How to use the omas.load_omas_pkl function in omas

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if verbose:
                        print('dataset_description.imas_version is missing: assuming IMAS version %s' % imas_version)
                    print('%s IMAS version detected' % imas_version)
            except Exception:

    except ImportError:
        if imas_version is None:
            imas_version = os.environ.get('IMAS_VERSION', omas_rcparams['default_imas_version'])
        if not omas_rcparams['allow_fake_imas_fallback']:
        filename = os.sep.join([omas_rcparams['fake_imas_dir'], '%s_%s_%d_%d_v%s.pkl' % (user, machine, pulse, run, imas_versions.get(imas_version, imas_version))])
        printe('Overloaded load_omas_imas: %s' % filename)
        from . import load_omas_pkl
        ods = load_omas_pkl(filename, consistency_check=False)


            # see what paths have data
            # NOTE: this is where the IDS.get operation occurs
            fetch_paths, joined_fetch_paths = infer_fetch_paths(ids, occurrence=occurrence, paths=paths, time=time,
                                                                imas_version=imas_version, verbose=verbose)
            # build omas data structure
            ods = ODS(imas_version=imas_version, consistency_check=False)
            for k, path in enumerate(fetch_paths):
                if path[-1].endswith('_error_upper') or path[-1].endswith('_error_lower') or path[-1].endswith('_error_index'):
                if verbose and (k % int(numpy.ceil(len(fetch_paths) / 10)) == 0 or k == len(fetch_paths) - 1):
                    print('Loading {0:3.1f}%'.format(100 * float(k) / (len(fetch_paths) - 1)))
                # get data from IDS
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if pulse is None or run is None:
        raise Exception('`pulse` and `run` must be specified')

    printd('Loading from ITM (user:%s machine:%s pulse:%d run:%d, itm_version:%s)' % (user, machine, pulse, run, itm_version), topic='itm')

        cpo = itm_open(user=user, machine=machine, pulse=pulse, run=run, new=False, itm_version=itm_version)

    except ImportError:
        if not omas_rcparams['allow_fake_itm_fallback']:
        filename = os.sep.join([omas_rcparams['fake_itm_dir'], '%s_%s_%d_%d_v%s.pkl' % (user, machine, pulse, run, itm_versions.get(itm_version, itm_version))])
        printe('Overloaded load_omas_itm: %s' % filename)
        from . import load_omas_pkl
        ods = load_omas_pkl(filename)


            # if paths is None then figure out what CPO are available and get ready to retrieve everything
            if paths is None:
                paths = [[structure] for structure in list_structures(itm_version=itm_version)]
                joined_paths = None # joined_paths==None means take everything, no need to filter out what is available based on what was requested
                joined_paths = map(l2i, paths)

            # fetch relevant CPOs and find available signals
            fetch_paths = []
            for path in paths:
                ds = path[0]
                path = path[1:]