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def ifft(emap, omap=None, nthread=0, normalize=True):
"""Performs the 2d iFFT of the complex enmap given, and returns a pixel-space enmap."""
res = samewcs(enfft.ifft(emap,omap,axes=[-2,-1],nthread=nthread, normalize=False), emap)
if normalize: res /=[-2:])**0.5
if normalize in ["phy","phys","physical"]: res /= emap.pixsize()**0.5
return res
if method == "fft":
omap = zeros(oshape, owcs, map.dtype)
fimap = enfft.fft(map, axes=(-2,-1))
fomap = np.zeros(oshape, fimap.dtype)
# copy over all 4 quadrants. This would have been a single operation if the
# fourier center had been in the middle. This could be acieved using fftshift,
# but that would require two extra full-array shifts
cny, cnx = np.minimum(map.shape[-2:], oshape[-2:])
hny, hnx = cny//2, cnx//2
fomap[...,:hny, :hnx ] = fimap[...,:hny, :hnx ]
fomap[...,:hny, -(cnx-hnx):] = fimap[...,:hny, -(cnx-hnx):]
fomap[...,-(cny-hny):, :hnx ] = fimap[...,-(cny-hny):, :hnx ]
fomap[...,-(cny-hny):, -(cnx-hnx):] = fimap[...,-(cny-hny):, -(cnx-hnx):]
if np.any(off != 0):
fomap[:] = enfft.shift(fomap, off, axes=(-2,-1), nofft=True)
omap[:] = enfft.ifft(fomap, axes=(-2,-1)).real
# Normalize
omap /= map.shape[-2]*map.shape[-1]
elif method == "spline":
opix = pixmap(oshape) - off[:,None,None]
ipix = opix * (np.array(map.shape[-2:],float)/oshape[-2:])[:,None,None]
omap = ndmap(, unit="pix", mode=mode, order=order), owcs)
raise ValueError("Invalid resample method '%s'" % method)
return omap
def resample_fft_simple(d, n, ngroup=100):
"""Resample 2d numpy array d via fourier-reshaping along
last axis."""
nold = d.shape[1]
if n == nold: return d
res = np.zeros([d.shape[0],n],dtype=d.dtype)
dn = n-nold
for di in range(0, d.shape[0], ngroup):
fd = fft.fft(d[di:di+ngroup])
if n < nold:
fd = np.concatenate([fd[:,:n//2],fd[:,n//2-dn:]],1)
fd = np.concatenate([fd[:,:nold//2],np.zeros([len(fd),n-nold],fd.dtype),fd[:,nold//2:]],-1)
res[di:di+ngroup] = fft.ifft(fd, normalize=True).real
del fd
res *= float(n)/nold
return res
def _convolute_sym(a,b):
sa = np.concatenate([a,a[:,-2:0:-1]],-1)
sb = np.concatenate([b,b[:,-2:0:-1]],-1)
fa = enfft.rfft(sa)
fb = enfft.rfft(sb)
sa = enfft.ifft(fa*fb,sa,normalize=True)
return sa[:,:a.shape[-1]]