How to use the pixell.wcsutils function in pixell

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pixell examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github simonsobs / pixell / tests / View on Github external
def test_extract(self):
        # Tests that extraction is sensible
        shape,wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=(0,0),shape=(500,500),res=0.01)
        imap = enmap.enmap(np.random.random(shape),wcs)
        smap = imap[200:300,200:300]
        sshape,swcs = smap.shape,smap.wcs
        smap2 = enmap.extract(imap,sshape,swcs)
        pixbox = enmap.pixbox_of(imap.wcs,sshape,swcs)
        # Do write and read test
        filename = "temporary_extract_map.fits" # NOT THREAD SAFE
        smap3 = enmap.read_map(filename,pixbox=pixbox)
        assert np.all(np.isclose(smap,smap2))
        assert np.all(np.isclose(smap,smap3))
        assert wcsutils.equal(smap.wcs,smap2.wcs)
        assert wcsutils.equal(smap.wcs,smap3.wcs)
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def pixshapemap(shape, wcs, bsize=1000, separable="auto", signed=False):
	"""Returns the physical width and heigh of each pixel in the map in radians.
	Heavy for big maps. Much faster approaches are possible for known pixelizations."""
	if wcsutils.is_plain(wcs):
		cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt
		pshape  = np.zeros([2])
		pshape[0] = wcs.wcs.cdelt[1]*get_unit(wcs)
		pshape[1] = wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]*get_unit(wcs)
		if not signed: pshape = np.abs(pshape)
		pshape  = np.broadcast_to(pshape[:,None,None], (2,)+shape[-2:])
		return ndmap(pshape, wcs)
	elif separable == True or (separable == "auto" and wcsutils.is_cyl(wcs)):
		pshape = pixshapes_cyl(shape, wcs, signed=signed)
		pshape = np.broadcast_to(pshape[:,:,None], (2,)+shape[-2:])
		return ndmap(pshape, wcs)
		pshape = zeros((2,)+shape[-2:], wcs)
		# Loop over blocks in y to reduce memory usage
		for i1 in range(0, shape[-2], bsize):
			i2 = min(i1+bsize, shape[-2])
			pix  = np.mgrid[i1:i2+1,:shape[-1]+1]
			with utils.nowarn():
				y, x = pix2sky(shape, wcs, pix, safe=True, corner=True)
			del pix
			dy = y[1:,1:]-y[:-1,:-1]
			dx = x[1:,1:]-x[:-1,:-1]
			if not signed: dy, dx = np.abs(dy), np.abs(dx)
			cy = np.cos(y)
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def topix(pos_off):
		unit = if not wcsutils.is_plain(map.wcs) else 1.0
		pix = map.sky2pix(np.array([float(w) for w in pos_off[:2]])*unit)
		pix += np.array([float(w) for w in pos_off[2:]])
		return pix[::-1].astype(int)
	def skippable(x,y):
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
Default: Same as arr.
	copy : boolean
		If true, arr is copied. Otherwise, a referance is kept."""
	def has_wcs(m):
			return True
		except AttributeError:
			return False
	if wcs is None:
		if has_wcs(arr):
			wcs = arr.wcs
		elif isinstance(arr, list) and len(arr) > 0 and has_wcs(arr[0]):
			wcs = arr[0].wcs
			wcs = wcsutils.WCS(naxis=2)
	if copy:
		arr = np.asanyarray(arr, dtype=dtype).copy()
	return ndmap(arr, wcs)
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def gnomonic_pole_wcs(shape, res):
    Ny, Nx = shape[-2:]
    wcs = wcsutils.WCS(naxis=2)
    wcs.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN']
    wcs.wcs.crval = [0., 0.]
    wcs.wcs.cdelt[:] = np.rad2deg(res)
    wcs.wcs.crpix = [Ny / 2. + 0.5, Nx / 2. + 0.5]
    return wcs
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def scale_geometry(shape, wcs, scale):
	scale  = np.zeros(2)+scale
	oshape = tuple(shape[:-2])+tuple(utils.nint(shape[-2:]*scale))
	owcs   = wcsutils.scale(wcs, scale, rowmajor=True)
	return oshape, owcs
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def __repr__(self):
		return "ndmap(%s,%s)" % (np.asarray(self), wcsutils.describe(self.wcs))
	def __str__(self): return repr(self)
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
# Ideally we want to integrate around the real outer edge
	# of our patch, which is displaced by half a pixel coordinate
	# from the pixel centers, but sometimes those coordinates are
	# not valid. The nobcheck should avoid that, but we still include
	# them to be safe. For the case where nobcheck avoids invalid values,
	# the clip() later cuts off the parts of the pixels that go outside
	# bounds. This differs from using the backup points by also handling
	# pixels that are offset from the poles by a non-half-integer amount.
	for dest_list, test_points in [
			(col_lims, [(  -0.5, 0.0), (   0.0, 0.0)]),
			(col_lims, [(n1-0.5, 0.0), (n1-1.0, 0.0)]),
			(row_lims, [(0.0,   -0.5), (0.0,    0.0)]),
			(row_lims, [(0.0, n2-0.5), (0.0, n2-1.0)]),
		for t in test_points:
			if not np.any(np.isnan(wcsutils.nobcheck(wcs).wcs_pix2world([t], 0))):
				dest_list.append(np.array(t, float))
			raise ValueError("Could not identify map_boundary; last test point was %s" % t)
	# We want to draw a closed patch connecting the four corners
	# of the boundary.
	col_lims = [_c[0] for _c in col_lims]
	row_lims = [_r[1] for _r in row_lims]
	vertices = np.array([
			(col_lims[0], row_lims[0]),
			(col_lims[1], row_lims[0]),
			(col_lims[1], row_lims[1]),
			(col_lims[0], row_lims[1]),
			(col_lims[0], row_lims[0])])
	total   = 0
	tot_dra = 0
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def calc_gridinfo(shape, wcs, steps=[2,2], nstep=[200,200], zenith=False, unit=1):
	"""Return an array of line segments representing a coordinate grid
	for the given shape and wcs. the steps argument describes the
	number of points to use along each meridian."""
	if   unit in ["d","degree"]: unit = 1.0
	elif unit in ["m","arcmin"]: unit = 1.0/60
	elif unit in ["s","arcsec"]: unit = 1.0/3600
	steps = (np.zeros([2])+steps)*unit
	nstep = np.zeros([2],dtype=int)+nstep

	gridinfo = Gridinfo()
	if wcsutils.is_plain(wcs):
		box = np.sort(, wcs),0)
		start = np.floor(box[0]/steps)*steps
		nline = np.floor(box[1]/steps)-np.floor(box[0]/steps)+1
		box   = np.array([[-90.,0.],[90.,360.]])
		start = np.array([-90.,0.])
		nline = np.array([180.,360.])/steps+1

	gridinfo.lon = [] = []
	gridinfo.shape = shape[-2:]
	gridinfo.wcs = wcs
	# Draw lines of longitude
	for phi in start[1] + np.arange(nline[1])*steps[1]:
		# Loop over theta
		pixs = np.array(wcsutils.nobcheck(wcs).wcs_world2pix(phi, np.linspace(box[0,0],box[1,0],nstep[0],endpoint=True), 0)).T
github simonsobs / pixell / pixell / View on Github external
def project(map, shape, wcs, order=3, mode="constant", cval=0.0, force=False, prefilter=True, mask_nan=False, safe=True, bsize=1000):
	"""Project the map into a new map given by the specified
	shape and wcs, interpolating as necessary. Handles nan
	regions in the map by masking them before interpolating.
	This uses local interpolation, and will lose information
	when downgrading compared to averaging down."""
	# Skip expensive operation if map is compatible
	if not force:
		if wcsutils.equal(map.wcs, wcs) and tuple(shape[-2:]) == tuple(shape[-2:]):
			return map.copy()
		elif wcsutils.is_compatible(map.wcs, wcs) and mode == "constant":
			return extract(map, shape, wcs, cval=cval)
	omap = zeros(map.shape[:-2]+shape[-2:], wcs, map.dtype)
	# Save memory by looping over rows
	for i1 in range(0, shape[-2], bsize):
		i2     = min(i1+bsize, shape[-2])
		somap  = omap[...,i1:i2,:]
		pix    = map.sky2pix(somap.posmap(), safe=safe)
		y1     = max(np.min(pix[0]).astype(int)-3,0)
		y2     = min(np.max(pix[0]).astype(int)+3,map.shape[-2])
		pix[0] -= y1
		somap[:] = utils.interpol(map[...,y1:y2,:], pix, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, prefilter=prefilter, mask_nan=mask_nan)
	return omap