How to use the pyedflib.EdfReader function in pyEDFlib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pyEDFlib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github Stanford-STAGES / stanford-stages / View on Github external
def loadEDF(self):
        if not self.edf:

                self.edf = pyedflib.EdfReader(self.edf_pathname)
            except OSError as osErr:
                print("OSError:", "Loading", self.edf_pathname)
                raise (osErr)

        for ch in self.channels:  # ['C3','C4','O1','O2','EOG-L','EOG-R','EMG','A1','A2']
            myprint('Loading', ch)
            if isinstance(self.channels_used[ch], int):

                self.loaded_channels[ch] = self.edf.readSignal(self.channels_used[ch])
                if self.edf.getPhysicalDimension(self.channels_used[ch]).lower() == 'mv':
                    self.loaded_channels[ch] *= 1e3
                elif self.edf.getPhysicalDimension(self.channels_used[ch]).lower() == 'v':
                    self.loaded_channels[ch] *= 1e6
github skjerns / AutoSleepScorerDev / edfx / View on Github external
def read_pyedf(edf_file, ch_nrs=None, ch_names=None, digital=False, verbose=True):
    Reads an EDF file using pyEDFlib and returns the data, header and signalheaders
    :param edf_file: link to an edf file
    :param ch_nrs: The numbers of channels to read
    :param ch_names: The names of channels to read
    :returns: signals, signal_headers, header
    assert (ch_nrs is  None) or (ch_names is None), 'names xor numbers should be supplied'
    if ch_nrs is not None and not isinstance(ch_nrs, list): ch_nrs = [ch_nrs]
    if ch_names is not None and not isinstance(ch_names, list): ch_names = [ch_names]

    with pyedflib.EdfReader(edf_file) as f:
        # see which channels we want to load
        channels = [ch.upper() for ch in f.getSignalLabels()]
        if ch_names is not None:
            ch_nrs = []
            for ch in ch_names:
                if not ch.upper() in channels:
                    warnings.warn('{} is not in source file (contains {})'.format(ch.upper(), channels))
                    print('will be ignored.')
        if ch_nrs is None: # no numbers means we load all
            n = f.signals_in_file
            ch_nrs = np.arange(n)
        # load headers, signal information and 
        header = f.getHeader()
        signal_headers = [f.getSignalHeaders()[c] for c in ch_nrs]
github drasros / sleep_staging_shhs / View on Github external
def read_edfrecord(filename, channel, shhs='1'):

    # SHHS1 is at 125 Hz, SHHS2 at 128Hz

    assert channel=='EEG' or channel=='EEG(sec)', "Channel must be EEG or EEG(sec)"
    f = pyedflib.EdfReader(filename)
    print("Startdatetime: ", f.getStartdatetime())
    signal_labels = f.getSignalLabels()
    assert channel in signal_labels
    idx_chan = [i for i, x in enumerate(signal_labels) if x==channel][0]
    sigbuf = np.zeros((f.getNSamples()[idx_chan]))
    sigbuf[:] = f.readSignal(idx_chan)
    samplingrate = len(sigbuf) / f.file_duration
    print("sampling rate: ", samplingrate)
    if shhs=='1':
        print("30s * 125Hz divides signal length ?: ", len(sigbuf)%(30*125)==0)
        assert samplingrate == 125., "Sampling rate is not 125Hz on this record"
        print("30s * 128Hz divides signal length ?: ", len(sigbuf)%(30*128)==0)
        assert samplingrate == 128., "Sampling rate is not 128Hz on this record"
    return sigbuf
github Stanford-STAGES / stanford-stages / View on Github external
def loadHeader(self):
        if not self.edf:
            self.edf = pyedflib.EdfReader(self.edf_pathname)

        signal_labels = self.edf.getSignalLabels()
        return signal_labels
github holgern / pyedflib / pyedflib / data / View on Github external
    f : EdfReader object
       object containing the handle to the file

    >>> import
    >>> f =
    >>> f.signals_in_file == 11
    >>> f._close()
    >>> del f

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_generator.edf')
    f = pyedflib.EdfReader(fname)
    return f
github TimeViewers / timeview / timeview / gui / View on Github external
def add_view_from_file(self, file: Path, panel_index: int=None):
        # TODO: both edf and xdf should be moved to tracking!!!
        if file.suffix == '.edf':
            import pyedflib
            with pyedflib.EdfReader(str(file)) as f:
                labels = f.getSignalLabels()
                for label in labels:
                    index = labels.index(label)
                    wav = tracking.Wave(f.readSignal(index), f.getSampleFrequency(index))
                    wav.label = label
                    wav.path = file.with_name(file.stem + '-' + label + '.wav')
                    wav.min = f.getPhysicalMinimum(index)
                    wav.max = f.getPhysicalMaximum(index)
                    wav.unit = f.getPhysicalDimension(index)
                    self.add_view(wav, panel_index=panel_index, y_min=wav.min, y_max=wav.max)
        elif file.suffix == '.xdf':
            import openxdf
            xdf = openxdf.OpenXDF(file)
            signals = openxdf.Signal(xdf, file.with_suffix('.nkamp'))
            # TODO: automate this, why are the xdf.header names different from signals.list_channels?
            for label in ['ECG', 'Chin']: