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def test_categorical_classification_loss(inspecs, loss, nnabla_opts):
func = getattr(F, loss)
fb = FunctionBenchmark(
func, inspecs, [], dict(axis=1),
nnabla_opts.ext, nnabla_opts.ext_kwargs)
def res_unit(x, scope_name, dn=False):
C = x.shape[1]
with nn.parameter_scope(scope_name):
# Conv -> BN -> BinaryTanh
with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
h = PF.binary_connect_convolution(x, C / 2, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.binary_tanh(h)
# Conv -> BN -> BinaryTanh
with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
h = PF.binary_connect_convolution(h, C / 2, kernel=(3, 3), pad=(1, 1),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
h = F.binary_tanh(h)
# Conv -> BN
with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"):
h = PF.binary_connect_convolution(h, C, kernel=(1, 1), pad=(0, 0),
h = PF.batch_normalization(h, batch_stat=not test)
# Residual -> BinaryTanh
h = F.binary_tanh(h + x)
# Maxpooling
if dn:
# - input variables
xl = nn.Variable((size,)) # variable for word
yl = nn.Variable((size,)) # variable for context
# Embed layers for word embedding function
# - f_embed : word index x to get y, the n_dim vector
# -- for each sample in a minibatch
hx = PF.embed(xl, n_word, n_dim, name="e1") # feature vector for word
hy = PF.embed(yl, n_word, n_dim, name="e1") # feature vector for context
hl = F.sum(hx * hy, axis=1)
# -- Approximated likelihood of context prediction
# pos: word context, neg negative samples
tl = nn.Variable([size, ], need_grad=False)
loss = F.sigmoid_cross_entropy(hl, tl)
loss = F.mean(loss)
# Model for test of searching similar words
xr = nn.Variable((1,), need_grad=False)
hr = PF.embed(xr, n_word, n_dim, name="e1") # feature vector for test
# Create solver
solver = S.Adam(args.learning_rate)
# Create monitor.
monitor = M.Monitor(args.work_dir)
monitor_loss = M.MonitorSeries(
"Training loss", monitor, interval=args.monitor_interval)
monitor_time = M.MonitorTimeElapsed(
"Training time", monitor, interval=args.monitor_interval)
v_eps_rsqrt1 = (rv + eps) ** (-1.0 / 2.0)
# w.r.t. x
if prop_down[0]:
g_x0_ = g_dg0 * dy * v_eps_rsqrt1
if accum[0]:
g_x0 += g_x0_
# w.r.t. beta
# zero, do nothing
# w.r.t. gamma
if prop_down[2]:
g_g0_ = F.sum(g_dx0 * dy * v_eps_rsqrt1, axes, True)
if accum[2]:
g_g0 += g_g0_
# no backward w.r.t. rm and rv
# w.r.t. dy
if prop_down[5]:
g_dy_ = g_dx0 * g0 * v_eps_rsqrt1 + \
g_dg0 * (x0 - rm) * v_eps_rsqrt1 + g_db0
if accum[5]:
g_dy += g_dy_
def instance_norm_lrelu(self, x, alpha=0.2):
norm = PF.instance_normalization(x, no_scale=True, no_bias=True)
return F.leaky_relu(norm, alpha=alpha, inplace=True)
def construct_networks(args, images, model, num_class, test):
pooled = model(images, force_global_pooling=1,
use_up_to="pool", training=not test)
pooled = model(images, use_up_to="pool", training=not test)
with nn.parameter_scope("finetuning"):
if args.model == "VGG":
pooled = F.relu(pooled)
with nn.parameter_scope("additional_fc_1"):
pooled = PF.affine(pooled, 4096)
pooled = F.relu(pooled)
if not test:
pooled = F.dropout(pooled, 0.5)
with nn.parameter_scope("additional_fc_2"):
pooled = PF.affine(pooled, 4096)
pooled = F.relu(pooled)
if not test:
pooled = F.dropout(pooled, 0.5)
with nn.parameter_scope("last_fc"):
pred = PF.affine(pooled, num_class)
def forward_conv(inp, bn_batch_stat, args, init_params, activation=F.relu):
hidden1 = conv_block(inp, 'layer1', bn_batch_stat,
activation, args, init_params)
