How to use the petl.compat.string_types function in petl

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github petl-developers / petl / petl / transform / View on Github external
raise e
                    return errorvalue

    # define a function to transform a row
    if pass_row:
        def transform_row(_row):
            return tuple(transform_value(i, v, _row)
                         for i, v in enumerate(_row))
        def transform_row(_row):
            return tuple(transform_value(i, v)
                         for i, v in enumerate(_row))

    # prepare where function
    if isinstance(where, string_types):
        where = expr(where)
    elif where is not None:
        assert callable(where), 'expected callable for "where" argument, ' \
                                'found %r' % where

    # prepare iterator
    if pass_row or where:
        # wrap rows as records
        it = (Record(row, flds) for row in it)

    # construct the data rows
    if where is None:
        # simple case, transform all rows
        for row in it:
            yield transform_row(row)
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def itermultiaggregate(source, key, aggregation):
    aggregation = OrderedDict(aggregation.items())  # take a copy
    it = iter(source)
    srcflds = next(it)
    # push back header to ensure we iterate only once
    it = itertools.chain([srcflds], it)  

    # normalise aggregators
    for outfld in aggregation:
        agg = aggregation[outfld]
        if callable(agg):
            aggregation[outfld] = None, agg
        elif isinstance(agg, string_types):
            aggregation[outfld] = agg, list  # list is default
        elif len(agg) == 1 and isinstance(agg[0], string_types):
            aggregation[outfld] = agg[0], list  # list is default
        elif len(agg) == 1 and callable(agg[0]):
            aggregation[outfld] = None, agg[0]  # aggregate whole rows
        elif len(agg) == 2:
            pass  # no need to normalise
            raise Exception('invalid aggregation: %r, %r' % (outfld, agg))

    # determine output header
    if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)):
        outflds = list(key)
    elif callable(key):
        outflds = ['key']
        outflds = [key]
    for outfld in aggregation:
github petl-developers / petl / petl / io / View on Github external
            >>> def get_cursor():
            ...     return CursorProxy(connection.cursor())
            >>> import petl as etl
            >>> etl.todb(tbl, get_cursor, ...)

        Note however that this does imply loading the entire table into
        memory as a list prior to inserting into the database.


    needs_closing = False

    # convenience for working with sqlite3
    if isinstance(dbo, string_types):
        import sqlite3
        dbo = sqlite3.connect(dbo)
        needs_closing = True

        if create:
            if drop:
                drop_table(dbo, tablename, schema=schema, commit=commit)
            create_table(table, dbo, tablename, schema=schema, commit=commit,
                         constraints=constraints, metadata=metadata,
                         dialect=dialect, sample=sample)
        _todb(table, dbo, tablename, schema=schema, commit=commit,

        if needs_closing:
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| 'a'   | 2     | 88.2  |

    The complement of the selection can be returned (i.e., the query can be
    inverted) by providing `complement=True` as a keyword argument.


    missing = kwargs.get('missing', None)
    complement = kwargs.get('complement', False)

    if len(args) == 0:
        raise Exception('missing positional argument')
    elif len(args) == 1:
        where = args[0]
        if isinstance(where, string_types):
            where = expr(where)
            assert callable(where), 'second argument must be string or callable'
        return RowSelectView(table, where, missing=missing,
        field = args[0]
        where = args[1]
        assert callable(where), 'third argument must be callable'
        return FieldSelectView(table, field, where, complement=complement,
github petl-developers / petl / petl / transform / View on Github external
def iterskipcomments(source, prefix):
    return (row for row in source
            if (len(row) > 0
                and not(isinstance(row[0], string_types)
                and row[0].startswith(prefix))))
github petl-developers / petl / src / petl / io / View on Github external
def _tosqlite3(table, filename_or_connection, tablename, create=False,
               commit=True, truncate=False):

    if isinstance(filename_or_connection, string_types):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(filename_or_connection)
    elif isinstance(filename_or_connection, sqlite3.Connection):
        conn = filename_or_connection
        raise Exception('filename_or_connection argument must be filename or '
                        'connection; found %r' % filename_or_connection)

    tablename = _quote(tablename)
    it = iter(table)
    fields = next(it)
    fieldnames = map(str, fields)
    colnames = [_quote(n) for n in fieldnames]

    cursor = conn.cursor()

    if create:  # force table creation
github petl-developers / petl / petl / util / View on Github external
>>> errors
        Counter({'int': 2, 'float': 1})

    The `field` argument can be a field name or index (starting from zero).


    if isinstance(parsers, (list, tuple)):
        parsers = dict(parsers)
    counter, errors = Counter(), Counter()
    # need to initialise
    for n in parsers.keys():
        counter[n] = 0
        errors[n] = 0
    for v in values(table, field):
        if isinstance(v, string_types):
            for name, parser in parsers.items():
                    errors[name] += 1
                    counter[name] += 1
    return counter, errors
github petl-developers / petl / petl / io / View on Github external
>>> import petl as etl
        >>> import psycopg2
        >>> connection = psycopg2.connect('dbname=example user=postgres')
        >>> table = etl.fromdb(lambda: connection.cursor(name='arbitrary'),
        ...                    'SELECT * FROM example')

    For more information on server-side cursors see the following links:



    # convenience for working with sqlite3
    if isinstance(dbo, string_types):
        import sqlite3
        dbo = sqlite3.connect(dbo)

    return DbView(dbo, query, *args, **kwargs)
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| 'a' |   2 | 88.2 |

    The complement of the selection can be returned (i.e., the query can be
    inverted) by providing `complement=True` as a keyword argument.


    missing = kwargs.get('missing', None)
    complement = kwargs.get('complement', False)

    if len(args) == 0:
        raise ArgumentError('missing positional argument')
    elif len(args) == 1:
        where = args[0]
        if isinstance(where, string_types):
            where = expr(where)
            assert callable(where), 'second argument must be string or callable'
        return RowSelectView(table, where, missing=missing,
        field = args[0]
        where = args[1]
        assert callable(where), 'third argument must be callable'
        return FieldSelectView(table, field, where, complement=complement,
github petl-developers / petl / petl / io / View on Github external
def _get_tr_css(row, tr_style):
    # check for user-provided style
    if tr_style:
        if isinstance(tr_style, string_types):
            return tr_style
        elif callable(tr_style):
            return tr_style(row)
            raise ArgumentError('expected string or callable, got %r'
                                % tr_style)
    # fall back to default style
    return ''