How to use the praatio.utilities.utils.invertIntervalList function in praatio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few praatio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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params = audiofile.getparams()
    sampwidth = params[1]
    framerate = params[2]
    nframes = params[3]
    duration = nframes / float(framerate)
    # Can't specify both the keepList and the deleteList
    assert(keepList is None or deleteList is None)
    if keepList is None and deleteList is None:
        keepList = [(0, duration), ]
        deleteList = []
    elif keepList is None:
        keepList = utils.invertIntervalList(deleteList, duration)
        deleteList = utils.invertIntervalList(keepList, duration)
    keepList = [[row[0], row[1], "keep"] for row in keepList]
    deleteList = [[row[0], row[1], "delete"] for row in deleteList]
    iterList = sorted(keepList + deleteList)
    # Grab the sections to be kept
    audioSampleList = []
    byteCode = sampWidthDict[sampwidth]
    for startT, stopT, label in iterList:
        diff = stopT - startT
        if label == "keep":
            audiofile.setpos(int(framerate * startT))
            frames = audiofile.readframes(int(framerate * diff))
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fromPitchData will be sampled from this list.  In
                         essence, this allows one to leave segments of
                         the original pitch contour untouched by the
                         morph process.

    fromDuration = audio_scripts.getSoundFileDuration(fromWavFN)

    # Find source pitch samples that will be mixed in with the target
    # pitch samples later
    nonMorphPitchData = []
    if sourcePitchDataList is not None:
        timeList = sorted(fromPitchData)
        timeList = [(row[0][0], row[-1][0]) for row in timeList]
        endTime = sourcePitchDataList[-1][0]
        invertedTimeList = praatio_utils.invertIntervalList(timeList, endTime)
        invertedTimeList = [(start, stop) for start, stop in invertedTimeList
                            if stop - start > minIntervalLength]
        for start, stop in invertedTimeList:
            pitchList = praatio_utils.getValuesInInterval(sourcePitchDataList,

    # Iterative pitch tier data path
    pitchTierPath = join(pitchPath, "pitchTiers")
    resynthesizedPath = join(pitchPath, "f0_resynthesized_wavs")
    for tmpPath in [pitchTierPath, resynthesizedPath]:

    # 1. Prepare the data for morphing - acquire the segments to merge
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        tg = tgio.openTextgrid(inputTGFN)
        wavObj = audioio.WavQueryObj(inputWavFN)

        tg = tgio.openTextgrid(inputTGFN)
    keepList = tg.tierDict["phone"].entryList
    keepList = [entry for entry in keepList
                if not isVowel(entry[2])]
    deleteList = utils.invertIntervalList(keepList, tg.maxTimestamp)
    wavObj = audioio.openAudioFile(inputWavFN,
    shrunkTG = copy.deepcopy(tg)
    for start, stop in sorted(deleteList, reverse=True):
        shrunkTG = shrunkTG.eraseRegion(start, stop, doShrink=doShrink)
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sampwidth = params[1]
    framerate = params[2]
    nframes = params[3]
    duration = nframes / float(framerate)
    # Can't specify both the keepList and the deleteList
    assert(keepList is None or deleteList is None)
    if keepList is None and deleteList is None:
        keepList = [(0, duration), ]
        deleteList = []
    elif keepList is None:
        keepList = utils.invertIntervalList(deleteList, duration)
        deleteList = utils.invertIntervalList(keepList, duration)
    keepList = [[row[0], row[1], "keep"] for row in keepList]
    deleteList = [[row[0], row[1], "delete"] for row in deleteList]
    iterList = sorted(keepList + deleteList)
    # Grab the sections to be kept
    audioSampleList = []
    byteCode = sampWidthDict[sampwidth]
    for startT, stopT, label in iterList:
        diff = stopT - startT
        if label == "keep":
            audiofile.setpos(int(framerate * startT))
            frames = audiofile.readframes(int(framerate * diff))
            actualNumFrames = int(len(frames) / float(sampwidth))
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a sine wave
        sineWaveAmplitude: if None and operation is "sine wave"
                           use max amplitude.
        assert(operation in ["shrink", "silence", "sine wave"])
        duration = float(self.nframes) / self.framerate
        # Need to specify what to keep or what to delete, but can't
        # specify both
        assert(keepList is not None or deleteList is not None)
        assert(keepList is None or deleteList is None)
        if keepList is None:
            keepList = utils.invertIntervalList(deleteList, duration)
            deleteList = utils.invertIntervalList(keepList, duration)
        keepList = [[row[0], row[1], "keep"] for row in keepList]
        deleteList = [[row[0], row[1], "delete"] for row in deleteList]
        iterList = sorted(keepList + deleteList)
        zeroBinValue = struct.pack(sampWidthDict[self.sampwidth], 0)
        # Grab the sections to be kept
        audioFrames = b""
        for startT, stopT, label in iterList:
            diff = stopT - startT
            if label == "keep":
                self.audiofile.setpos(int(self.framerate * startT))
                frames = self.audiofile.readframes(int(self.framerate * diff))