How to use the photutils.CircularAperture function in photutils

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github vortex-exoplanet / VIP / vip_hci / metrics / View on Github external
for i in range(number_apertures-1):
        if sens == 'clock':
            xx[i+1] = cosangle*xx[i] + sinangle*yy[i] 
            yy[i+1] = cosangle*yy[i] - sinangle*xx[i] 
        elif sens == 'counterclock':
            xx[i+1] = cosangle*xx[i] - sinangle*yy[i] 
            yy[i+1] = cosangle*yy[i] + sinangle*xx[i]

    xx += centerx
    yy += centery
    rad = fwhm/2.
    if exclude_negative_lobes:
        xx = np.concatenate(([xx[0]], xx[2:-1]))
        yy = np.concatenate(([yy[0]], yy[2:-1]))

    apertures = photutils.CircularAperture((xx, yy), r=rad)  # Coordinates (X,Y)
    fluxes = photutils.aperture_photometry(array, apertures, method='exact')
    fluxes = np.array(fluxes['aperture_sum'])

    if array2 is not None:
        fluxes2 = photutils.aperture_photometry(array2, apertures,
        fluxes2 = np.array(fluxes2['aperture_sum'])
        if use2alone:
            fluxes = np.concatenate(([fluxes[0]], fluxes2[:]))
            fluxes = np.concatenate((fluxes, fluxes2))

    f_source = fluxes[0].copy()
    fluxes = fluxes[1:]
    n2 = fluxes.shape[0]
    backgr_apertures_std = fluxes.std(ddof=1)
github afeinstein20 / eleanor / ELLIE / View on Github external
def aperture(r, pos):
            """ Creates circular & rectangular apertures of given size """
            circ = CircularAperture(pos, r)
            rect = RectangularAperture(pos, r, r, 0.0)
            return circ, rect
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'false positive fraction.')

    # Initialize a numpy array in which we will store the integrated flux of all reference apertures
    ap_phot = np.zeros(num_ap)

    # Loop over all reference apertures and measure the integrated flux
    for i, theta in enumerate(ap_theta):

        # Compute the position of the current aperture in polar coordinates and convert to Cartesian
        x_tmp = center[1] + (x_pos - center[1]) * math.cos(theta) - \
                            (y_pos - center[0]) * math.sin(theta)
        y_tmp = center[0] + (x_pos - center[1]) * math.sin(theta) + \
                            (y_pos - center[0]) * math.cos(theta)

        # Place a circular aperture at this position and sum up the flux inside the aperture
        aperture = CircularAperture((x_tmp, y_tmp), size)
        phot_table = aperture_photometry(image, aperture, method='exact')
        ap_phot[i] = phot_table['aperture_sum']

    # Define shortcuts to the signal and the noise aperture sums
    signal_aperture = ap_phot[0]
    noise_apertures = ap_phot[1:]

    # Compute the "signal", that is, the numerator of the signal-to-noise ratio: According to
    # eq. (8) in Mawet et al. (2014), this is given by the difference between the integrated flux
    # in the signal aperture and the mean of the integrated flux in the noise apertures
    signal = signal_aperture - np.mean(noise_apertures)

    # Compute the "noise", that is, the denominator of the signal-to-noise-ratio: According to
    # eq. (8) in Mawet et al. (2014), this is given by the standard deviation of the integrated flux
    # in the noise apertures times a correction factor to account for the small sample statistics.
    # NOTE: `ddof=1` is a necessary argument for np.std() in order to compute the *unbiased*
github afeinstein20 / eleanor / ELLIE_v1.2 / View on Github external
def aperture(r, pos):
    circ = CircularAperture(pos, r)
    rect = RectangularAperture(pos, r, r, 0.0)
    return circ, rect
github vortex-exoplanet / VIP / vip_hci / metrics / View on Github external
depending on whether its center is in or out of the aperture.
    'subpixel': A pixel is divided into subpixels and the center of each
                subpixel is tested (as above).
    'exact': (default) The exact overlap between the aperture and each pixel is

    n_obj = len(yc)
    flux = np.zeros((n_obj))
    for i, (y, x) in enumerate(zip(yc, xc)):
        if mean:
            ind = circle(y, x,  (ap_factor*fwhm)/2)
            values = array[ind]
            obj_flux = np.mean(values)
            aper = photutils.CircularAperture((x, y), (ap_factor*fwhm)/2)
            obj_flux = photutils.aperture_photometry(array, aper,
            obj_flux = np.array(obj_flux['aperture_sum'])
        flux[i] = obj_flux

        if verbose:
            print('Coordinates of object {} : ({},{})'.format(i, y, x))
            print('Object Flux = {:.2f}'.format(flux[i]))

    return flux
github vortex-exoplanet / VIP / vip_hci / metrics / View on Github external
if init_rad is None:
        init_rad = fwhm

