How to use the oletools.thirdparty.tablestream.tablestream function in oletools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few oletools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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        print('\nAn exit code is returned based on the analysis result:')
        for result in (Result_NoMacro, Result_NotMSOffice, Result_MacroOK, Result_Error, Result_Suspicious):
            print(' - %d: %s' % (result.exit_code,

    # print banner with version
    print('MacroRaptor %s -' % __version__)
    print('This is work in progress, please report issues at %s' % URL_ISSUES)

    logging.basicConfig(level=LOG_LEVELS[options.loglevel], format='%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
    # enable logging in the modules:

    t = tablestream.TableStream(style=tablestream.TableStyleSlim,
            header_row=['Result', 'Flags', 'Type', 'File'],
            column_width=[10, 5, 4, 56])

    exitcode = -1
    global_result = None
    # TODO: handle errors in xglob, to continue processing the next files
    for container, filename, data in xglob.iter_files(args, recursive=options.recursive,
                                                      zip_password=options.zip_password, zip_fname=options.zip_fname):
        # ignore directory names stored in zip files:
        if container and filename.endswith('/'):
        full_name = '%s in %s' % (filename, container) if container else filename
        # try:
        #     # Open the file
        #     if data is None:
        #         data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
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t.write_row(['Major Version', '%04X' % ole.dll_version, 'Should be 3 or 4'])
    t.write_row(['Byte Order', '%04X' % ole.byte_order, 'Should be FFFE (little endian)'])
    t.write_row(['Sector Shift', '%04X' % ole.sector_shift, 'Should be 0009 or 000C'])
    t.write_row(['# of Dir Sectors', ole.num_dir_sectors, 'Should be 0 if major version is 3'])
    t.write_row(['# of FAT Sectors', ole.num_fat_sectors, ''])
    t.write_row(['First Dir Sector', '%08X' % ole.first_dir_sector, '(hex)'])
    t.write_row(['Transaction Sig Number', ole.transaction_signature_number, 'Should be 0'])
    t.write_row(['MiniStream cutoff', ole.mini_stream_cutoff_size, 'Should be 4096 bytes'])
    t.write_row(['First MiniFAT Sector', '%08X' % ole.first_mini_fat_sector, '(hex)'])
    t.write_row(['# of MiniFAT Sectors', ole.num_mini_fat_sectors, ''])
    t.write_row(['First DIFAT Sector', '%08X' % ole.first_difat_sector, '(hex)'])
    t.write_row(['# of DIFAT Sectors', ole.num_difat_sectors, ''])
    t = tablestream.TableStream([24, 16, 79-(4+24+16)], header_row=['Attribute', 'Value', 'Description'])
    t.write_row(['Sector Size (bytes)', ole.sector_size, 'Should be 512 or 4096 bytes'])
    t.write_row(['Actual File Size (bytes)', ole._filesize, 'Real file size on disk'])
    num_sectors_per_fat_sector = ole.sector_size/4
    num_sectors_in_fat = num_sectors_per_fat_sector * ole.num_fat_sectors
    # Need to add one sector for the header:
    max_filesize_fat = (num_sectors_in_fat + 1) * ole.sector_size
    t.write_row(['Max File Size in FAT', max_filesize_fat, 'Max file size covered by FAT'])
    if ole._filesize > max_filesize_fat:
        extra_size_beyond_fat = ole._filesize - max_filesize_fat
        color = 'red'
        extra_size_beyond_fat = 0
        color = None
    t.write_row(['Extra data beyond FAT', extra_size_beyond_fat, 'Only if file is larger than FAT coverage'],
                colors=[color, color, color])
    # Find the last used sector:
github decalage2 / oletools / oletools / View on Github external'creating output directory %s' % output_dir)

        fname_prefix = os.path.join(output_dir,
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        sane_fname = sanitize_filename(filename)
        fname_prefix = os.path.join(base_dir, sane_fname)

    # TODO: option to extract objects to files (false by default)
    if data is None:
        data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
    print('File: %r - size: %d bytes' % (filename, len(data)))
    tstream = tablestream.TableStream(
        column_width=(3, 10, 63),
        header_row=('id', 'index', 'OLE Object'),
    rtfp = RtfObjParser(data)
    for rtfobj in rtfp.objects:
        ole_color = None
        if rtfobj.is_ole:
            ole_column = 'format_id: %d ' % rtfobj.format_id
            if rtfobj.format_id == oleobj.OleObject.TYPE_EMBEDDED:
                ole_column += '(Embedded)\n'
            elif rtfobj.format_id == oleobj.OleObject.TYPE_LINKED:
                ole_column += '(Linked)\n'
                ole_column += '(Unknown)\n'
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value = getattr(meta, prop)
        if value is not None:
            # TODO: pretty printing for strings, dates, numbers
            # TODO: better unicode handling
            # print('- %s: %s' % (prop, value))
            # if isinstance(value, unicode):
            #     # encode to UTF8, avoiding errors
            #     value = value.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            # else:
            #     value = str(value)
            t.write_row([prop, value], colors=[None, 'yellow'])

    print('Properties from the DocumentSummaryInformation stream:')
    t = tablestream.TableStream([21, 30], header_row=['Property', 'Value'], outfile=console_utf8)
    for prop in meta.DOCSUM_ATTRIBS:
        value = getattr(meta, prop)
        if value is not None:
            # TODO: pretty printing for strings, dates, numbers
            # TODO: better unicode handling
            # print('- %s: %s' % (prop, value))
            # if isinstance(value, unicode):
            #     # encode to UTF8, avoiding errors
            #     value = value.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            # else:
            #     value = str(value)
            t.write_row([prop, value], colors=[None, 'yellow'])
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left  = sid_display(d.sid_left)
            right = sid_display(d.sid_right)
            child = sid_display(d.sid_child)
            entry_type = STORAGE_NAMES.get(d.entry_type, 'Unknown')
            etype_color = STORAGE_COLORS.get(d.entry_type, 'red')
            status_color = STATUS_COLORS.get(status, 'red')

