How to use the neurokit2.stats.standardize function in neurokit2

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def _interpolate_big(peaks, sampling_rate=1000, interval_max=None, relative_interval_max=None, robust=False):
    if interval_max is None and relative_interval_max is None:
        return peaks

    continue_loop = True
    while continue_loop is True:
        if interval_max is not None:
            interval = signal_period(peaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_length=len(peaks))
            peaks, continue_loop = _interpolate_missing(peaks, interval, interval_max, sampling_rate)

        if relative_interval_max is not None:
            interval = signal_period(peaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_length=len(peaks))
            interval = standardize(interval, robust=robust)
            peaks, continue_loop = _interpolate_missing(peaks, interval, interval_max, sampling_rate)

    return peaks
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / signal / View on Github external
def _signal_findpeaks_keep(
    info, what="Height", below=None, above=None, relative_mean=False, relative_median=False, relative_max=False

    if below is None and above is None:
        return info

    keep = np.full(len(info["Peaks"]), True)

    if relative_max is True:
        what = info[what] / np.max(info[what])
    elif relative_median is True:
        what = standardize(info[what], robust=True)
    elif relative_mean is True:
        what = standardize(info[what])
        what = info[what]

    if below is not None:
        keep[what > below] = False
    if above is not None:
        keep[what < above] = False

    info = _signal_findpeaks_filter(info, keep)
    return info
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See Also
    eeg_gfp, microstates_peaks

    # If MNE object
    if isinstance(eeg, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) is False:
        sampling_rate =["sfreq"]
        info =
        eeg = eeg.get_data()
        info = None

    # Normalization
    if standardize_eeg is True:
        eeg = standardize(eeg, **kwargs)

    # Get GFP
    gfp = eeg_gfp(eeg, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, normalize=normalize, method=gfp_method, **kwargs)

    # Find peaks in the global field power (GFP) or take a given amount of indices
    if train == "gfp":
        train = gfp
    peaks = microstates_peaks(eeg, gfp=train, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, **kwargs)

    return eeg, peaks, gfp, info
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def _remove_small(peaks, sampling_rate=1000, interval_min=None, relative_interval_min=None, robust=False):
    if interval_min is None and relative_interval_min is None:
        return peaks

    if interval_min is not None:
        interval = signal_period(peaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_length=len(peaks))
        peaks = peaks[interval > interval_min]

    if relative_interval_min is not None:
        interval = signal_period(peaks, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, desired_length=len(peaks))
        peaks = peaks[standardize(interval, robust=robust) > relative_interval_min]

    return peaks
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / signal / View on Github external
def _signal_findpeaks_keep(
    info, what="Height", below=None, above=None, relative_mean=False, relative_median=False, relative_max=False

    if below is None and above is None:
        return info

    keep = np.full(len(info["Peaks"]), True)

    if relative_max is True:
        what = info[what] / np.max(info[what])
    elif relative_median is True:
        what = standardize(info[what], robust=True)
    elif relative_mean is True:
        what = standardize(info[what])
        what = info[what]

    if below is not None:
        keep[what > below] = False
    if above is not None:
        keep[what < above] = False

    info = _signal_findpeaks_filter(info, keep)
    return info
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / eog / View on Github external
ax2.set_title("Individual Blinks")

        # Create epochs
        events = epochs_create(
        events_array = epochs_to_array(events)  # Convert to 2D array
        events_array = standardize(events_array)  # Rescale so that all the blinks are on the same scale

        blinks_df = epochs_to_df(events)
        blinks_wide = blinks_df.pivot(index="Time", columns="Label", values="Signal")
        blinks_wide = standardize(blinks_wide)

        cmap = iter(, 1, num=len(events))))
        for x, color in zip(blinks_wide, cmap):
            ax2.plot(blinks_wide[x], color=color, linewidth=0.4, zorder=1)

        # Plot with their median (used here as a robust average)
            np.median(events_array, axis=1),
        ax2.legend(loc="upper right")
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / ecg / View on Github external
def _calculate_abs_z(df, columns):
    """This function helps to calculate the absolute standardized distance between R-peaks and other delineated waves
    features by `ecg_delineate()`"""
    for column in columns:
        df["Dist_R_" + column] = np.abs(standardize(df[column].sub(df["ECG_R_Peaks"], axis=0)))
    return df
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / microstates / View on Github external
been assigned.
    .. [1] Pascual-Marqui, R. D., Michel, C. M., & Lehmann, D. (1995).
           Segmentation of brain electrical activity into microstates: model
           estimation and validation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
    # If MNE object
    if isinstance(eeg, (pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray)) is False:
        sampling_rate =["sfreq"]
        eeg = eeg.get_data()

    # Normalization
    if normalize is True:
        eeg = standardize(eeg, **kwargs)

    # Find peaks in the global field power (GFP)
    if select == "gfp":
        gfp = eeg_gfp(eeg, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, normalize=normalize, robust=robust, method="l1", **kwargs)
        gfp = False
    peaks = microstates_peaks(eeg, gfp, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, **kwargs)

    # Cache this value for later
    gfp_sum_sq = np.sum(gfp ** 2)

    # Do several runs of the k-means algorithm, keep track of the best
    # segmentation.
    best_gev = 0