How to use the praatio.dataio function in praatio

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few praatio examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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import os
from os.path import join

from praatio import tgio
from praatio import dataio

path = join(".", "files")
outputPath = join(path, "point_process_output")

if not os.path.exists(outputPath):

tg = tgio.openTextgrid(join(path, "bobby_phones.TextGrid"))
pp = dataio.open1DPointObject(join(path, "bobby.PointProcess"))

newPoints = []
tier = tg.tierDict["phone"]
for start, stop, label in tier.entryList:
    if label.lower()[0] not in ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]:
    newPoints.extend([pp.getPointsInInterval(start, stop), ])

outputPP = dataio.PointObject1D(newPoints, dataio.POINT,
                                pp.minTime, pp.maxTime), "bobby_vowels.PointProcess"))
github timmahrt / praatIO / praatio / View on Github external
def getPulses(praatEXE, inputWavFN, outputPointTierFN, minPitch, maxPitch,
    Gets the pitch/glottal pulses for an audio file.
    if scriptFN is None:
        scriptFN = join(utils.scriptsPath, "get_pulses.praat")
    argList = [inputWavFN, outputPointTierFN, minPitch, maxPitch]
    utils.runPraatScript(praatEXE, scriptFN, argList)
    # Load the output
    pointObj = dataio.open1DPointObject(outputPointTierFN)
    return pointObj
github timmahrt / praatIO / praatio / View on Github external
    firstTime = not os.path.exists(outputFN)
    if firstTime or forceRegenerate is True:
        if os.path.exists(outputFN):
        argList = [wavFN, outputFN, sampleStep,
                   minPitch, maxPitch, silenceThreshold,
                   medianFilterWindowSize, doInterpolation]
        scriptName = "get_pitchtier.praat"
        scriptFN = join(utils.scriptsPath, scriptName)
        utils.runPraatScript(praatEXE, scriptFN, argList)
    pitchTier = dataio.open2DPointObject(outputFN)
    return pitchTier
github timmahrt / praatIO / examples / View on Github external
outputPath = join(path, "point_process_output")

if not os.path.exists(outputPath):

tg = tgio.openTextgrid(join(path, "bobby_phones.TextGrid"))
pp = dataio.open1DPointObject(join(path, "bobby.PointProcess"))

newPoints = []
tier = tg.tierDict["phone"]
for start, stop, label in tier.entryList:
    if label.lower()[0] not in ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"]:
    newPoints.extend([pp.getPointsInInterval(start, stop), ])

outputPP = dataio.PointObject1D(newPoints, dataio.POINT,
                                pp.minTime, pp.maxTime), "bobby_vowels.PointProcess"))
github timmahrt / ProMo / examples / View on Github external
fromPitchFN = fromName + ".txt"
fromTGFN = join(root, fromName + ".TextGrid")

toName = "mary1_stylized"
toPitchFN = toName + ".PitchTier"

# Prepare the data for morphing
# 1st load it into memory
fromPitchList = pitch_and_intensity.extractPI(join(root, fromWavFN),
                                              join(root, fromPitchFN),
                                              praatEXE, minPitch,
                                              maxPitch, forceRegenerate=False)
fromPitchList = [(time, pitch) for time, pitch, _ in fromPitchList]

# Load in the target pitch contour
pitchTier = dataio.open2DPointObject(join(root, toPitchFN))
toPitchList = [(time, pitch) for time, pitch in pitchTier.pointList]

# The target contour doesn't contain enough sample points, so interpolate
# over the provided samples
# (this step can be skipped if there are enough sample points--a warning
# will be issued if there are any potential problems)
toPitchList = interpolation.quadraticInterpolation(toPitchList, 4, 1000, 0)

# 3rd select which sections to align.
# We'll use textgrids for this purpose.
tierName = "words"
fromPitch = f0_morph.getPitchForIntervals(fromPitchList, fromTGFN, tierName)
toPitch = f0_morph.getPitchForIntervals(toPitchList, fromTGFN, tierName)

# Run the morph process
f0_morph.f0Morph(fromWavFN=join(root, fromWavFN),