How to use the nfstream.plugin.NFPlugin function in nfstream

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few nfstream examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class src2dst_max_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow src -> dst maximum packet inter arrival time """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1  # we will set it as -1 as init value

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 0:
            if entry.src2dst_max_piat_ms == -1 and entry.src2dst_piat[0] >= 0:
                entry.src2dst_max_piat_ms = entry.src2dst_piat[0]
            if entry.src2dst_piat[0] > entry.src2dst_max_piat_ms:
                entry.src2dst_max_piat_ms = entry.src2dst_piat[0]

class src2dst_min_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow src -> dst minimum packet inter arrival time """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1  # we will set it as -1 as init value

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 0:
            if entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms == -1 and entry.src2dst_piat[0] >= 0:
                entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms = entry.src2dst_piat[0]
            if entry.src2dst_piat[0] < entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms:
                entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms = entry.src2dst_piat[0]

class src2dst_weldord_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow src -> dst packet inter arrival time welford algorithm structure (volatile) """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return [0, 0, 0]
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entry.dst2src_min_piat_ms = entry.dst2src_piat[0]
            if entry.dst2src_piat[0] < entry.dst2src_min_piat_ms:
                entry.dst2src_min_piat_ms = entry.dst2src_piat[0]

class bidirectional_min_raw_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional minimum raw packet size """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.raw_size

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.raw_size < entry.bidirectional_min_raw_ps:
            entry.bidirectional_min_raw_ps = obs.raw_size

class bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional raw packet size welford algorithm structure (volatile)"""
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return [1, obs.raw_size, 0]

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        k = entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[0] + 1
        entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[0] = k
        m = entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[1]
        s = entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[2]
        entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[1] = \
            m + (obs.raw_size - m) * 1. / entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[0]
        entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[2] = \
            s + (obs.raw_size - m) * (obs.raw_size - entry.bidirectional_weldord_raw_ps[1])

class bidirectional_mean_raw_ps(NFPlugin):
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class bidirectional_last_seen_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Timestamp in milliseconds on last flow packet """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.time

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        entry.bidirectional_last_seen_ms = obs.time

class src2dst_first_seen_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Timestamp in milliseconds on first flow packet (src -> dst direction)"""
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.time

class src2dst_last_seen_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Timestamp in milliseconds on last flow packet (src -> dst direction)"""
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.time

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 0:
            entry.src2dst_last_seen_ms = obs.time

class dst2src_first_seen_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Timestamp in milliseconds on first flow packet (dst -> src direction)"""
    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1 and entry.dst2src_first_seen_ms == 0:
            entry.dst2src_first_seen_ms = obs.time
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return [0, 0, 0]

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if entry.bidirectional_piat[0] >= 0:
            k = entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[0] + 1
            entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[0] = k
            m = entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[1]
            s = entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[2]
            entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[1] = \
                m + (entry.bidirectional_piat[0] - m) * 1. / entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[0]
            entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[2] = \
                s + (entry.bidirectional_piat[0] - m) * \
                (entry.bidirectional_piat[0] - entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[1])

class bidirectional_mean_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional mean packet inter arrival time """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if entry.bidirectional_piat[0] >= 0:
            entry.bidirectional_mean_piat_ms = entry.bidirectional_weldord_piat_ms[1]

class bidirectional_stdev_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional packet inter arrival time standard deviation (sample stddev)"""
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if entry.bidirectional_piat[0] >= 0:
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class dst2src_stdev_raw_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow dst -> src raw packet size standard deviation (sample stdev) """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1:
            if entry.dst2src_weldord_raw_ps[0] == 1:
                entry.dst2src_stdev_raw_ps = 0
                entry.dst2src_stdev_raw_ps = \
                    math.sqrt(entry.dst2src_weldord_raw_ps[2]/(entry.dst2src_weldord_raw_ps[0] - 1))

class dst2src_max_raw_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow dst -> src maximum raw packet size """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.raw_size > entry.dst2src_max_raw_ps and obs.direction == 1:
            entry.dst2src_max_raw_ps = obs.raw_size

class bidirectional_min_ip_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional minimum ip packet size """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.ip_size

