How to use the nnabla.functions.average_pooling function in nnabla

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nnabla examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github sony / nnabla / examples / vision / cifar100 / View on Github external
w_init = UniformInitializer(
                    calc_uniform_lim_glorot(3, nmaps, kernel=(3, 3)),
                h = PF.convolution(image, nmaps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
                                   w_init=w_init, with_bias=False)
                h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
                h = F.relu(h)

            h = res_unit(h, "conv2", rng, False)    # -> 32x32
            h = res_unit(h, "conv3", rng, True)     # -> 16x16
            h = res_unit(h, "conv4", rng, False)    # -> 16x16
            h = res_unit(h, "conv5", rng, True)     # -> 8x8
            h = res_unit(h, "conv6", rng, False)    # -> 8x8
            h = res_unit(h, "conv7", rng, True)     # -> 4x4
            h = res_unit(h, "conv8", rng, False)    # -> 4x4
            h = F.average_pooling(h, kernel=(4, 4))  # -> 1x1

            w_init = UniformInitializer(
                calc_uniform_lim_glorot(int([1:])), ncls, kernel=(1, 1)), rng=rng)
            pred = PF.affine(h, ncls, w_init=w_init)

    return pred
github sony / nnabla-examples / reduction / cifar10 / structured-sparsity / View on Github external
            image.need_grad = False
        h = masked_convolution(image, maps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
        h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
        h = F.relu(h)

    h = res_unit(h, "conv2", False)    # -> 32x32
    h = res_unit(h, "conv3", True)     # -> 16x16
    h = res_unit(h, "conv4", False)    # -> 16x16
    h = res_unit(h, "conv5", True)     # -> 8x8
    h = res_unit(h, "conv6", False)    # -> 8x8
    h = res_unit(h, "conv7", True)     # -> 4x4
    h = res_unit(h, "conv8", False)    # -> 4x4
    h = F.average_pooling(h, kernel=(4, 4))  # -> 1x1
    pred = PF.affine(h, ncls)

    return pred
github sony / nnabla / examples / cpp / forward_check / mnist / View on Github external
return F.elu(x + h)
    # Conv1 --> 64 x 32 x 32
    with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
        c1 = F.elu(
            bn(PF.binary_weight_convolution(image, 64, (3, 3), pad=(3, 3), with_bias=False)))
    # Conv2 --> 64 x 16 x 16
    c2 = F.max_pooling(res_unit(c1, "conv2"), (2, 2))
    # Conv3 --> 64 x 8 x 8
    c3 = F.max_pooling(res_unit(c2, "conv3"), (2, 2))
    # Conv4 --> 64 x 8 x 8
    c4 = res_unit(c3, "conv4")
    # Conv5 --> 64 x 4 x 4
    c5 = F.max_pooling(res_unit(c4, "conv5"), (2, 2))
    # Conv5 --> 64 x 4 x 4
    c6 = res_unit(c5, "conv6")
    pl = F.average_pooling(c6, (4, 4))
    with nn.parameter_scope("classifier"):
        y = PF.binary_weight_affine(pl, 10)
    return y
github sony / nnabla-examples / mnist-collection / View on Github external
return F.elu(x + h)
    # Conv1 --> 64 x 32 x 32
    with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
        c1 = F.elu(
            bn(PF.binary_connect_convolution(image, 64, (3, 3), pad=(3, 3), with_bias=False)))
    # Conv2 --> 64 x 16 x 16
    c2 = F.max_pooling(res_unit(c1, "conv2"), (2, 2))
    # Conv3 --> 64 x 8 x 8
    c3 = F.max_pooling(res_unit(c2, "conv3"), (2, 2))
    # Conv4 --> 64 x 8 x 8
    c4 = res_unit(c3, "conv4")
    # Conv5 --> 64 x 4 x 4
    c5 = F.max_pooling(res_unit(c4, "conv5"), (2, 2))
    # Conv5 --> 64 x 4 x 4
    c6 = res_unit(c5, "conv6")
    pl = F.average_pooling(c6, (4, 4))
    with nn.parameter_scope("classifier"):
        y = bn(PF.binary_connect_affine(pl, 10))
    return y
github sony / nnabla-examples / reduction / cifar10 / shiftnet / View on Github external
                image.need_grad = False
            h = PF.convolution(image, maps, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
            h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
            h = F.relu(h)

