How to use the oletools.olevba function in oletools

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few oletools examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cuckoosandbox / cuckoo / cuckoo / processing / View on Github external
def get_macros(self):
        """Get embedded Macros if this is an Office document."""
            p = oletools.olevba.VBA_Parser(self.filepath)
        except (TypeError, oletools.olevba.FileOpenError, zlib.error):

        # We're not interested in plaintext.
        if p.type == "Text":

            for f, s, v, c in p.extract_macros():
                yield {
                    "stream": s,
                    "filename": v.decode("latin-1"),
                    "orig_code": c.decode("latin-1"),
                    "deobf": self.deobfuscate(c.decode("latin-1")),
        except ValueError as e:
github sbidy / MacroMilter / macromilter / View on Github external
# extract all file in zip and add
									zipvba = self.getZipFiles(attachment, filename)
									vba_code_all_modules += zipvba + '\n'
								except TooManyZipException:
									log.warning("[%d] Attachment %s is reached the max. nested zip count! ZipBomb?: REJECT" % (, filename))
									# rewrite the reject message 
									self.setreply('550', '5.7.2', "The message contains a suspicious archive and was rejected!")
									return Milter.REJECT

						# check the rest of the message
							vba_parser = olevba.VBA_Parser(filename='message', data=attachment)
							for (subfilename, stream_path, vba_filename, vba_code) in vba_parser.extract_all_macros():
								vba_code_all_modules += vba_code + '\n'
						except olevba.FileOpenError:
							log.error('[%d] Error while processing the message. Possible encrypted zip detected.' %
						# check the macro code whitelist
						if vba_code_all_modules is not None:
							if self.macro_is_in_whitelist(vba_code_all_modules):
								# macro code is in whitelist
								self.addheader('X-MacroMilter-Status', 'Whitelisted')
								return Milter.ACCEPT

						# run the mraptor
						m = mraptor.MacroRaptor(vba_code_all_modules)
						# suspicious 
						if m.autoexec and (m.execute or m.write):
							# Add sha256 to the database
github decalage2 / ViperMonkey / vipermonkey / View on Github external
def print_version():
    Print version information.

    safe_print("Version Information:\n")
    safe_print("Python:\t\t\t" + str(sys.version_info))
    import pyparsing
    safe_print("pyparsing:\t\t" + str(pyparsing.__version__))
    import olefile
    safe_print("olefile:\t\t" + str(olefile.__version__))
    import oletools.olevba
    safe_print("olevba:\t\t\t" + str(oletools.olevba.__version__))
github decalage2 / ViperMonkey / vipermonkey / View on Github external
a zip archive, None otherwise.
    :param filename: str, path and filename of file on disk, or within the container.
    :param data: bytes, content of the file if it is in a container, None if it is a file on disk.
    #TODO: replace print by writing to a provided output file (sys.stdout by default)
    if container:
        display_filename = '%s in %s' % (filename, container)
        display_filename = filename
    safe_print('FILE: ' + str(display_filename))
    all_code = ''
        #TODO: handle olefile errors, when an OLE file is malformed
        import oletools
        if (log.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.DEBUG):
            log.debug('opening {}'.format(filename))
        vba = VBA_Parser(filename, data, relaxed=True)
        if vba.detect_vba_macros():

