How to use the pathos.connection.Pipe function in pathos

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few pathos examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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    command -- command string to be executed
    host    -- hostname of execution target  [default = None (i.e. run locally)]
    bg      -- run as background process?  [default = True]
  #XXX: options, background, stdin can be set w/ kwds (also name, launcher)
  bg = bool(bg) # overrides 'background'
  if host in [None, '']:
    from pathos.connection import Pipe
    launcher = Pipe(**kwds)
    launcher(command=command, background=bg)
    from import Pipe
    opt = kwds.pop('options', '-q')
    launcher = Pipe(**kwds)
    launcher(options=opt, command=command, host=host, background=bg)
  pathos.logger().info('executing {%s}', launcher.message)
 #response = launcher.response()
 #return response
  return launcher
github uqfoundation / pathos / pathos / secure / View on Github external
>>> # configure and launch the copied file to a new destination
    >>> copier(source='', destination='.')
    >>> copier.launch()
    >>> print(copier.response())
__all__ = ['FileNotFound','Copier']

class FileNotFound(Exception):
    '''Exception for improper source or destination format'''

from pathos.connection import Pipe as _Pipe

# broke backward compatability: 30/05/14 ==> replace base-class almost entirely
class Copier(_Pipe):
    '''a popen-based copier for parallel and distributed computing.'''

    def __init__(self, name=None, **kwds):
        '''create a copier

    name: a unique identifier (string) for the launcher
    source: hostname:path of original  [user@host:path is also valid]
    destination: hostname:path for copy  [user@host:path is also valid]
    launcher: remote service mechanism (i.e. scp, cp)  [default = 'scp']
    options: remote service options (i.e. -v, -P)  [default = '']
    background: run in background  [default = False]
    decode: ensure response is 'ascii'  [default = True]
    stdin: file-like object to serve as standard input for the remote process
        self.launcher = kwds.pop('launcher', 'scp')
github uqfoundation / pathos / pathos / secure / View on Github external
>>> pipe = Pipe('launcher')
    >>> # configure the pipe to perform the command on the selected host
    >>> pipe(command='hostname', host='')
    >>> # execute the launch and retrieve the response
    >>> pipe.launch()
    >>> print(pipe.response())
__all__ = ['Pipe']

from pathos.connection import Pipe as _Pipe

# broke backward compatability: 30/05/14 ==> replace base-class almost entirely
class Pipe(_Pipe):
    '''a popen-based ssh-pipe for parallel and distributed computing.'''

    def __init__(self, name=None, **kwds):
        '''create a ssh pipe

    name: a unique identifier (string) for the pipe
    host: hostname to recieve command [user@host is also valid]
    command: a command to send  [default = 'echo ']
    launcher: remote service mechanism (i.e. ssh, rsh)  [default = 'ssh']
    options: remote service options (i.e. -v, -N, -L)  [default = '']
    background: run in background  [default = False]
    decode: ensure response is 'ascii'  [default = True]
    stdin: file-like object to serve as standard input for the remote process
        self.launcher = kwds.pop('launcher', 'ssh')
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'''execute a command (possibly) on a remote host

Execute a process, and return the launcher. Use 'response' to retrieve the
response from the executed command. Use 'kill' to kill the launcher, and 'pid'
to get the process id for the launcher.

    command -- command string to be executed
    host    -- hostname of execution target  [default = None (i.e. run locally)]
    bg      -- run as background process?  [default = True]
  #XXX: options, background, stdin can be set w/ kwds (also name, launcher)
  bg = bool(bg) # overrides 'background'
  if host in [None, '']:
    from pathos.connection import Pipe
    launcher = Pipe(**kwds)
    launcher(command=command, background=bg)
    from import Pipe
    opt = kwds.pop('options', '-q')
    launcher = Pipe(**kwds)
    launcher(options=opt, command=command, host=host, background=bg)
  pathos.logger().info('executing {%s}', launcher.message)
 #response = launcher.response()
 #return response
  return launcher