    if debug:
        _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
        ax.imshow(array, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest',
                  alpha=0.5, cmap='gray')

    for i in range(n_annuli):
        y = centery + init_rad + separation * i
        rad = dist(centery, centerx, y, centerx)
        yy, xx = find_coords(rad, fwhm, init_angle, fin_angle)
        yy += centery
        xx += centerx

        apertures = photutils.CircularAperture((xx, yy), fwhm/2)
        fluxes = photutils.aperture_photometry(array, apertures)
        fluxes = np.array(fluxes['aperture_sum'])

        noise_ann = np.std(fluxes)

        if debug:
            for j in range(xx.shape[0]):
                # Circle takes coordinates as (X,Y)
                aper = plt.Circle((xx[j], yy[j]), radius=fwhm/2, color='r',
                                  fill=False, alpha=0.8)
                cent = plt.Circle((xx[j], yy[j]), radius=0.8, color='r',
                                  fill=True, alpha=0.5)
github vortex-exoplanet / VIP / vip_hci / metrics / View on Github external
depending on whether its center is in or out of the aperture.
    'subpixel': A pixel is divided into subpixels and the center of each
                subpixel is tested (as above).
    'exact': (default) The exact overlap between the aperture and each pixel is

    n_obj = len(yc)
    flux = np.zeros((n_obj))
    for i, (y, x) in enumerate(zip(yc, xc)):
        if mean:
            ind = circle(y, x,  (ap_factor*fwhm)/2)
            values = array[ind]
            obj_flux = np.mean(values)
            aper = photutils.CircularAperture((x, y), (ap_factor*fwhm)/2)
            obj_flux = photutils.aperture_photometry(array, aper,
            obj_flux = np.array(obj_flux['aperture_sum'])
        flux[i] = obj_flux

        if verbose:
            print('Coordinates of object {} : ({},{})'.format(i, y, x))
            print('Object Flux = {:.2f}'.format(flux[i]))

    return flux
github AstroJacobLi / mrf / mrf / View on Github external
psf_e, _ = psf.generate_aureole(psf_range=2 * psf_size)
        ### Hybrid radius (in pixel)
            hybrid_r = config.starhalo.hybrid_r
            hybrid_r = 12

        ### Inner PSF: from stacking stars
        inner_psf = copy.deepcopy(median_psf)
        inner_psf /= np.sum(inner_psf) # Normalize
        inner_size = inner_psf.shape   
        inner_cen = [int(x / 2) for x in inner_size]
        ##### flux_inn is the flux inside an annulus, we use this to scale inner and outer parts
        flux_inn = compute_Rnorm(inner_psf, None, inner_cen, R=hybrid_r, display=False, mask_cross=False)[1]
        ##### We only remain the stacked PSF inside hybrid radius. 
        aper = CircularAperture(inner_cen, hybrid_r).to_mask()
        mask = aper.to_image(inner_size) == 0
        inner_psf[mask] = np.nan

        ### Make new empty PSF
        outer_cen = (int(psf_size / 2), int(psf_size / 2))
        new_psf = np.zeros((int(psf_size), int(psf_size)))
        new_psf[outer_cen[0] - inner_cen[0]:outer_cen[0] + inner_cen[0] + 1, 
                outer_cen[1] - inner_cen[1]:outer_cen[1] + inner_cen[1] + 1] = inner_psf

        ### Outer PSF: from model
        outer_psf = psf_e.drawImage(nx=psf_size, ny=psf_size, scale=config.lowres.pixel_scale, method="no_pixel").array
        outer_psf /= np.sum(outer_psf) # Normalize
        ##### flux_out is the flux inside an annulus, we use this to scale inner and outer parts
        flux_out = compute_Rnorm(outer_psf, None, outer_cen, 
                                R=hybrid_r, display=False, mask_cross=False)[1]
github Stargrazer82301 / CAAPR / CAAPR_AstroMagic / PTS / pts / magic / tools / View on Github external
# Determine the maximum value in the box and the minium value for plotting
    if vmin is None: vmin = max(np.nanmin(box), 0.)
    if vmax is None: vmax = 0.5 * (np.nanmax(box) + vmin)

    # Set the normalization
    norm = ImageNormalize(stretch=SqrtStretch())

    # Make the plot
    plt.imshow(box, origin='lower', norm=norm, interpolation='nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap="viridis")

    if radius is None: plt.plot(x_peaks, y_peaks, ls='none', color='white', marker='+', ms=40, lw=10, mew=4)

        positions = (x_peaks, y_peaks)
        apertures = CircularAperture(positions, r=radius)
        apertures.plot(color='green', lw=1.5, alpha=0.5)

    plt.xlim(0, box.shape[1]-1)
    plt.ylim(0, box.shape[0]-1)

    if title is not None: plt.title(title)