            # Read in document metadata.
            ole = olefile.OleFileIO(filename)
            except Exception as e:
                log.warning("Reading in metadata failed. Trying fallback. " + str(e))
            #print 'Contains VBA Macros:'
            for (subfilename, stream_path, vba_filename, vba_code) in vba.extract_macros():
                # hide attribute lines:
github sbidy / MacroMilter / macromilter / View on Github external
		log.debug("[%d] Found attachment with archive extension - file name: %s" % (, filename))
		vba_code_all_modules = ''
		file_object = io.BytesIO(attachment)
		files_in_zip = self.zipwalk(file_object,0,[])
		for zip_name, zip_data in files_in_zip:
			# checks if it is a file
			zip_mem_data = io.BytesIO(zip_data)
			name, ext = os.path.splitext(zip_name.filename)
			# send to the VBA_Parser
			# fallback with extensions - maybe removed in future releases
			if olefile.isOleFile(zip_mem_data) or ext in EXTENSIONS:"[%d] File in zip detected! Name: %s - check for VBA" % (, zip_name.filename))
				vba_parser = olevba.VBA_Parser(filename=zip_name.filename, data=zip_data)
				for (subfilename, stream_path, vba_filename, vba_code) in vba_parser.extract_all_macros():
					vba_code_all_modules += vba_code + '\n'
		return vba_code_all_modules
github decalage2 / oletools / oletools / View on Github external
content_type = part.get_content_type()
                log.debug('[%d] Content-type: %r' % (, content_type))
                # TODO: handle any content-type, but check the file magic?
                if not content_type.startswith('multipart'):
                    filename = part.get_filename(None)
                    log.debug('[%d] Analyzing attachment %r' % (, filename))
                    attachment = part.get_payload(decode=True)
                    attachment_lowercase = attachment.lower()
                    # check if this is a supported file type (if not, just skip it)
                    # TODO: this function should be provided by olevba
                    if attachment.startswith(olevba.olefile.MAGIC) \
                        or is_zipfile(StringIO.StringIO(attachment)) \
                        or '' in attachment \
                        or ('mime' in attachment_lowercase and 'version' in attachment_lowercase
                            and 'multipart' in attachment_lowercase):
                        vba_parser = olevba.VBA_Parser(filename='message', data=attachment)
                        vba_code_all_modules = ''
                        for (subfilename, stream_path, vba_filename, vba_code) in vba_parser.extract_all_macros():
                            vba_code_all_modules += vba_code + '\n'
                        m = mraptor.MacroRaptor(vba_code_all_modules)
                        if m.suspicious:
                            log.warning('[%d] The attachment %r contains a suspicious macro: replace it with a text file'
                                            % (, filename))
                            part.set_payload('This attachment has been removed because it contains a suspicious macro.')
                            # TODO: handle case when CTE is absent
                            part.replace_header('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '7bit')
                            # for name, value in part.items():
                            #     log.debug(' - %s: %r' % (name, value))
                            # TODO: archive filtered e-mail to a file
github certsocietegenerale / fame_modules / processing / office_macros / View on Github external
def each(self, target):
        self.results = {
            'macros': u'',
            'analysis': {
                'AutoExec': [],
                'Suspicious': [],
                'IOC': [],
                'Hex String': [],
                'Base64 String': [],
                'Dridex string': [],
                'VBA string': [],
                'Form String': []

        vba = olevba.VBA_Parser(target)

        # code is inspired by 'reveal' method in olevba
        analysis = vba.analyze_macros(show_decoded_strings=True)

        # extract all macros code
        for (_, _, _, vba_code) in vba.extract_all_macros():
            self.results['macros'] += vba_code.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') + '\n'

        # extract all form strings
        for (_, _, form_string) in vba.extract_form_strings():
            self.results['analysis']['Form String'].append(form_string.decode('utf-8', errors='replace'))

        # extract all analysis
        if analysis:
            analysis = sorted(analysis, key=lambda type_decoded_encoded: len(type_decoded_encoded[2]), reverse=True)
            for kw_type, keyword, description in analysis:
github sbidy / MacroMilter / macromilter / View on Github external
extn = (os.path.splitext(filename)[1]).lower()
							# skip non archives
							if is_zipfile(attachment_fileobj) and not (".docx" in extn or ".xlsx" in extn  or ".pptx" in extn):
								# extract all file in zip and add
									zipvba = self.getZipFiles(attachment, filename)
									vba_code_all_modules += zipvba + '\n'
								except TooManyZipException:
									log.warning("[%d] Attachment %s is reached the max. nested zip count! ZipBomb?: REJECT" % (, filename))
									# rewrite the reject message 
									self.setreply('550', '5.7.2', "The message contains a suspicious archive and was rejected!")
									return Milter.REJECT

						# check the rest of the message
							vba_parser = olevba.VBA_Parser(filename='message', data=attachment)
							for (subfilename, stream_path, vba_filename, vba_code) in vba_parser.extract_all_macros():
								vba_code_all_modules += vba_code + '\n'
						except olevba.FileOpenError:
							log.error('[%d] Error while processing the message. Possible encrypted zip detected.' %
						# check the macro code whitelist
						if vba_code_all_modules is not None:
							if self.macro_is_in_whitelist(vba_code_all_modules):
								# macro code is in whitelist
								self.addheader('X-MacroMilter-Status', 'Whitelisted')
								return Milter.ACCEPT

						# run the mraptor
						m = mraptor.MacroRaptor(vba_code_all_modules)