How to use pibooth - 10 common examples

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pibooth examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def _update_foreground(self, pil_image, pos=CENTER, resize=True):
        """Show a PIL image on the foreground.
        Only once is bufferized to avoid memory leak.
        image_name = id(pil_image)

        image_size_max = (2 * self.surface.get_size()[1] // 3, self.surface.get_size()[1])

        buff_size, buff_image = self._buffered_images.get(image_name, (None, None))
        if buff_image and image_size_max == buff_size:
            image = buff_image
            if resize:
                image = pil_image.resize(sizing.new_size_keep_aspect_ratio(
                    pil_image.size, image_size_max), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                image = pil_image
            image = pygame.image.frombuffer(image.tobytes(), image.size, image.mode)
            if self._current_foreground:
                self._buffered_images.pop(id(self._current_foreground[0]), None)
            LOGGER.debug("Add to buffer the image '%s'", image_name)
            self._buffered_images[image_name] = (image_size_max, image)

        self._current_foreground = (pil_image, pos, resize)
        return self.surface.blit(image, self._pos_map[pos](image))
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def concatenate_pictures_PIL(portrait, pictures, footer_texts, bg_color, text_color, footer_fonts, inter_width=None):
    """ Merge up to 4 PIL images.
    with timeit("Create final image with PIL"):
        new_width, new_height, inter_width = get_pics_layout_size(pictures, portrait, inter_width)
        matrix ='RGBA', (new_width, new_height))

        # Consider that the photo are correctly ordered
        offset_generator = get_pics_layout_offset(pictures, portrait, inter_width)
        for i in range(len(pictures)):
            matrix.paste(pictures[i], next(offset_generator))

        final_width, final_height, matrix_width, matrix_height, footer_size = get_final_image_dimensions(
            portrait, footer_texts)

        matrix = matrix.resize(sizing.new_size_keep_aspect_ratio(
            matrix.size, (matrix_width, matrix_height)), Image.ANTIALIAS)

        final_image = new_image_with_background(final_width, final_height, bg_color)
        final_image.paste(matrix, ((final_width - matrix.size[0]) // 2,
                                   (final_height - footer_size - matrix.size[1]) // 2), mask=matrix)

        if footer_size:
            draw_footer_text(final_image, portrait, footer_texts, footer_fonts, footer_size, text_color)

    return final_image
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def concatenate_pictures_opencv(portrait, pictures, footer_texts, bg_color, text_color, footer_fonts, inter_width=None):
    """ Merge up to 4 PIL images using opencv to manipulate the images.
    with timeit("Create final image with opencv"):
        matrix_raw_width, matrix_raw_height, inter_width = get_pics_layout_size(pictures, portrait, inter_width)
        final_width, final_height, matrix_width, matrix_height, footer_size = get_final_image_dimensions(
            portrait, footer_texts)
        offset_generator = get_pics_layout_offset(pictures, portrait, inter_width)

        with timeit("Init final image with background"):
            pics_scaling_factor = min(matrix_width / matrix_raw_width, matrix_height / matrix_raw_height)
            pics_x_offset = int(matrix_width - matrix_raw_width * pics_scaling_factor) // 2
            pics_y_offset = int(matrix_height - matrix_raw_height * pics_scaling_factor) // 2

            final_image = new_image_with_background_opencv(final_width, final_height, bg_color)

        with timeit("Layout pictures matrix"):
            # Consider that the photo are correctly ordered
            for i in range(len(pictures)):
                cv_pic = np.array(pictures[i].convert('RGB'))
                cv_pic = cv2.resize(cv_pic, None, fx=pics_scaling_factor,
                                    fy=pics_scaling_factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                (h, w) = cv_pic.shape[:2]
                x_offset, y_offset = next(offset_generator)
                x_offset, y_offset = pics_x_offset + \
                    int(pics_scaling_factor * x_offset), pics_y_offset + int(pics_scaling_factor * y_offset)
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self._rect.width // 5 - 2 * self._text_border,
                                   self._rect.height * 0.3 - 2 * self._text_border)
                rect = pygame.Rect(self._rect.width // 2 + self._text_border, self._text_border,
                                   self._rect.width // 5 - 2 * self._text_border,
                                   self._rect.height * 0.3 - 2 * self._text_border)
            self._write_text(text, rect)

    def paint(self, screen):
        Background.paint(self, screen)
        if self.arrow_location != ARROW_HIDDEN:
            screen.blit(self.right_arrow, self.right_arrow_pos)
            screen.blit(self.left_arrow, self.left_arrow_pos)

class FinishedBackground(Background):

    def __init__(self):
        Background.__init__(self, "finished")

