How to use the petl.util.base.asindices function in petl

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yield tuple(outrow)
            elif leftouter:
                outrow = list(lrow)
                if not anti:
                    outrow.extend([missing] * len(rflds))
                yield tuple(outrow)

        # build interval lookup for right table
        lookup = facetintervallookup(right, key=rkey, start=rstart,
                                     stop=rstop, include_stop=include_stop)
        search = dict()
        for f in lookup:
            search[f] = lookup[f].search
        # getter for facet key values in left table
        getlkey = itemgetter(*asindices(lflds, lkey))
        # main loop
        for lrow in lit:
            lkey = getlkey(lrow)
            start = getlstart(lrow)
            stop = getlstop(lrow)
                rrows = search[lkey](start, stop)
            except KeyError:
                rrows = None
            except AttributeError:
                rrows = None
            if rrows:
                if not anti:
                    for rrow in rrows:
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def recordlookupone(table, key, dictionary=None, strict=False):
    Load a dictionary with data from the given table, mapping to record objects,
    assuming there is at most one row for each key.


    if dictionary is None:
        dictionary = dict()

    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    keyindices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(keyindices) > 0, 'no key selected'
    getkey = operator.itemgetter(*keyindices)
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        if strict and k in dictionary:
            raise DuplicateKeyError(k)
        elif k not in dictionary:
            d = Record(row, flds)
            dictionary[k] = d
    return dictionary
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def itermelt(source, key, variables, variablefield, valuefield):
    if key is None and variables is None:
        raise ValueError('either key or variables must be specified')

    it = iter(source)
    hdr = next(it)

    # determine key and variable field indices
    key_indices = variables_indices = None
    if key is not None:
        key_indices = asindices(hdr, key)
    if variables is not None:
        if not isinstance(variables, (list, tuple)):
            variables = (variables,)
        variables_indices = asindices(hdr, variables)

    if key is None:
        # assume key is fields not in variables
        key_indices = [i for i in range(len(hdr))
                       if i not in variables_indices]
    if variables is None:
        # assume variables are fields not in key
        variables_indices = [i for i in range(len(hdr))
                             if i not in key_indices]
        variables = [hdr[i] for i in variables_indices]

    getkey = rowgetter(*key_indices)
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def iterintervalsubtract(left, right, lstart, lstop, rstart, rstop, lkey, rkey,

    # create iterators and obtain fields
    lit = iter(left)
    lhdr = next(lit)
    lflds = list(map(text_type, lhdr))
    rit = iter(right)
    rhdr = next(rit)

    # check fields via petl.util.asindices (raises FieldSelectionError if spec
    # is not valid)
    asindices(lhdr, lstart)
    asindices(lhdr, lstop)
    if lkey is not None:
        asindices(lhdr, lkey)
    asindices(rhdr, rstart)
    asindices(rhdr, rstop)
    if rkey is not None:
        asindices(rhdr, rkey)

    # determine output fields
    outhdr = list(lflds)
    yield tuple(outhdr)
    # create getters for start and stop positions
    lstartidx, lstopidx = asindices(lhdr, (lstart, lstop))
    getlcoords = itemgetter(lstartidx, lstopidx)
    getrcoords = itemgetter(*asindices(rhdr, (rstart, rstop)))

    if rkey is None:
        # build interval lookup for right table
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def iterhashjoin(left, right, lkey, rkey, rlookup, lprefix, rprefix):
    lit = iter(left)
    rit = iter(right)

    lhdr = next(lit)
    rhdr = next(rit)
    # determine indices of the key fields in left and right tables
    lkind = asindices(lhdr, lkey)
    rkind = asindices(rhdr, rkey)
    # construct functions to extract key values from left table
    lgetk = operator.itemgetter(*lkind)
    # determine indices of non-key fields in the right table
    # (in the output, we only include key fields from the left table - we
    # don't want to duplicate fields)
    rvind = [i for i in range(len(rhdr)) if i not in rkind]
    rgetv = rowgetter(*rvind)
    # determine the output fields
    if lprefix is None:
        outhdr = list(lhdr)
        outhdr = [(str(lprefix) + str(f))
                  for f in lhdr]
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# obtain iterator and header row
    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)

