How to use the neurokit2.signal.signal_smooth function in neurokit2

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few neurokit2 examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / eda / View on Github external
Uses the same defaults as `BioSPPy.


    # Parameters
    order = 4
    frequency = 5
    frequency = 2 * np.array(frequency) / sampling_rate  # Normalize frequency to Nyquist Frequency (Fs/2).

    # Filtering
    b, a = scipy.signal.butter(N=order, Wn=frequency, btype="lowpass", analog=False, output="ba")
    filtered = scipy.signal.filtfilt(b, a, eda_signal)

    # Smoothing
    clean = signal_smooth(filtered, method="convolution", kernel="boxzen", size=int(0.75 * sampling_rate))

    return clean
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if show:
        fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)
        ax0.plot(signal, label="filtered")

    # Ignore the samples with negative amplitudes and square the samples with
    # values larger than zero.
    signal[signal < 0] = 0
    sqrd = signal ** 2

    # Compute the thresholds for peak detection. Call with show=True in order
    # to visualize thresholds.
    ma_peak_kernel = int(np.rint(peakwindow * sampling_rate))
    ma_peak = signal_smooth(sqrd, kernel="boxcar", size=ma_peak_kernel)

    ma_beat_kernel = int(np.rint(beatwindow * sampling_rate))
    ma_beat = signal_smooth(sqrd, kernel="boxcar", size=ma_beat_kernel)

    thr1 = ma_beat + beatoffset * np.mean(sqrd)  # threshold 1

    if show:
        ax1.plot(sqrd, label="squared")
        ax1.plot(thr1, label="threshold")
        ax1.legend(loc="upper right")

    # Identify start and end of PPG waves.
    waves = ma_peak > thr1
    beg_waves = np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(waves[0:-1]), waves[1:]))[0]
    end_waves = np.where(np.logical_and(waves[0:-1], np.logical_not(waves[1:])))[0]
    # Throw out wave-ends that precede first wave-start.
    end_waves = end_waves[end_waves > beg_waves[0]]

    # Identify systolic peaks within waves (ignore waves that are too short).
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def _eda_phasic_mediansmooth(eda_signal, sampling_rate=1000, smoothing_factor=4):
    """One of the two methods available in biopac's acqknowledge (
    size = smoothing_factor * sampling_rate
    tonic = signal_smooth(eda_signal, kernel="median", size=size)
    phasic = eda_signal - tonic

    out = pd.DataFrame({"EDA_Tonic": np.array(tonic), "EDA_Phasic": np.array(phasic)})

    return out
github neuropsychology / NeuroKit / neurokit2 / ecg / View on Github external
"""All tune-able parameters are specified as keyword arguments.

    The `signal` must be the highpass-filtered raw ECG with a lowcut of .5 Hz.

    if show is True:
        __, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)

    # Compute the ECG's gradient as well as the gradient threshold. Run with
    # show=True in order to get an idea of the threshold.
    grad = np.gradient(signal)
    absgrad = np.abs(grad)
    smooth_kernel = int(np.rint(smoothwindow * sampling_rate))
    avg_kernel = int(np.rint(avgwindow * sampling_rate))
    smoothgrad = signal_smooth(absgrad, kernel="boxcar", size=smooth_kernel)
    avggrad = signal_smooth(smoothgrad, kernel="boxcar", size=avg_kernel)
    gradthreshold = gradthreshweight * avggrad
    mindelay = int(np.rint(sampling_rate * mindelay))

    if show is True:

    # Identify start and end of QRS complexes.
    qrs = smoothgrad > gradthreshold
    beg_qrs = np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(qrs[0:-1]), qrs[1:]))[0]
    end_qrs = np.where(np.logical_and(qrs[0:-1], np.logical_not(qrs[1:])))[0]
    # Throw out QRS-ends that precede first QRS-start.
    end_qrs = end_qrs[end_qrs > beg_qrs[0]]

    # Identify R-peaks within QRS (ignore QRS that are too short).
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def _ecg_delineator_derivative_P_onset(rpeak, heartbeat, R, P):
    if P is None:
        return np.nan, None

    segment = heartbeat.iloc[:P]  # Select left of P wave
    signal = signal_smooth(segment["Signal"].values, size=R/10)
    signal = np.gradient(np.gradient(signal))
    P_onset = np.argmax(signal)

    from_R = R - P_onset  # Relative to R
    return rpeak - from_R
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def _ecg_delineator_derivative_T_offset(rpeak, heartbeat, R, T):
    if T is None:
        return np.nan, None

    segment = heartbeat.iloc[R + T:]  # Select left of P wave
    signal = signal_smooth(segment["Signal"].values, size=R/10)
    signal = np.gradient(np.gradient(signal))
    T_offset = np.argmax(signal)

    return rpeak + T + T_offset
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def _ecg_delineator_peak_T_offset(rpeak, heartbeat, R, T):
    if T is None:
        return np.nan

    segment = heartbeat.iloc[R + T :]  # Select left of P wave
        signal = signal_smooth(segment["Signal"].values, size=R / 10)
    except TypeError:
        signal = segment["Signal"]

    if len(signal) < 2:
        return np.nan

    signal = np.gradient(np.gradient(signal))
    T_offset = np.argmax(signal)

    return rpeak + T + T_offset
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def _ecg_delineator_peak_P_onset(rpeak, heartbeat, R, P):
    if P is None:
        return np.nan

    segment = heartbeat.iloc[:P]  # Select left of P wave
        signal = signal_smooth(segment["Signal"].values, size=R / 10)
    except TypeError:
        signal = segment["Signal"]

    if len(signal) < 2:
        return np.nan

    signal = np.gradient(np.gradient(signal))
    P_onset = np.argmax(signal)

    from_R = R - P_onset  # Relative to R
    return rpeak - from_R
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with a lowcut of .5 Hz, a highcut of 8 Hz.

    if show:
        fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1, sharex=True)
        ax0.plot(signal, label="filtered")

    # Ignore the samples with negative amplitudes and square the samples with
    # values larger than zero.
    signal[signal < 0] = 0
    sqrd = signal ** 2

    # Compute the thresholds for peak detection. Call with show=True in order
    # to visualize thresholds.
    ma_peak_kernel = int(np.rint(peakwindow * sampling_rate))
    ma_peak = signal_smooth(sqrd, kernel="boxcar", size=ma_peak_kernel)

    ma_beat_kernel = int(np.rint(beatwindow * sampling_rate))
    ma_beat = signal_smooth(sqrd, kernel="boxcar", size=ma_beat_kernel)

    thr1 = ma_beat + beatoffset * np.mean(sqrd)  # threshold 1

    if show:
        ax1.plot(sqrd, label="squared")
        ax1.plot(thr1, label="threshold")
        ax1.legend(loc="upper right")

    # Identify start and end of PPG waves.
    waves = ma_peak > thr1
    beg_waves = np.where(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(waves[0:-1]), waves[1:]))[0]
    end_waves = np.where(np.logical_and(waves[0:-1], np.logical_not(waves[1:])))[0]
    # Throw out wave-ends that precede first wave-start.