How to use the omas.ODS function in omas

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few omas examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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:param structures: list with ids names or string with ids name of which to retrieve the info
                       if None, then all structures are returned

    :return: ods

    if not structures:
        structures = sorted(list(dict_structures(imas_version).keys()))
    elif isinstance(structures, str):
        structures = [structures]

    # caching
    if imas_version not in _info_structures:
        from omas import ODS
        _info_structures[imas_version] = ODS(imas_version=imas_version, consistency_check=False)
    ods = _info_structures[imas_version]

    for structure in structures:
        if structure not in ods:
            tmp = load_structure(structure, imas_version)[0]
            lst = sorted(tmp.keys())
            for k, item in enumerate(lst):
                if re.match('.*_error_(index|lower|upper)$', item.split('.')[-1]):
                parent = False
                for item1 in lst[k + 1:]:
                    if l2u(item1.split('.')[:-1]).rstrip('[:]') == item:
                        parent = True
                if parent:
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def summary_taue(ods, update=True):
    Calculates Energy confinement time estimated from the IPB98(y,2) scaling for each time slice and stores them in the summary ods

    :param ods: input ods

    :param update: operate in place

    :return: updated ods
    ods_n = ods
    if not update:
        from omas import ODS
        ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)

    # update ODS with stored energy from equilibrium

    tau_e_scaling = []
    tau_e_MHD = []
    for time_index in ods['equilibrium']['time_slice']:
        equilibrium_ods = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]
        a = (equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_outboard'][-1] - equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_inboard'][-1]) / 2
        r_major = (equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_outboard'][-1] + equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['r_inboard'][-1]) / 2
        bt = ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['b0'][time_index] * ods['equilibrium']['vacuum_toroidal_field']['r0'] / r_major
        ip = equilibrium_ods['global_quantities']['ip']
        aspect = r_major / a
        psi = ods['equilibrium']['time_slice'][time_index]['profiles_1d']['psi']
        rho_tor_norm_equi = equilibrium_ods['profiles_1d']['rho_tor_norm']
        rho_tor_norm_core = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid']['rho_tor_norm']
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:return: ojbect
    from omas import ODS
    object_pairs = list(map(lambda o: (convert_int(o[0]), o[1]), object_pairs))

    dct = cls()
    # for ODSs we can use the setraw() method which does
    # not peform any sort of check, nor tries to parse
    # special OMAS syntaxes and is thus much faster
    if isinstance(dct, ODS):
        for x, y in object_pairs:
            if null_to is not None and y is None:
                y = null_to
            if isinstance(y, list):
                if len(y) and isinstance(y[0], ODS):
                    dct.setraw(x, cls())
                    for k in range(len(y)):
                        dct[x].setraw(k, y[k])
                    if null_to is not None:
                        for k in range(len(y)):
                            if y[k] is None:
                                y[k] = null_to
                    y = numpy.array(y) # to handle objects_encode=None as used in OMAS
                    dct.setraw(x, y)
                dct.setraw(x, y)
        for x, y in object_pairs:
            if null_to is not None and y is None:
                y = null_to
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def core_profiles_densities(ods, update=True):
    Density, density_thermal, and density_fast for electrons and ions are filled and are self-consistent

    :param ods: input ods

    :param update: operate in place

    :return: updated ods

    ods_n = ods
    if not update:
        from omas import ODS
        ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)

    def consistent_density(loc):
        if 'density' in loc:

            # if there is no thermal nor fast, assume it is thermal
            if 'density_thermal' not in loc and 'density_fast' not in loc:
                loc['density_thermal'] = loc['density']

            # if there is no thermal calculate it
            elif 'density_thermal' not in loc and 'density_fast' in loc:
                loc['density_thermal'] = loc['density'] - loc['density_fast']

            # if there is no fast calculate it
            elif 'density_thermal' in loc and 'density_fast' not in loc:
                loc['density_fast'] = loc['density'] - loc['density_thermal']
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def summary_total_powers(ods, update=True):
    Integrate power densities to the total and heating and current drive systems and fills summary.globalquantities
    :param ods: input ods

