How to use the patsy.ModelDesc.from_formula function in patsy

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github statease / dexpy / examples / View on Github external
coffee_design = coffee_design.append(pd.DataFrame(center_points * 2, columns=coffee_design.columns))
coffee_design.index = np.arange(0, len(coffee_design))

model = ' + '.join(coffee_design.columns)
factorial_power = dexpy.power.f_power(model, coffee_design, sn, alpha)
factorial_power.pop(0) # remove intercept
factorial_power = ['{0:.2f}%'.format(i*100) for i in factorial_power] # convert to %
factorial_power = pd.DataFrame(factorial_power,

print("\nPower for fractional factorial:")

twofi_model = "(" + '+'.join(coffee_design.columns) + ")**2"
desc = patsy.ModelDesc.from_formula(twofi_model)
factorial_power = dexpy.power.f_power(twofi_model, coffee_design, sn, alpha)
factorial_power.pop(0) # remove intercept
factorial_power = ['{0:.2f}%'.format(i*100) for i in factorial_power] # convert to %
factorial_power = pd.DataFrame(factorial_power,
                               index=desc.describe().strip("~ ").split(" + "))

print("\nPower for fractional factorial (2FI model):")

# results of the experiment
coffee_design['taste_rating'] = [
    4.4, 5.8, 6.8, 4.6, 2.6, 5, 6.2, 3.4,
    5.6, 5, 5.8, 6.6, 6.2, 3.4, 5, 6.4,
    6, 6, 6.8, 6, 6, 6.2, 5, 6.4
github statease / dexpy / dexpy / View on Github external
def bootstrap(factor_names, model, run_count):
    """Create a minimal starting design that is non-singular."""
    md = ModelDesc.from_formula(model)
    model_size = len(md.rhs_termlist)
    if run_count == 0:
        run_count = model_size
    if model_size > run_count:
        raise ValueError("Can't build a design of size {} "
                         "for a model of rank {}. "
                         "Model: '{}'".format(run_count, model_size, model))

    factor_count = len(factor_names)
    x0 = np.zeros(factor_count)
    # add high/low bounds to constraint matrix
    constraint_matrix = np.zeros((factor_count * 2, factor_count))
    bounds = np.zeros(factor_count * 2)
    c = 0
    for f in range(factor_count):
        constraint_matrix[c][f] = -1
github amueller / patsylearn / patsylearn / View on Github external
def _drop_intercept(formula, add_intercept):
    """Drop the intercept from formula if not add_intercept"""
    if not add_intercept:
        if not isinstance(formula, ModelDesc):
            formula = ModelDesc.from_formula(formula)
        if INTERCEPT in formula.rhs_termlist:
        return formula
    return formula
github openeemeter / eemeter / eemeter / View on Github external
def get_terms_in_formula(formula):
    model_desc = ModelDesc.from_formula(formula)
    return sorted(
  "C(", "").replace(")", "")
            for side in [model_desc.lhs_termlist, model_desc.rhs_termlist]
            for term in side
            for factor in term.factors
github rerpy / rerpy / rerpy / View on Github external
def _rerp_design(formula, events, eval_env):
    # Tricky bit: the specifies a RHS-only formula, but really we have an
    # implicit LHS (determined by the event_query). This makes things
    # complicated when it comes to e.g. keeping track of which items survived
    # NA removal, determining the number of rows in an intercept-only formula,
    # etc. Really we want patsy to just treat all this stuff the same way as
    # it normally handles a LHS~RHS formula. So, we convert our RHS formula
    # into a LHS~RHS formula, using a special LHS that represents each event
    # by a placeholder integer!
    desc = ModelDesc.from_formula(formula, eval_env)
    if desc.lhs_termlist:
        raise ValueError("Formula cannot have a left-hand side")
    desc.lhs_termlist = [Term([_RangeFactor(len(events))])]
    fake_lhs, design = dmatrices(desc, _FormulaEnv(events))
    surviving_event_idxes = np.asarray(fake_lhs, dtype=int).ravel()
    design_row_idxes = np.empty(len(events), dtype=int)
    design_row_idxes[surviving_event_idxes] = np.arange(design.shape[0])
    # Now design_row_idxes[i] is -1 if event i was thrown out, and
    # otherwise gives the row in 'design' which refers to event 'i'.
    return design, design_row_idxes