hidden2 = conv_block(hidden1, 'layer2', bn_batch_stat,
activation, args, init_params)
hidden3 = conv_block(hidden2, 'layer3', bn_batch_stat,
activation, args, init_params)
hidden4 = conv_block(hidden3, 'layer4', bn_batch_stat,
activation, args, init_params)
if args.datasource != 'omniglot' or args.method != 'maml':
# hidden4 = F.reshape(hidden4, (hidden4.d.shape[0], -1), inplace=False)
hidden4 = F.mean(hidden4, (2, 3))
if init_params is None or 'layer5/affine/W' not in init_params:
output = PF.affine(hidden4, args.num_classes, name='layer5')
output = F.affine(
hidden4, init_params['layer5/affine/W'], init_params['layer5/affine/b'])
return output
z = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 100, 1, 1])
fake = generator(z)
fake.persistent = True # Not to clear at backward
pred_fake = discriminator(fake)
loss_gen = F.mean(F.sigmoid_cross_entropy(
pred_fake, F.constant(1, pred_fake.shape)))
fake_dis = fake.unlinked()
pred_fake_dis = discriminator(fake_dis)
loss_dis = F.mean(F.sigmoid_cross_entropy(
pred_fake_dis, F.constant(0, pred_fake_dis.shape)))
# Real path
x = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1, 28, 28])
pred_real = discriminator(x)
loss_dis += F.mean(F.sigmoid_cross_entropy(pred_real,
F.constant(1, pred_real.shape)))
# Create Solver.
solver_gen = S.Adam(args.learning_rate, beta1=0.5)
solver_dis = S.Adam(args.learning_rate, beta1=0.5)
with nn.parameter_scope("gen"):
with nn.parameter_scope("dis"):
# Create monitor.
import nnabla.monitor as M
monitor = M.Monitor(args.monitor_path)
monitor_loss_gen = M.MonitorSeries("Generator loss", monitor, interval=10)
monitor_loss_dis = M.MonitorSeries(
"Discriminator loss", monitor, interval=10)
monitor_time = M.MonitorTimeElapsed("Time", monitor, interval=100)
maps = 64
data_iterator = data_iterator_cifar10
c = 3
h = w = 32
n_train = 50000
n_valid = 10000
# Create input variables.
image = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, c, h, w])
label = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
# Create `teacher` model_prediction graph.
pred = model_prediction(image, maps=maps, test=False)
pred.persistent = True
# Create loss function.
loss = F.mean(F.softmax_cross_entropy(pred, label))
# Create input variables.
vimage = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, c, h, w])
vlabel = nn.Variable([args.batch_size, 1])
# Create teacher prediction graph.
vpred = model_prediction(vimage, maps=maps, test=True)
# Create Solver.
solver = S.Adam(args.learning_rate)
# Create monitor.
from nnabla.monitor import Monitor, MonitorSeries, MonitorTimeElapsed
monitor = Monitor(args.monitor_path)
monitor_loss = MonitorSeries("Training loss", monitor, interval=10)
def downsample2(xx, c):
return PF.convolution(xx, c, (3, 3), pad=(1, 1), stride=(2, 2), with_bias=False)
assert maxh / 8 > 0
with nn.parameter_scope("dis"):
# (1, 28, 28) --> (32, 16, 16)
with nn.parameter_scope("conv1"):
c1 = F.elu(bn(PF.convolution(x, maxh / 8,
(3, 3), pad=(3, 3), stride=(2, 2), with_bias=False)))
# (32, 16, 16) --> (64, 8, 8)
with nn.parameter_scope("conv2"):
c2 = F.elu(bn(downsample2(c1, maxh / 4)))
# (64, 8, 8) --> (128, 4, 4)
with nn.parameter_scope("conv3"):
c3 = F.elu(bn(downsample2(c2, maxh / 2)))
# (128, 4, 4) --> (256, 4, 4)
with nn.parameter_scope("conv4"):
c4 = bn(PF.convolution(c3, maxh, (3, 3),
pad=(1, 1), with_bias=False))
# (256, 4, 4) --> (1,)
with nn.parameter_scope("fc1"):
f = PF.affine(c4, 1)
if output_hidden:
return f, [c1, c2, c3, c4]
return f