        h = res_unit(h, "conv2", False)    # -> 32x32
        h = res_unit(h, "conv3", True)     # -> 16x16
        h = res_unit(h, "conv4", False)    # -> 16x16
        h = res_unit(h, "conv5", True)     # -> 8x8
        h = res_unit(h, "conv6", False)    # -> 8x8
        h = res_unit(h, "conv7", True)     # -> 4x4
        h = res_unit(h, "conv8", False)    # -> 4x4
        h = F.average_pooling(h, kernel=(4, 4))  # -> 1x1
        pred = PF.affine(h, ncls)

    return pred
github sony / nnabla-examples / GANs / munit / View on Github external
def style_encoder(x, maps=64, name="style-encoder"):
    h = x
    with nn.parameter_scope("generator"):
        with nn.parameter_scope(name):
            h = convblock(h, maps * 1, 7, 3, 1, norm="", name="convblock-1")
            h = convblock(h, maps * 2, 4, 1, 2, norm="", name="convblock-2")
            h = convblock(h, maps * 4, 4, 1, 2, norm="", name="convblock-3")
            h = convblock(h, maps * 4, 4, 1, 2, norm="", name="convblock-4")
            h = convblock(h, maps * 4, 4, 1, 2, norm="", name="convblock-5")
            h = F.average_pooling(h, h.shape[2:])
            h = convolution(h, maps * 4, 1, 0, 1)
    return h
github sony / nnabla / examples / cpp / forward_check / mnist / View on Github external
def mnist_binary_net_lenet_prediction(image, test=False):
    Construct LeNet for MNIST (BinaryNet version).
    with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
        c1 = PF.binary_connect_convolution(image, 16, (5, 5))
        c1 = PF.batch_normalization(c1, batch_stat=not test)
        c1 = F.binary_tanh(F.average_pooling(c1, (2, 2)))
    with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
        c2 = PF.binary_connect_convolution(c1, 16, (5, 5))
        c2 = PF.batch_normalization(c2, batch_stat=not test)
        c2 = F.binary_tanh(F.average_pooling(c2, (2, 2)))
    with nn.parameter_scope("fc3"):
        c3 = PF.binary_connect_affine(c2, 50)
        c3 = PF.batch_normalization(c3, batch_stat=not test)
        c3 = F.binary_tanh(c3)
    with nn.parameter_scope("fc4"):
        c4 = PF.binary_connect_affine(c3, 10)
        c4 = PF.batch_normalization(c4, batch_stat=not test)
    return c4
github sony / nnabla-examples / mnist-collection / View on Github external
def mnist_binary_weight_lenet_prediction(image, test=False):
    Construct LeNet for MNIST (Binary Weight Network version).
    with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
        c1 = PF.binary_weight_convolution(image, 16, (5, 5))
        c1 = F.elu(F.average_pooling(c1, (2, 2)))
    with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
        c2 = PF.binary_weight_convolution(c1, 16, (5, 5))
        c2 = F.elu(F.average_pooling(c2, (2, 2)))
    with nn.parameter_scope("fc3"):
        c3 = F.elu(PF.binary_weight_affine(c2, 50))
    with nn.parameter_scope("fc4"):
        c4 = PF.binary_weight_affine(c3, 10)
    return c4
github sony / nnabla / python / src / nnabla / backward_function / View on Github external
assert channel_last == False, "`channel_last = False` is only supported now."

        # Inputs
        x0 = inputs[0].data
        dy = inputs[1].data
        # Outputs
        dx0 = outputs[0].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_dy = inputs[1].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad

        # Computation
        if prop_down[1]:
            g_dy_ = F.average_pooling(g_dx0, kernel, stride, ignore_border, pad,
                                      channel_last, including_pad)
            if accum[1]:
                g_dy += g_dy_
github sony / nnabla-examples / GANs / munit / View on Github external
def discriminators(x, maps=64, n=3):
    h = x
    discriminators = []
    with nn.parameter_scope("discriminators"):
        for i in range(n):
            h = discriminator(x, maps, name="discriminator-{}x".format(2 ** i))
            x = F.average_pooling(x, kernel=(3, 3), stride=(
                2, 2), pad=(1, 1), including_pad=False)
    return discriminators