How to use the photutils.utils.exceptions.NoDetectionsWarning function in photutils

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        segm_img, _ = ndimage.label(data2, structure=selem)

        # remove objects with less than npixels
        # NOTE:  for typical data, making the cutout images is ~10x faster
        # than using segm_img directly
        segm_slices = ndimage.find_objects(segm_img)
        for i, slices in enumerate(segm_slices):
            cutout = segm_img[slices]
            segment_mask = (cutout == (i+1))
            if np.count_nonzero(segment_mask) < npixels:
                cutout[segment_mask] = 0

        if np.count_nonzero(segm_img) == 0:
            warnings.warn('No sources were found.', NoDetectionsWarning)
            if deblend_skip:

        segm = object.__new__(SegmentationImage)
        segm._data = segm_img

        if deblend_skip and segm.nlabels == 1:

    return segms
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peak_goodmask[-border_width:] = False
            peak_goodmask = peak_goodmask.swapaxes(0, i)

    peak_goodmask = np.logical_and(peak_goodmask, (data > threshold))
    y_peaks, x_peaks = peak_goodmask.nonzero()
    peak_values = data[y_peaks, x_peaks]

    nxpeaks = len(x_peaks)
    if nxpeaks > npeaks:
        idx = np.argsort(peak_values)[::-1][:npeaks]
        x_peaks = x_peaks[idx]
        y_peaks = y_peaks[idx]
        peak_values = peak_values[idx]

    if nxpeaks == 0:
        warnings.warn('No local peaks were found.', NoDetectionsWarning)
        return None

    # construct the output Table
    colnames = ['x_peak', 'y_peak', 'peak_value']
    coldata = [x_peaks, y_peaks, peak_values]
    table = Table(coldata, names=colnames)

    if wcs is not None:
        skycoord_peaks = _pixel_to_world(x_peaks, y_peaks, wcs)
        table.add_column(skycoord_peaks, name='skycoord_peak', index=2)

    # perform centroiding
    if centroid_func is not None:
        from ..centroids import centroid_sources  # prevents circular import

        if not callable(centroid_func):
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steps = np.arange(1., nlevels + 1)
    if mode == 'exponential':
        if source_min == 0:
            source_min = source_max * 0.01
        thresholds = source_min * ((source_max / source_min) **
                                   (steps / (nlevels + 1)))
    elif mode == 'linear':
        thresholds = source_min + ((source_max - source_min) /
                                   (nlevels + 1)) * steps
        raise ValueError('"{0}" is an invalid mode; mode must be '
                         '"exponential" or "linear"'.format(mode))

    # suppress NoDetectionsWarning during deblending
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=NoDetectionsWarning)

    mask = ~segm_mask
    segments = _detect_sources(data, thresholds, npixels=npixels,
                               connectivity=connectivity, mask=mask,

    selem = _make_binary_structure(data.ndim, connectivity)

    # define the sources (markers) for the watershed algorithm
    nsegments = len(segments)
    if nsegments == 0:  # no deblending
        return segment_img
        for i in range(nsegments - 1):
            segm_lower = segments[i].data
            segm_upper = segments[i + 1].data
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* ``peak``: the peak, sky-subtracted, pixel value of the object.
            * ``flux``: the object instrumental flux.
            * ``mag``: the object instrumental magnitude calculated as
              ``-2.5 * log10(flux)``.

            `None` is returned if no stars are found.


        star_cutouts = _find_stars(data, self.kernel, self.threshold,

        if star_cutouts is None:
            warnings.warn('No sources were found.', NoDetectionsWarning)
            return None

        self._star_cutouts = star_cutouts

        star_props = []
        for star_cutout in star_cutouts:
            props = _IRAFStarFindProperties(star_cutout, self.kernel,

            # star cutout needs more than one non-zero value
            if np.count_nonzero( <= 1:

            if (props.sharpness <= self.sharplo or
                    props.sharpness >= self.sharphi):
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star_groups = self.group_maker(init_guess_tab)
            table, self._residual_image = super().nstar(
                self._residual_image, star_groups)

            star_groups = star_groups.group_by('group_id')
            table = hstack([star_groups, table])

            table['iter_detected'] = n*np.ones(table['x_fit'].shape,

            output_table = vstack([output_table, table])

            # do not warn if no sources are found beyond the first iteration
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.simplefilter('ignore', NoDetectionsWarning)
                sources = self.finder(self._residual_image)

            n += 1

        return output_table
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# ignore RuntimeWarning caused by > comparison when data contains NaNs
    warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)

    selem = _make_binary_structure(data.ndim, connectivity)

    segms = []
    for threshold in thresholds:
        data2 = data > threshold

        if mask is not None:
            data2 &= ~mask

        # return if threshold was too high to detect any sources
        if np.count_nonzero(data2) == 0:
            warnings.warn('No sources were found.', NoDetectionsWarning)
            if deblend_skip:

        segm_img, _ = ndimage.label(data2, structure=selem)

        # remove objects with less than npixels
        # NOTE:  for typical data, making the cutout images is ~10x faster
        # than using segm_img directly
        segm_slices = ndimage.find_objects(segm_img)
        for i, slices in enumerate(segm_slices):
            cutout = segm_img[slices]
            segment_mask = (cutout == (i+1))
            if np.count_nonzero(segment_mask) < npixels:
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    output : `~astropy.table.Table` or `None`
        A table containing the x and y pixel location of the peaks and
        their values.  If ``centroid_func`` is input, then the table
        will also contain the centroid position.  If no peaks are found
        then `None` is returned.

    from scipy.ndimage import maximum_filter

    data = np.asanyarray(data)

    if np.all(data == data.flat[0]):
        warnings.warn('Input data is constant. No local peaks can be found.',
        return None

    if not np.isscalar(threshold):
        threshold = np.asanyarray(threshold)
        if data.shape != threshold.shape:
            raise ValueError('A threshold array must have the same shape as '
                             'the input data.')

    # remove NaN values to avoid runtime warnings
    nan_mask = np.isnan(data)
    if np.any(nan_mask):
        data = np.copy(data)  # ndarray
        data[nan_mask] = np.nanmin(data)

    if footprint is not None:
        data_max = maximum_filter(data, footprint=footprint, mode='constant',
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ypad = kernel.yradius
        xpad = kernel.xradius
        pad = ((ypad, ypad), (xpad, xpad))
        # mode must be a string for numpy < 0.11
        # (see
        mode = str('constant')
        data = np.pad(data, pad, mode=mode, constant_values=[0.])
        if mask is not None:
            mask = np.pad(mask, pad, mode=mode, constant_values=[0.])
        convolved_data = np.pad(convolved_data, pad, mode=mode,

    # find local peaks in the convolved data
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        # suppress any NoDetectionsWarning from find_peaks
        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=NoDetectionsWarning)
        tbl = find_peaks(convolved_data, threshold_eff, footprint=footprint,

    if tbl is None:
        return None

    coords = np.transpose([tbl['y_peak'], tbl['x_peak']])

    star_cutouts = []
    for (ypeak, xpeak) in coords:
        # now extract the object from the data, centered on the peak
        # pixel in the convolved image, with the same size as the kernel
        x0 = xpeak - kernel.xradius
        x1 = xpeak + kernel.xradius + 1
        y0 = ypeak - kernel.yradius
        y1 = ypeak + kernel.yradius + 1