How to use the pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDFPLUS function in pyEDFlib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyEDFlib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Frederik-D-Weber / cosleep / software / installation / source_python / View on Github external
if self.exportEDFAnnotations:
                print "Will export Events from EDF to CSV in:", self.path_and_file_name_event + '.edf' + '.csv'
                self.feventEDF = open(self.path_and_file_name_event + '.edf' + '.csv', 'a', buffering=100000)
                self.feventEDF.write('onset' + self.delim + 'annotation' + '\n')
            # if self.isActivated:
            #     self.fevent.write('#Streaming restarted at ' + self.time_stamp + '\n')
            # self.fevent.write('#Streaming started at ' + self.time_stamp + '\n')
            if self.writeEDF:

                EDF_format_extention = ".edf"
                EDF_format_filetype = pyedflib.FILETYPE_EDFPLUS
                temp_filterStringFileIndicator = "_prefiltered"
                temp_filterStringHeader = 'HP ' + str(self.prefilterEDF_hp) + ' Hz'
                if self.prefilterEDF_hp is None:
                    EDF_format_extention = ".bdf"
                    EDF_format_filetype = pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDFPLUS
                    temp_filterStringFileIndicator = "_unfiltered"
                    temp_filterStringHeader = 'none'

                self.edfWriter = pyedflib.EdfWriter(self.path_and_file_name + "_missing_samples_corrected" + temp_filterStringFileIndicator + EDF_format_extention, self.nChannels+3, file_type=EDF_format_filetype)

                 Only when the number of annotations you want to write is more than the number of seconds of the duration of the recording, you can use this function to increase the storage space for annotations */
                /* Minimum is 1, maximum is 64 */
                if self.writeEDFAnnotations:
                    self.edfWriter.set_number_of_annotation_signals(self.edfAnnotationChannels) #7*60 = 420 annotations per minute on average
                channel_info = {'label': 'ch', 'dimension': 'uV', 'sample_rate': int(round(self.fs)),
                                'physical_max': self.EDF_Physical_max_microVolt, 'physical_min': self.EDF_Physical_min_microVolt,
                                'digital_max': 32767, 'digital_min': -32767,
                                'prefilter': temp_filterStringHeader, 'transducer': 'none'}
                channel_info_accel = {'label': 'acc', 'dimension': 'G', 'sample_rate': int(round(self.fs)),
github cbrnr / mnelab / mnelab / io / View on Github external
def write_edf(fname, raw):
    """Export raw to EDF/BDF file (requires pyEDFlib)."""
    import pyedflib

    ext = "".join(Path(fname).suffixes)
    if ext == ".edf":
        filetype = pyedflib.FILETYPE_EDFPLUS
        dmin, dmax = -32768, 32767
    elif ext == ".bdf":
        filetype = pyedflib.FILETYPE_BDFPLUS
        dmin, dmax = -8388608, 8388607
    data = raw.get_data() * 1e6  # convert to microvolts
    fs =["sfreq"]
    nchan =["nchan"]
    ch_names =["ch_names"]
    if["meas_date"] is not None:
        meas_date =["meas_date"]
        meas_date = None
    prefilter = (f"{['highpass']}Hz - "
    pmin, pmax = data.min(axis=1), data.max(axis=1)
    f = pyedflib.EdfWriter(fname, nchan, filetype)
    channel_info = []
    data_list = []
    for i in range(nchan):