            # print('      type=%7s sid_left=%s sid_right=%s sid_child=%s'
            #       %(entry_type, left, right, child))
            # t.add_row((id, status, entry_type, name, left, right, child, hex(d.isectStart), d.size))
            table.write_row((id, status, entry_type, name, left, right, child, '%X' % d.isectStart, d.size),
                colors=(None, status_color, etype_color, None, None, None, None, None, None))

        table = tablestream.TableStream(column_width=[4, 28, 6, 38],
            header_row=('id', 'Name', 'Size', 'CLSID'),
        rootname = ole.get_rootentry_name()
        entry_id = 0
        clsid = ole.root.clsid
        clsid_text, clsid_color = clsid_display(clsid)
        table.write_row((entry_id, rootname, '-', clsid_text),
                        colors=(None, 'cyan', None, clsid_color))
        for entry in sorted(ole.listdir(storages=True)):
            name = entry[-1]
            # handle non-printable chars using repr(), remove quotes:
            name = repr(name)[1:-1]
            name_color = None
            if ole.get_type(entry) in (olefile.STGTY_STORAGE, olefile.STGTY_ROOT):
                name_color = 'cyan'
            indented_name = '  '*(len(entry)-1) + name
            entry_id = ole._find(entry)
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fname_prefix = os.path.join(output_dir,
        base_dir = os.path.dirname(filename)
        sane_fname = sanitize_filename(filename)
        fname_prefix = os.path.join(base_dir, sane_fname)

    # TODO: option to extract objects to files (false by default)
    if data is None:
        data = open(filename, 'rb').read()
    print('File: %r - size: %d bytes' % (filename, len(data)))
    tstream = tablestream.TableStream(
        column_width=(3, 10, 63),
        header_row=('id', 'index', 'OLE Object'),
    rtfp = RtfObjParser(data)
    for rtfobj in rtfp.objects:
        ole_color = None
        if rtfobj.is_ole:
            ole_column = 'format_id: %d ' % rtfobj.format_id
            if rtfobj.format_id == oleobj.OleObject.TYPE_EMBEDDED:
                ole_column += '(Embedded)\n'
            elif rtfobj.format_id == oleobj.OleObject.TYPE_LINKED:
                ole_column += '(Linked)\n'
                ole_column += '(Unknown)\n'
            ole_column += 'class name: %r\n' % rtfobj.class_name
            # if the object is linked and not embedded, data_size=None:
            if rtfobj.oledata_size is None:
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def process_ole(ole):
    # parse and display metadata:
    meta = ole.get_metadata()

    # console output with UTF8 encoding:
    # It looks like we do not need the UTF8 codec anymore, both for Python 2 and 3
    console_utf8 = sys.stdout #codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)

    # TODO: move similar code to a function

    print('Properties from the SummaryInformation stream:')
    t = tablestream.TableStream([21, 30], header_row=['Property', 'Value'], outfile=console_utf8)
    for prop in meta.SUMMARY_ATTRIBS:
        value = getattr(meta, prop)
        if value is not None:
            # TODO: pretty printing for strings, dates, numbers
            # TODO: better unicode handling
            # print('- %s: %s' % (prop, value))
            # if isinstance(value, unicode):
            #     # encode to UTF8, avoiding errors
            #     value = value.encode('utf-8', errors='replace')
            # else:
            #     value = str(value)
            t.write_row([prop, value], colors=[None, 'yellow'])

    print('Properties from the DocumentSummaryInformation stream:')
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def show_header(ole, extra_data=False):
    print("OLE HEADER:")
    t = tablestream.TableStream([24, 16, 79-(4+24+16)], header_row=['Attribute', 'Value', 'Description'])
    t.write_row(['OLE Signature (hex)', binascii.b2a_hex(ole.header_signature).upper(), 'Should be D0CF11E0A1B11AE1'])
    t.write_row(['Header CLSID', ole.header_clsid, 'Should be empty (0)'])
    t.write_row(['Minor Version', '%04X' % ole.minor_version, 'Should be 003E'])
    t.write_row(['Major Version', '%04X' % ole.dll_version, 'Should be 3 or 4'])
    t.write_row(['Byte Order', '%04X' % ole.byte_order, 'Should be FFFE (little endian)'])
    t.write_row(['Sector Shift', '%04X' % ole.sector_shift, 'Should be 0009 or 000C'])
    t.write_row(['# of Dir Sectors', ole.num_dir_sectors, 'Should be 0 if major version is 3'])
    t.write_row(['# of FAT Sectors', ole.num_fat_sectors, ''])
    t.write_row(['First Dir Sector', '%08X' % ole.first_dir_sector, '(hex)'])
    t.write_row(['Transaction Sig Number', ole.transaction_signature_number, 'Should be 0'])
    t.write_row(['MiniStream cutoff', ole.mini_stream_cutoff_size, 'Should be 4096 bytes'])
    t.write_row(['First MiniFAT Sector', '%08X' % ole.first_mini_fat_sector, '(hex)'])
    t.write_row(['# of MiniFAT Sectors', ole.num_mini_fat_sectors, ''])
    t.write_row(['First DIFAT Sector', '%08X' % ole.first_difat_sector, '(hex)'])
    t.write_row(['# of DIFAT Sectors', ole.num_difat_sectors, ''])