    def resize_texts(self):
        """Update text surfaces.
        rect = pygame.Rect(self._rect.width * 0.3, self._rect.height * 0.6 - self._text_border,
                           self._rect.width * 0.4, self._rect.height * 0.4)
        Background.resize_texts(self, rect)

class OopsBackground(Background):

    def __init__(self):
        Background.__init__(self, "oops")
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def get_rect(self):
        """Return a Rect object (as defined in pygame) for resizing preview and images
        in order to fit to the defined window.
        rect = self._window.get_rect()
        res = sizing.new_size_keep_aspect_ratio(self.resolution,
                                                (rect.width - 2 * self._border, rect.height - 2 * self._border))
        return pygame.Rect(rect.centerx - res[0] // 2, rect.centery - res[1] // 2, res[0], res[1])
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def get_rect(self):
        """Return a Rect object (as defined in pygame) for resizing preview and images
        in order to fit to the defined window.
        rect = self._window.get_rect()
        res = sizing.new_size_keep_aspect_ratio(self.resolution,
                                                (rect.width - 2 * self._border, rect.height - 2 * self._border))
        return pygame.Rect(rect.centerx - res[0] // 2, rect.centery - res[1] // 2, res[0], res[1])
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def _build_texts(self, image):
        """Draw texts on a PIL image (PIL is used instead of OpenCV
        because it is able to draw any fonts without ext).

        :param image: PIL.Image instance
        :type image: object
        offset_generator = self._iter_texts_rects()
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        for text, font_name, color, align in self._texts:
            text_x, text_y, max_width, max_height = next(offset_generator)
            if not text:  # Empty string: go to next text position
            # Use PIL to draw text because better support for fonts than OpenCV
            font = fonts.get_pil_font(text, font_name, max_width, max_height)
            _, text_height = font.getsize(text)
            (text_width, _baseline), (offset_x, offset_y) = font.font.getsize(text)
            if align == self.CENTER:
                text_x += (max_width - text_width) // 2
            elif align == self.RIGHT:
                text_x += (max_width - text_width)

            draw.text((text_x - offset_x // 2,
                       text_y + (max_height - text_height) // 2 - offset_y // 2),
                      text, color, font=font)
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def build_overlay(self, size, text, alpha):
        """Return a PIL image with the given text that can be used
        as an overlay for the camera.
        image ='RGBA', size)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        txt_width = size[0] + 1
        i = 10
        while txt_width > size[0]:
            font = ImageFont.truetype(fonts.get_filename("Amatic-Bold.ttf"), size[1] * i // 10)
            txt_width, txt_height = draw.textsize(text, font=font)
            i -= 1

        position = ((size[0] - txt_width) // 2, (size[1] - txt_height) // 2 - size[1] // 10)
        draw.text(position, text, (255, 255, 255, alpha), font=font)
        return image
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def build_overlay(self, size, text, alpha):
        """Return a PIL image with the given text that can be used
        as an overlay for the camera.
        image ='RGBA', size)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        font = fonts.get_pil_font(text, fonts.CURRENT, 0.9 * size[0], 0.9 * size[1])
        txt_width, txt_height = draw.textsize(text, font=font)

        position = ((size[0] - txt_width) // 2, (size[1] - txt_height) // 2 - size[1] // 10)
        draw.text(position, text, (255, 255, 255, alpha), font=font)
        return image
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def draw_footer_text(final_image, portrait, footer_texts, footer_fonts, footer_size, text_color):
    """Draw footer text on final image.
    final_width, final_height = final_image.size
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(final_image)

    # Footer 1
    name_font = ImageFont.truetype(fonts.get_filename(footer_fonts[0]), int(2 / 3. * footer_size))
    name_width, name_height = draw.textsize(footer_texts[0], font=name_font)
    footer_x = (final_width - name_width) // 2 if portrait else final_width // 4 - name_width // 2
    footer_y = final_height - footer_size - 100 if portrait else final_height - (footer_size + name_height) // 2 - 50
    draw.text((footer_x, footer_y), footer_texts[0], text_color, font=name_font)

    # Footer 2
    date_font = ImageFont.truetype(fonts.get_filename(footer_fonts[-1]), int(1 / 3. * footer_size))
    date_width, date_height = draw.textsize(footer_texts[1], font=date_font)
    footer_x = (final_width - date_width) // 2 if portrait else 3 * final_width // 4 - date_width // 2
    footer_y = final_height - footer_size + 300 if portrait else final_height - (footer_size + date_height) // 2 - 50
    draw.text((footer_x, footer_y), footer_texts[1], text_color, font=date_font)