    # prepare key getter
    keyindices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(keyindices) > 0, 'no key selected'
    getkey = operator.itemgetter(*keyindices)

    # prepare value getter
    if value is None:
        # default value is complete row
        getvalue = rowgetter(*range(len(hdr)))
        valueindices = asindices(hdr, value)
        assert len(valueindices) > 0, 'no value selected'
        getvalue = operator.itemgetter(*valueindices)

    return it, getkey, getvalue
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def iterantijoin(left, right, lkey, rkey):
    lit = iter(left)
    rit = iter(right)

    lhdr = next(lit)
    rhdr = next(rit)
    yield tuple(lhdr)

    # determine indices of the key fields in left and right tables
    lkind = asindices(lhdr, lkey)
    rkind = asindices(rhdr, rkey)

    # construct functions to extract key values from both tables
    lgetk = comparable_itemgetter(*lkind)
    rgetk = comparable_itemgetter(*rkind)

    # construct group iterators for both tables
    lgit = itertools.groupby(lit, key=lgetk)
    rgit = itertools.groupby(rit, key=rgetk)
    lrowgrp = []

    # loop until *either* of the iterators is exhausted
    lkval, rkval = Comparable(None), Comparable(None)

        # pick off initial row groups
        lkval, lrowgrp = next(lgit)
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>>> lkp.close()
        >>> lkp ='example.dat', flag='r')
        >>> lkp['a']
        {'foo': 'a', 'bar': 1}
        >>> lkp['b']
        {'foo': 'b', 'bar': 2}


    if dictionary is None:
        dictionary = dict()

    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    keyindices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(keyindices) > 0, 'no key selected'
    getkey = operator.itemgetter(*keyindices)
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        if strict and k in dictionary:
            raise DuplicateKeyError(k)
        elif k not in dictionary:
            d = asdict(flds, row)
            dictionary[k] = d
    return dictionary
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# create iterators and obtain fields
    lit = iter(left)
    lhdr = next(lit)
    lflds = list(map(text_type, lhdr))
    rit = iter(right)
    rhdr = next(rit)
    rflds = list(map(text_type, rhdr))

    # check fields via petl.util.asindices (raises FieldSelectionError if spec
    # is not valid)
    asindices(lhdr, lstart)
    asindices(lhdr, lstop)
    if lkey is not None:
        asindices(lhdr, lkey)
    asindices(rhdr, rstart)
    asindices(rhdr, rstop)
    if rkey is not None:
        asindices(rhdr, rkey)

    # determine output fields
    if lprefix is None:
        outhdr = list(lflds)
        if not anti:
        outhdr = list(lprefix + f for f in lflds)
        if not anti:
            outhdr.extend(rprefix + f for f in rflds)
    yield tuple(outhdr)
    # create getters for start and stop positions
    getlstart = itemgetter(lflds.index(lstart))
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the tree is a row of the table.


    import intervaltree
    it = iter(table)
    hdr = next(it)
    flds = list(map(text_type, hdr))
    assert start in flds, 'start field not recognised'
    assert stop in flds, 'stop field not recognised'
    getstart = itemgetter(flds.index(start))
    getstop = itemgetter(flds.index(stop))
    if value is None:
        getvalue = tuple
        valueindices = asindices(hdr, value)
        assert len(valueindices) > 0, 'invalid value field specification'
        getvalue = itemgetter(*valueindices)
    keyindices = asindices(hdr, key)
    assert len(keyindices) > 0, 'invalid key'
    getkey = itemgetter(*keyindices)

    trees = dict()
    for row in it:
        k = getkey(row)
        if k not in trees:
            trees[k] = intervaltree.IntervalTree()
        trees[k].addi(getstart(row), getstop(row), getvalue(row))
    return trees