    :param update: operate in place

    :return: updated ods
    ods_n = ods
    if not update:
        from omas import ODS
        ods_n = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)

    import copy
    sources = ods_n['core_sources']['source']
    index_dict = {2: 'nbi', 3: 'ec', 4: 'lh', 5: 'ic'}
    power_dict = {'total': [], 'nbi': [], 'ec': [], 'lh': [], 'ic': []}
    q_init = numpy.zeros(len(sources[0]['profiles_1d'][0]['grid']['rho_tor_norm']))
    q_dict = {'total': copy.deepcopy(q_init), 'nbi': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
              'ec': copy.deepcopy(q_init), 'lh': copy.deepcopy(q_init),
              'ic': copy.deepcopy(q_init)}

    ignore_indices = list(range(100, 108)) + list(range(900,910))

    for time_index in sources[0]['profiles_1d']:
        vol = sources[0]['profiles_1d'][time_index]['grid']['volume']
        for source in sources:
            if sources[source]['identifier.index'] in ignore_indices:
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NOTE: the fast particles ion pressures are read, not set by this function:

        `core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.ion.:.pressure_fast_parallel`      #Pressure (thermal) associated with random motion ~average((v-average(v))^2)
        `core_profiles.profiles_1d.:.ion.:.pressure_fast_perpendicular` #Pressure (thermal+non-thermal)

    :param ods: input ods

    :param update: operate in place

    :return: updated ods
    ods_p = ods
    if not update:
        from omas import ODS
        ods_p = ODS().copy_attrs_from(ods)

    for time_index in ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d']:
        prof1d = ods['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]
        prof1d_p = ods_p['core_profiles']['profiles_1d'][time_index]

        if not update:
            prof1d_p['grid']['rho_tor_norm'] = prof1d['grid']['rho_tor_norm']

        __zeros__ = 0. * prof1d['grid']['rho_tor_norm']

        prof1d_p['pressure_thermal'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
        prof1d_p['pressure_ion_total'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
        prof1d_p['pressure_perpendicular'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)
        prof1d_p['pressure_parallel'] = copy.deepcopy(__zeros__)

        # electrons
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:param ignore_type: ignore object type differences

    :param ignore_empty: ignore emptry nodes

    :return: string with reason for difference, or False otherwise
    from omas import ODS, CodeParameters

    ods1 = ods1.flat(return_empty_leaves=True, traverse_code_parameters=True)
    ods2 = ods2.flat(return_empty_leaves=True, traverse_code_parameters=True)

    k1 = set(ods1.keys())
    k2 = set(ods2.keys())
    differences = []
    for k in k1.difference(k2):
        if not k.startswith('info.') and not (ignore_empty and isinstance(ods1[k], ODS) and not len(ods1[k])):
            differences.append('DIFF: key `%s` missing in 2nd ods' % (prepend_path_string + k))
    for k in k2.difference(k1):
        if not k.startswith('info.') and not (ignore_empty and isinstance(ods2[k], ODS) and not len(ods2[k])):
            differences.append('DIFF: key `%s` missing in 1st ods' % (prepend_path_string + k))
    for k in k1.intersection(k2):
            if ods1[k] is None and ods2[k] is None:
            elif isinstance(ods1[k], str) and isinstance(ods2[k], str):
                if ods1[k] != ods2[k]:
                    differences.append('DIFF: `%s` differ in value' % (prepend_path_string + k))
            elif not ignore_type and type(ods1[k]) != type(ods2[k]):
                differences.append('DIFF: `%s` differ in type (%s,%s)' % ((prepend_path_string + k), type(ods1[k]), type(ods2[k])))
            elif numpy.atleast_1d(is_uncertain(ods1[k])).any() or numpy.atleast_1d(is_uncertain(ods2[k])).any():
                if not numpy.allclose(nominal_values(ods1[k]), nominal_values(ods2[k]), equal_nan=True) or not numpy.allclose(std_devs(ods1[k]), std_devs(ods2[k]), equal_nan=True):
                    differences.append('DIFF: `%s` differ in value' % (prepend_path_string + k))
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ods['gyrokinetics'].load(sample_filename, consistency_check='warn_drop')

# show content

# save a copy
except NameError:
    import inspect
    __file__  = inspect.getfile(lambda: None)
filename = omas_testdir(__file__) + '/gkdb_linear_initialvalue.json'

# load the newly saved copy
ods1 = ODS()

# look for differences between original GKDB json and OMAS json
differences = ods.diff(ods1, ignore_type=True)
if not differences:
    print('\nPrint no differences found: save/load of GKDB json file worked\n')
    raise RuntimeError('Save/Load of GKDB on json file failed')

# raise error if trying to run GKDB under Python2x
    import gkdb.core.model
except ImportError as _excp:
    print('Could not import gkdb library: %s' % repr(_excp))