How to use the ops.de_conv function in ops

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github zhangqianhui / vae-gan-tensorflow / View on Github external
def generate(self, z_var, reuse=False):

        with tf.variable_scope('generator') as scope:

            if reuse == True:

            d1 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(fully_connect(z_var , output_size=8*8*256, scope='gen_fully1'), scope='gen_bn1', reuse=reuse))
            d2 = tf.reshape(d1, [self.batch_size, 8, 8, 256])
            d2 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2 , output_shape=[self.batch_size, 16, 16, 256], name='gen_deconv2'), scope='gen_bn2', reuse=reuse))
            d3 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 32, 32, 128], name='gen_deconv3'), scope='gen_bn3', reuse=reuse))
            d4 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d3, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 64, 64, 32], name='gen_deconv4'), scope='gen_bn4', reuse=reuse))
            d5 = de_conv(d4, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 64, 64, 3], name='gen_deconv5', d_h=1, d_w=1)

            return tf.nn.tanh(d5)
github zhangqianhui / Residual_Image_Learning_GAN / View on Github external
def encode_decode_1(self, x, reuse=False):

        with tf.variable_scope("encode_decode_1") as scope:
            if reuse == True:

            conv1 = lrelu(instance_norm(conv2d(x, output_dim=64, k_w=5, k_h=5, d_w=1, d_h=1, name='e_c1'), scope='e_in1'))
            conv2 = lrelu(instance_norm(conv2d(conv1, output_dim=128, name='e_c2'), scope='e_in2'))
            conv3 = lrelu(instance_norm(conv2d(conv2, output_dim=256, name='e_c3'), scope='e_in3'))
            # for x_{1}
            de_conv1 = lrelu(instance_norm(de_conv(conv3, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 64, 64, 128]
                                                  , name='e_d1', k_h=3, k_w=3), scope='e_in4'))
            de_conv2 = lrelu(instance_norm(de_conv(de_conv1, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 128, 128, 64]
                                                  , name='e_d2', k_w=3, k_h=3), scope='e_in5'))
            x_tilde1 = conv2d(de_conv2, output_dim=3, d_h=1, d_w=1, name='e_c4')

            return x_tilde1
github zhangqianhui / vae-gan-tensorflow / View on Github external
def generate(self, z_var, reuse=False):

        with tf.variable_scope('generator') as scope:

            if reuse == True:

            d1 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(fully_connect(z_var , output_size=8*8*256, scope='gen_fully1'), scope='gen_bn1', reuse=reuse))
            d2 = tf.reshape(d1, [self.batch_size, 8, 8, 256])
            d2 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2 , output_shape=[self.batch_size, 16, 16, 256], name='gen_deconv2'), scope='gen_bn2', reuse=reuse))
            d3 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 32, 32, 128], name='gen_deconv3'), scope='gen_bn3', reuse=reuse))
            d4 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d3, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 64, 64, 32], name='gen_deconv4'), scope='gen_bn4', reuse=reuse))
            d5 = de_conv(d4, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 64, 64, 3], name='gen_deconv5', d_h=1, d_w=1)

            return tf.nn.tanh(d5)
github zhangqianhui / Self-Supervised-GANs / View on Github external
if reuse:
            if self.output_size == 32:
                s = 4
            elif self.output_size == 48:
                s = 6

            d1 = fully_connect(z_var, output_size=s*s*256, scope='gen_fully1')
            d1 = tf.reshape(d1, [-1, s, s, 256])

            if resnet == False:

                d1 = tf.nn.relu(d1)
                d2 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d1, output_shape=[batch_size, s*2, s*2, 256], name='gen_deconv2')
                                             , scope='bn1', is_training=is_train))
                d3 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2, output_shape=[batch_size, s*4, s*4, 128], name='gen_deconv3')
                                             , scope='bn2', is_training=is_train))
                d4 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d3, output_shape=[batch_size, s*8, s*8, 64], name='gen_deconv4')
                                             , scope='bn3', is_training=is_train))
                d5 = conv2d(d4,, stride=1, kernel=3, name='gen_conv')


                d2 = Residual_G(d1, output_dims=256, up_sampling=True, residual_name='in1')
                d3 = Residual_G(d2, output_dims=256, up_sampling=True, residual_name='in2')
                d4 = Residual_G(d3, output_dims=256, up_sampling=True, residual_name='in3')
                d4 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(d4, scope='in4'))
                d5 = conv2d(d4,, kernel=3, stride=1, name='gen_conv')

            return tf.tanh(d5)
github zhangqianhui / ICGan-tensorflow / View on Github external
#add the second layer

        d1 = tf.concat([d1, y], 1)

        d2 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(fully_connect(d1 , weights['wc1'], biases['bc1']) , scope='gen_bn2'))

        d2 = tf.reshape(d2 , [self.batch_size , 7 , 7 , 128])
        y = tf.reshape(y, shape=[self.batch_size, 1, 1, self.y_dim])

        d2 = conv_cond_concat(d2, y)

        d3 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2, weights['wc2'], biases['bc2'], out_shape=[self.batch_size, 14 , 14 , 64]) , scope='gen_bn3'))

        d3 = conv_cond_concat(d3, y)

        output = de_conv(d3, weights['wc3'], biases['bc3'], out_shape=[self.batch_size, 28, 28, 1])

        return tf.nn.sigmoid(output)
github zhangqianhui / Conditional-GAN / View on Github external
yb = tf.reshape(y, shape=[self.batch_size, 1, 1, self.y_dim])
            z = tf.concat([z, y], 1)
            c1, c2 = self.output_size / 4, self.output_size / 2

