][tags.ITERATOR]

            if data[tags.REDUCE][4]:
                data[tags.REDUCE][4] = data[tags.REDUCE][4][tags.ITERATOR]

            return data

        if has_dict:
            # Support objects that subclasses list and set
            if util.is_sequence_subclass(obj):
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if has_getstate:
                state = obj.__getstate__()
            except TypeError as t:
                # Has getstate but it cannot be called, e.g. file descriptors
                # in Python3
                return None
                return self._getstate(state, data)

        if util.is_module(obj):
            if self.unpicklable:
                data[tags.REPR] = '%s/%s' % (obj.__name__,
                data = unicode(obj)
            return data

        if util.is_dictionary_subclass(obj):
            self._flatten_dict_obj(obj, data)
            return data

        if util.is_sequence_subclass(obj):
            return self._flatten_sequence_obj(obj, data)

        if util.is_noncomplex(obj):
            return [self._flatten(v) for v in obj]

        if util.is_iterator(obj):
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def _restore(self, obj):
        if has_tag(obj, tags.B64):
            restore = self._restore_base64
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.BYTES):  # Backwards compatibility
            restore = self._restore_quopri
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.ID):
            restore = self._restore_id
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.REF):  # Backwards compatibility
            restore = self._restore_ref
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.ITERATOR):
            restore = self._restore_iterator
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.TYPE):
            restore = self._restore_type
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.REPR):  # Backwards compatibility
            restore = self._restore_repr
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.REDUCE):
            restore = self._restore_reduce
        elif has_tag(obj, tags.OBJECT):
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def _restore_state(self, obj, instance):
        state = self._restore(obj[tags.STATE])
        has_slots = (isinstance(state, tuple) and len(state) == 2
                     and isinstance(state[1], dict))
        has_slots_and_dict = has_slots and isinstance(state[0], dict)
        if hasattr(instance, '__setstate__'):
        elif isinstance(state, dict):
            # implements described default handling
            # of state for object with instance dict
            # and no slots
            self._restore_from_dict(state, instance, ignorereserved=False)
        elif has_slots:
            self._restore_from_dict(state[1], instance, ignorereserved=False)
            if has_slots_and_dict:
                                        instance, ignorereserved=False)
        elif (not hasattr(instance, '__getnewargs__')
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def _restore_from_dict(self, obj, instance, ignorereserved=True):
        restore_key = self._restore_key_fn()
        method = _obj_setattr

        for k, v in sorted(obj.items(), key=util.itemgetter):
            # ignore the reserved attribute
            if ignorereserved and k in tags.RESERVED:
            if isinstance(k, numeric_types):
                str_k = unicode(k)
                str_k = k
            k = restore_key(k)
            # step into the namespace
            value = self._restore(v)
            if (util.is_noncomplex(instance) or
                instance[k] = value
                setattr(instance, k, value)

            # This instance has an instance variable named `k` that is
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# Support objects with __getstate__(); this ensures that
        # both __setstate__() and __getstate__() are implemented
        has_getstate = hasattr(obj, '__getstate__')
        # not using has_method since __getstate__() is handled separately below

        if has_class:
            cls = obj.__class__
            cls = type(obj)

        # Check for a custom handler
        class_name = util.importable_name(cls)
        handler = handlers.get(cls, handlers.get(class_name))
        if handler is not None:
            if self.unpicklable:
                data[tags.OBJECT] = class_name
            return handler(self).flatten(obj, data)

        reduce_val = None
        if has_class and not util.is_module(obj):
            if self.unpicklable:
                class_name = util.importable_name(cls)
                data[tags.OBJECT] = class_name

            # test for a reduce implementation, and redirect before doing anything else
            # if that is what reduce requests
            if has_reduce_ex:
                    # we're implementing protocol 2
                    reduce_val = obj.__reduce_ex__(2)
                except TypeError:
                    # A lot of builtin types have a reduce which just raises a TypeError
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def _restore_object_instance(self, obj, cls):
        # This is a placeholder proxy object which allows child objects to
        # reference the parent object before it has been instantiated.
        proxy = _Proxy()

        # An object can install itself as its own factory, so load the factory
        # after the instance is available for referencing.
        factory = self._loadfactory(obj)

        if has_tag(obj, tags.NEWARGSEX):
            args, kwargs = obj[tags.NEWARGSEX]
            args = getargs(obj)
            kwargs = {}
        if args:
            args = self._restore(args)
        if kwargs:
            kwargs = self._restore(kwargs)

        is_oldstyle = not (isinstance(cls, type) or getattr(cls, '__meta__', None))
            if (not is_oldstyle) and hasattr(cls, '__new__'):  # new style classes
                if factory:
                    instance = cls.__new__(cls, factory, *args, **kwargs)
                    instance.default_factory = factory