How to use the nfstream.ndpi_bindings.NDPIProtocolBitMask function in nfstream

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def __init__(self, name):
        NFStreamClassifier.__init__(self, name)
        if ndpi.ndpi_get_api_version() != ndpi.ndpi_wrap_get_api_version():
            sys.exit("nDPI Library version mismatch. Please make sure this code and the nDPI library are in sync.")
        self.ndpi_revision = cast(ndpi.ndpi_revision(), c_char_p).value.decode('utf-8')
        # print('NDPIClassifier.ndpi_revision: {}'.format(self.ndpi_revision))
        self.mod = ndpi.ndpi_init_detection_module()
        all = NDPIProtocolBitMask()
        ndpi.ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2(self.mod, pointer(all))
        self.max_num_udp_dissected_pkts = 16
        self.max_num_tcp_dissected_pkts = 10
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""" ndpi_get_proto_name: Get the protocol name associated to the ID."""
ndpi.ndpi_get_proto_name.restype = c_void_p

""" ndpi_category_get_name: Get protocol category as string."""
ndpi.ndpi_category_get_name.restype = c_void_p

""" ndpi_get_num_supported_protocols: Get the total number of the supported protocols."""
ndpi.ndpi_get_num_supported_protocols.restype = c_uint

""" ndpi_wrap_NDPI_BITMASK_SET_ALL: memset((char *)(p), 0xFF, sizeof(*(p)))"""
ndpi.ndpi_wrap_NDPI_BITMASK_SET_ALL.argtypes = [POINTER(NDPIProtocolBitMask)]

""" ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2: Sets the protocol bitmask2."""
ndpi.ndpi_set_protocol_detection_bitmask2.argtypes = [POINTER(NDPIDetectionModuleStruct),

""" ndpi_twalk: Walk the nodes of a tree. """
ndpi.ndpi_twalk.argtypes = [c_void_p, CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_int32, c_int, c_void_p), c_void_p]

""" ndpi_tdestroy: node destroy. """
ndpi.ndpi_tdestroy.argtypes = [c_void_p, CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p)]
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("host_already_guessed", c_uint8, 1),
    ("init_finished", c_uint8, 1),
    ("setup_packet_direction", c_uint8, 1),
    ("packet_direction", c_uint8, 1),
    ("check_extra_packets", c_uint8, 1),
    ("next_tcp_seq_nr", c_uint32 * 2),
    ("max_extra_packets_to_check", c_uint8),
    ("num_extra_packets_checked", c_uint8),
    ("num_processed_pkts", c_uint8),
    ("extra_packets_func", CFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(NDPIDetectionModuleStruct), POINTER(NDPIFlowStruct))),
    ("l4", L4),
    ("server_id", POINTER(NDPIIdStruct)),
    ("host_server_name", c_ubyte * 256),
    ("http", Http),
    ("protos", Protos),
    ("excluded_protocol_bitmask", NDPIProtocolBitMask),
    ("category", c_int),
    ('redis_s2d_first_char', c_uint8),
    ('redis_d2s_first_char', c_uint8),
    ('packet_counter', c_uint16),
    ('packet_direction_counter', c_uint16 * 2),
    ('byte_counter', c_uint16 * 2),
    ('bittorrent_stage', c_uint8),
    ('directconnect_stage', c_uint8, 2),
    ('sip_yahoo_voice', c_uint8, 1),
    ('http_detected', c_uint8, 1),
    ('http_upper_protocol', c_uint16),
    ('http_lower_protocol', c_uint16),
    ('rtsprdt_stage', c_uint8, 2),
    ('rtsp_control_flow', c_uint8, 1),
    ('yahoo_detection_finished', c_uint8, 2),
    ('zattoo_stage', c_uint8, 3),