How to use the pibooth.fonts function in pibooth

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def _build_texts(self, image):
        """Draw texts on a PIL image (PIL is used instead of OpenCV
        because it is able to draw any fonts without ext).

        :param image: PIL.Image instance
        :type image: object
        offset_generator = self._iter_texts_rects()
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
        for text, font_name, color, align in self._texts:
            text_x, text_y, max_width, max_height = next(offset_generator)
            if not text:  # Empty string: go to next text position
            # Use PIL to draw text because better support for fonts than OpenCV
            font = fonts.get_pil_font(text, font_name, max_width, max_height)
            _, text_height = font.getsize(text)
            (text_width, _baseline), (offset_x, offset_y) = font.font.getsize(text)
            if align == self.CENTER:
                text_x += (max_width - text_width) // 2
            elif align == self.RIGHT:
                text_x += (max_width - text_width)

            draw.text((text_x - offset_x // 2,
                       text_y + (max_height - text_height) // 2 - offset_y // 2),
                      text, color, font=font)
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def build_overlay(self, size, text, alpha):
        """Return a PIL image with the given text that can be used
        as an overlay for the camera.
        image ='RGBA', size)
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

        font = fonts.get_pil_font(text, fonts.CURRENT, 0.9 * size[0], 0.9 * size[1])
        txt_width, txt_height = draw.textsize(text, font=font)

        position = ((size[0] - txt_width) // 2, (size[1] - txt_height) // 2 - size[1] // 10)
        draw.text(position, text, (255, 255, 255, alpha), font=font)
        return image
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:type layout_number: int
    :param size: maximum size of the layout surface
    :type size: tuple

    :return: surface
    :rtype: :py:class:`pygame.Surface`
    layout_image = get_pygame_image("layout{0}.png".format(layout_number),
                                    size, color=text_color, bg_color=bg_color)
    text = language.get_translated_text(str(layout_number))
    if text:
        rect = layout_image.get_rect()
        rect = pygame.Rect(rect.x + rect.width * 0.3 / 2,
                           rect.y + rect.height * 0.76,
                           rect.width * 0.7, rect.height * 0.20)
        text_font = fonts.get_pygame_font(text, fonts.CURRENT, rect.width, rect.height)
        surface = text_font.render(text, True, bg_color)
        layout_image.blit(surface, surface.get_rect(
    return layout_image
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        if not self._print_number and not self._print_failure:
            return  # Dont show counter: no file in queue, no failure

        smaller = self.surface.get_size()[1] if self.surface.get_size(
            )[1] < self.surface.get_size()[0] else self.surface.get_size()[0]
        side = int(smaller * 0.05)  # 5% of the window

        if side > 0:
            if self._print_failure:
                image = pictures.get_pygame_image('printer_failure.png', (side, side), color=self.text_color)
                image = pictures.get_pygame_image('printer.png', (side, side), color=self.text_color)
            y = self.surface.get_rect().height - image.get_rect().height - 10
            self.surface.blit(image, (10, y))
            font = pygame.font.Font(fonts.CURRENT, side)
            label = font.render(str(self._print_number), True, self.text_color)
            self.surface.blit(label, (side + 20, y))
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The ``align`` parameter can be one of:
       * top-left
       * top-center
       * top-right
       * center-left
       * center
       * center-right
       * bottom-left
       * bottom-center
       * bottom-right
    surfaces = []
    lines = text.splitlines()

    font = fonts.get_pygame_font(max(lines, key=len), fonts.CURRENT,
                                 rect.width, rect.height / len(lines))
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        surface = font.render(line, True, color)

        if align.endswith('left'):
            x = rect.left
        elif align.endswith('center'):
            x = rect.centerx - surface.get_rect().width / 2
        elif align.endswith('right'):
            x = rect.right - surface.get_rect().width / 2
            raise ValueError("Invalid horizontal alignment '{}'".format(align))

        height = surface.get_rect().height
        if align.startswith('top'):
            y = + i * height