            # 10 stand for the num of labels
            d1 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(fully_connect(z, output_size=1024, scope='gen_fully'), scope='gen_bn1'))

            d1 = tf.concat([d1, y], 1)

            d2 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(fully_connect(d1, output_size=7*7*2*64, scope='gen_fully2'), scope='gen_bn2'))

            d2 = tf.reshape(d2, [self.batch_size, c1, c1, 64 * 2])
            d2 = conv_cond_concat(d2, yb)

            d3 = tf.nn.relu(batch_normal(de_conv(d2, output_shape=[self.batch_size, c2, c2, 128], name='gen_deconv1'), scope='gen_bn3'))

            d3 = conv_cond_concat(d3, yb)

            d4 = de_conv(d3, output_shape=[self.batch_size, self.output_size, self.output_size,], name='gen_deconv2')

            return tf.nn.sigmoid(d4)
github zhangqianhui / Residual_Image_Learning_GAN / View on Github external
def encode_decode_2(self, x, reuse=False):

        with tf.variable_scope("encode_decode_2") as scope:
            if reuse == True:

            conv1 = lrelu(instance_norm(conv2d(x, output_dim=64, k_w=5, k_h=5, d_w=1, d_h=1, name='e_c1'), scope='e_in1',
            conv2 = lrelu(instance_norm(conv2d(conv1, output_dim=128, name='e_c2'), scope='e_in2'))

            conv3 = lrelu(instance_norm(conv2d(conv2, output_dim=256, name='e_c3'), scope='e_in3'))
            # for x_{1}
            de_conv1 = lrelu(instance_norm(de_conv(conv3, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 64, 64, 128]
                                                  , name='e_d1', k_h=3, k_w=3), scope='e_in4',
            de_conv2 = lrelu(instance_norm(de_conv(de_conv1, output_shape=[self.batch_size, 128, 128, 64]
                                                  , name='e_d2', k_w=3, k_h=3), scope='e_in5',
            x_tilde = conv2d(de_conv2, output_dim=3, d_h=1, d_w=1, name='e_c4')

            return x_tilde
github zhangqianhui / GazeCorrection / View on Github external
, scope='e_in_{}'.format(i)))

            bottleneck = tf.reshape(x, shape=[self.batch_size, -1])
            bottleneck = fully_connect(bottleneck, output_size=256, use_sp=use_sp, scope='e_ful1')
            bottleneck = tf.concat([bottleneck, guided_fp_left, guided_fp_right], axis=1)

            de_x = tf.nn.relu(fully_connect(bottleneck, output_size=256*8*8, use_sp=use_sp, scope='d_ful1'))
            de_x = tf.reshape(de_x, shape=[self.batch_size, 8, 8, 256])
            #de_x = tf.tile(de_x, (1, 8, 8, 1), name='tile')

            for i in range(5):
                c_dim = np.maximum(256 / np.power(2, i), 16)
                output_dim = 16 * np.power(2, i)
                print de_x
                de_x = tf.nn.relu(instance_norm(de_conv(de_x, output_shape=[self.batch_size, output_dim, output_dim, c_dim], use_sp=use_sp,
                                                            name='g_deconv_{}'.format(i)), scope='g_in_{}'.format(i)))
            #de_x = tf.concat([de_x, input_x], axis=3)
            x_tilde1 = conv2d(de_x, output_dim=3, k_w=7, k_h=7, d_h=1, d_w=1, use_sp=use_sp, name='g_conv1')

            return tf.nn.tanh(x_tilde1)
github zhangqianhui / Exemplar-GAN-Eye-Inpainting-Tensorflow / View on Github external
conv1 = tf.nn.relu(
                instance_norm(conv2d(x_var, output_dim=64, k_w=7, k_h=7, d_w=1, d_h=1, name='e_c1'), scope='e_in1'))
            conv2 = tf.nn.relu(
                instance_norm(conv2d(conv1, output_dim=128, k_w=4, k_h=4, d_w=2, d_h=2, name='e_c2'), scope='e_in2'))
            conv3 = tf.nn.relu(
                instance_norm(conv2d(conv2, output_dim=256, k_w=4, k_h=4, d_w=2, d_h=2, name='e_c3'), scope='e_in3'))

            r1 = Residual(conv3, residual_name='re_1')
            r2 = Residual(r1, residual_name='re_2')
            r3 = Residual(r2, residual_name='re_3')
            r4 = Residual(r3, residual_name='re_4')
            r5 = Residual(r4, residual_name='re_5')
            r6 = Residual(r5, residual_name='re_6')

            g_deconv1 = tf.nn.relu(instance_norm(de_conv(r6, output_shape=[self.batch_size,
                                                                           self.output_size/2, self.output_size/2, 128], name='gen_deconv1'), scope="gen_in"))
            # for 1
            g_deconv_1_1 = tf.nn.relu(instance_norm(de_conv(g_deconv1,
                        output_shape=[self.batch_size, self.output_size, self.output_size, 32], name='g_deconv_1_1'), scope='gen_in_1_1'))

            g_deconv_1_1_x = tf.concat([g_deconv_1_1, x_var], axis=3)
            x_tilde1 = conv2d(g_deconv_1_1_x,, k_w=7, k_h=7, d_h=1, d_w=1, name='gen_conv_1_2')

            return tf.nn.tanh(x_tilde1)