How to use the ops.snconv2d function in ops

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github giannisdaras / ylg / ylg / View on Github external
      x: The 4D input vector.
      out_channels: Number of features in the output layer.
      name: The variable scope name for the block.
      downsample: If True, downsample the spatial size the input tensor by
                  a factor of 2 on each side. If False, the spatial size of the
                  input tensor is unchanged.
      act: The activation function used in the block.
      A `Tensor` representing the output of the operation.
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name):
        input_channels = x.shape.as_list()[-1]
        x_0 = x
        x = act(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv1')
        x = act(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv2')
        if downsample:
            x = dsample(x)
        if downsample or input_channels != out_channels:
            x_0 = ops.snconv2d(x_0, out_channels, 1, 1, 1, 1, name='sn_conv3')
            if downsample:
                x_0 = dsample(x_0)
        return x_0 + x
github hubert0527 / COCO-GAN / models / View on Github external
update_collection = self._get_update_collection(is_training)
        with tf.variable_scope("g_resblock_"+str(idx), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
            h = self._cbn(x, y, is_training, scope='g_resblock_cbn_1')
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
            if resize:
                h = upscale(h, 2)
            h = snconv2d(h, n_ch, name='g_resblock_conv_1', update_collection=update_collection)
            h = self._cbn(h, y, is_training, scope='g_resblock_cbn_2')
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
            h = snconv2d(h, n_ch, name='g_resblock_conv_2', update_collection=update_collection)

            if resize:
                sc = upscale(x, 2)
                sc = x
            sc = snconv2d(sc, n_ch, k_h=1, k_w=1, name='g_resblock_conv_sc', update_collection=update_collection)

            return h + sc
github giannisdaras / ylg / ylg / View on Github external
      A `Tensor` representing the output of the operation.
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name):
        labels_onehot = tf.one_hot(labels, num_classes)
        x_0 = x
        x = tf.nn.relu(tfgan.tpu.batch_norm(x, training, labels_onehot,
        x = usample(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, training, 'snconv1')
        x = tf.nn.relu(tfgan.tpu.batch_norm(x, training, labels_onehot,
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, training, 'snconv2')

        x_0 = usample(x_0)
        x_0 = ops.snconv2d(x_0, out_channels, 1, 1, 1, 1, training, 'snconv3')

        return x_0 + x
github giannisdaras / ylg / ylg / View on Github external
            training)  # 64
        act5 = block(
            training)  # 128
        act5 = tf.nn.relu(
        act6 = ops.snconv2d(act5, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, training, 'g_snconv_last')
        out = tf.nn.tanh(act6)
    return out, attn_map
github giannisdaras / ylg / ylg / View on Github external
      x: The 4D input vector.
      out_channels: Number of features in the output layer.
      name: The variable scope name for the block.
      act: The activation function used in the block.
      A `Tensor` representing the output of the operation.
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name):
        x_0 = x
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv1')
        x = act(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv2')
        x = dsample(x)
        x_0 = dsample(x_0)
        x_0 = ops.snconv2d(x_0, out_channels, 1, 1, 1, 1, name='sn_conv3')
        return x + x_0
github hubert0527 / COCO-GAN / models / View on Github external
def _g_residual_block(self, x, y, n_ch, idx, is_training, resize=True):
        update_collection = self._get_update_collection(is_training)
        with tf.variable_scope("g_resblock_"+str(idx), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
            h = self._cbn(x, y, is_training, scope='g_resblock_cbn_1')
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
            if resize:
                h = upscale(h, 2)
            h = snconv2d(h, n_ch, name='g_resblock_conv_1', update_collection=update_collection)
            h = self._cbn(h, y, is_training, scope='g_resblock_cbn_2')
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
            h = snconv2d(h, n_ch, name='g_resblock_conv_2', update_collection=update_collection)

            if resize:
                sc = upscale(x, 2)
                sc = x
            sc = snconv2d(sc, n_ch, k_h=1, k_w=1, name='g_resblock_conv_sc', update_collection=update_collection)

            return h + sc
github giannisdaras / ylg / ylg / View on Github external
"""Builds optimized residual blocks for downsampling.

    Compared with block, optimized_block always downsamples the spatial resolution
    by a factor of 2 on each side.

      x: The 4D input vector.
      out_channels: Number of features in the output layer.
      name: The variable scope name for the block.
      act: The activation function used in the block.
      A `Tensor` representing the output of the operation.
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name):
        x_0 = x
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv1')
        x = act(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv2')
        x = dsample(x)
        x_0 = dsample(x_0)
        x_0 = ops.snconv2d(x_0, out_channels, 1, 1, 1, 1, name='sn_conv3')
        return x + x_0
github giannisdaras / ylg / ylg / View on Github external
input tensor is unchanged.
      act: The activation function used in the block.
      A `Tensor` representing the output of the operation.
    with tf.compat.v1.variable_scope(name):
        input_channels = x.shape.as_list()[-1]
        x_0 = x
        x = act(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv1')
        x = act(x)
        x = ops.snconv2d(x, out_channels, 3, 3, 1, 1, name='sn_conv2')
        if downsample:
            x = dsample(x)
        if downsample or input_channels != out_channels:
            x_0 = ops.snconv2d(x_0, out_channels, 1, 1, 1, 1, name='sn_conv3')
            if downsample:
                x_0 = dsample(x_0)
        return x_0 + x
github hubert0527 / COCO-GAN / models / View on Github external
def _g_residual_block(self, x, y, n_ch, idx, is_training, resize=True):
        update_collection = self._get_update_collection(is_training)
        with tf.variable_scope("g_resblock_"+str(idx), reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
            h = self._cbn(x, y, is_training, scope='g_resblock_cbn_1')
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
            if resize:
                h = upscale(h, 2)
            h = snconv2d(h, n_ch, name='g_resblock_conv_1', update_collection=update_collection)
            h = self._cbn(h, y, is_training, scope='g_resblock_cbn_2')
            h = tf.nn.relu(h)
            h = snconv2d(h, n_ch, name='g_resblock_conv_2', update_collection=update_collection)

            if resize:
                sc = upscale(x, 2)
                sc = x
            sc = snconv2d(sc, n_ch, k_h=1, k_w=1, name='g_resblock_conv_sc', update_collection=update_collection)

            return h + sc