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.ip_size < entry.bidirectional_min_ip_ps:
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def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1:
            entry.dst2src_ip_bytes += obs.ip_size

class dst2src_duration_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow dst2src duration in milliseconds """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1:
            entry.dst2src_duration_ms = obs.time - entry.dst2src_first_seen_ms

class expiration_id(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow expiration ID: negative if custom, 0 if idle expiration, 1 if active expiration, 2 if natural """

def is_ndpi_proto(entry, id):
    """ Helper to check is entry app or master protocol ids """
    if (entry.master_protocol == id) or (entry.app_protocol == id):
        return True
        return False

def update_ndpi_infos(entry, ndpi_flow, ndpi_protocol, ndpi):
    """ Updater for nDPI plugin collected informations """
    entry.app_protocol = ndpi_protocol.app_protocol
    entry.master_protocol = ndpi_protocol.master_protocol
    entry.application_name = ndpi.ndpi_protocol2name(ndpi_protocol)
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def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        entry.bidirectional_mean_ip_ps = entry.bidirectional_weldord_ip_ps[1]

class bidirectional_stdev_ip_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional ip packet size standard deviation (sample stdev) """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return 0

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        entry.bidirectional_stdev_ip_ps = \
            math.sqrt(entry.bidirectional_weldord_ip_ps[2]/(entry.bidirectional_weldord_ip_ps[0] - 1))

class bidirectional_max_ip_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow bidirectional maximum ip packet size """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.ip_size

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.ip_size > entry.bidirectional_max_ip_ps:
            entry.bidirectional_max_ip_ps = obs.ip_size

class src2dst_min_ip_ps(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow src -> dst minimum ip packet size """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.ip_size

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.ip_size < entry.src2dst_min_ip_ps and obs.direction == 0:
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class src2dst_min_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow src -> dst minimum packet inter arrival time """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1  # we will set it as -1 as init value

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 0:
            if entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms == -1 and entry.src2dst_piat[0] >= 0:
                entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms = entry.src2dst_piat[0]
            if entry.src2dst_piat[0] < entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms:
                entry.src2dst_min_piat_ms = entry.src2dst_piat[0]

class src2dst_weldord_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow src -> dst packet inter arrival time welford algorithm structure (volatile) """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return [0, 0, 0]

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 0 and entry.src2dst_piat[0] >= 0:
            k = entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[0] + 1
            entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[0] = k
            m = entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[1]
            s = entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[2]
            entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[1] = m + (entry.src2dst_piat[0] - m) * 1. / entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[0]
            entry.src2dst_weldord_piat_ms[2] = s + (entry.src2dst_piat[0] - m) * (entry.src2dst_piat[0] -

class src2dst_mean_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
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""" Flow dst -> src packet inter arrival time welford algorithm structure (volatile) """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return [0, 0, 0]

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1 and entry.dst2src_piat[0] >= 0:
            k = entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[0] + 1
            entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[0] = k
            m = entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[1]
            s = entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[2]
            entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[1] = m + (entry.dst2src_piat[0] - m) * 1. / entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[0]
            entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[2] = s + (entry.dst2src_piat[0] - m) * (entry.dst2src_piat[0] -

class dst2src_mean_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow dst -> src mean packet inter arrival time """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1 and entry.dst2src_piat[0] >= 0:
            entry.dst2src_mean_piat_ms = entry.dst2src_weldord_piat_ms[1]

class dst2src_stdev_piat_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow dst -> src packet inter arrival time standard deviation (sample stdev)"""
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return -1

    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1 and entry.dst2src_piat[0] >= 0:
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class dst2src_last_seen_ms(NFPlugin):
    """ Timestamp in milliseconds on last flow packet (dst -> src direction)"""
    def on_update(self, obs, entry):
        if obs.direction == 1:
            entry.dst2src_last_seen_ms = obs.time

class nfhash(NFPlugin):
    """ Flow nfstream hashed value """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.nfhash

class src_ip(NFPlugin):
    """ str value of IP source (volatile) """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return obs.src_ip

class src_ip_type(NFPlugin):
    """ src_ip private or public """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return int(ipaddress.ip_address(obs.src_ip).is_private)

class dst_ip_type(NFPlugin):
    """ dst_ip type: private or public """
    def on_init(self, obs):
        return int(ipaddress.ip_address(obs.dst_ip).is_private)