How to use the networkx.MultiGraph function in networkx

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few networkx examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github cogeorg / BlackRhino / networkx / drawing / View on Github external
>>> K5 = nx.complete_graph(5)
    >>> A = nx.nx_pydot.to_pydot(K5)
    >>> G = nx.nx_pydot.from_pydot(A) # return MultiGraph

    # make a Graph instead of MultiGraph
    >>> G = nx.Graph(nx.nx_pydot.from_pydot(A))

    if P.get_strict(None): # pydot bug: get_strict() shouldn't take argument

    if P.get_type()=='graph': # undirected
        if multiedges:
            N = nx.MultiGraph()
            N = nx.Graph()
        if multiedges:
            N = nx.MultiDiGraph()
            N = nx.DiGraph()

    # assign defaults
    if name != '': = name

    # add nodes, attributes to N.node_attr
    for p in P.get_node_list():
github RTXteam / RTX / code / reasoningtool / QuestionAnswering / View on Github external
def get_graph(res, directed=True):
	This function takes the result (subgraph) of a ipython-cypher query and builds a networkx graph from it
	:param res: output from an ipython-cypher query
	:param directed: Flag indicating if the resulting graph should be treated as directed or not
	:return: networkx graph (MultiDiGraph or MultiGraph)
	if nx is None:
		raise ImportError("Try installing NetworkX first.")
	if directed:
		graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()
		graph = nx.MultiGraph()
	for item in res._results.graph:
		for node in item['nodes']:
			graph.add_node(node['id'], properties=node['properties'], labels=node['labels'], names=node['properties']['name'], description=node['properties']['description'])
		for rel in item['relationships']:
			graph.add_edge(rel['startNode'], rel['endNode'], id=rel['id'], properties=rel['properties'], type=rel['type'])
	return graph
github FZJ-IEK3-VSA / FINE / FINE / expansionModules / View on Github external
if dic_arc_diam[arc] in dic_LoopedDiam_costs.keys():
                dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc] = (2, dic_newDiam_oldDiam[dic_arc_diam[arc]])
                dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc] = (1, dic_arc_diam[arc])
            dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc] = (1, dic_arc_diam[arc])

    print("Optimal Diameters: arc: (number of pipes, diameter)")

    # plot network with new diameters
    print("Network with optimized diameters")
    print("Looped pipes are indicated by two colored edges")
    print("Thicker edge means larger diameter")

    finalG = nx.MultiGraph()

    for arc in dic_arc_optimalDiameters.keys():
        if dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc][0] == 1:
            # we have a single not looped pipe
            finalG.add_edge(arc[0], arc[1], color='black', weight=5 * dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc][1])
            # we have a looped pipe
            finalG.add_edge(arc[0], arc[1], color='r',
                            weight=10 * dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc][1])
            finalG.add_edge(arc[0], arc[1], color='b',
                            weight=5 * dic_arc_optimalDiameters[arc][1])
    # pos = nx.circular_layout(finalG)

    edges = finalG.edges()

    colors = []
github SuLab / mark2cure / mark2cure / analysis / View on Github external


    # Generate the required base DataFrame from raw Annotations
    df = hashed_annotations_graph_process(group_pk)

    # Numpy Arr of Unique Annotations via sanitized text
    nd_arr = df.clean_text.unique()
    # Unique Node labels (not using text as Identifier)
    names = ['n' + str(x + 1) for x in range(len(nd_arr))]
    # ID >> Cleantext lookup dictionary
    nodes = pd.Series(names, index=nd_arr).to_dict()

    # Start the Network off by adding all the unique Nodes (text annotations)
    G = nx.MultiGraph()

    anns = []
    for (doc, text, user), g_df in df.groupby(['document_pk', 'clean_text', 'username']):
            'node': nodes[text],
            'doc': int(doc),
            'text': text,
            'user': user
    new_df = pd.DataFrame(anns)

    if parallel:
        edge_idx = 1
        for (doc, user), g_df in new_df.groupby(['doc', 'user']):
            for node1, node2 in itertools.combinations(list(g_df.node), 2):
github networkx / networkx / networkx / readwrite / View on Github external
if "graph" not in dct:
            raise NetworkXError("input contains no graph")
        graph = dct["graph"]
        if isinstance(graph, list):
            raise NetworkXError("input contains more than one graph")
        return graph

    tokens = tokenize()
    graph = parse_graph()

    directed = graph.pop("directed", False)
    multigraph = graph.pop("multigraph", False)
    if not multigraph:
        G = nx.DiGraph() if directed else nx.Graph()
        G = nx.MultiDiGraph() if directed else nx.MultiGraph()
    graph_attr = {k: v for k, v in graph.items() if k not in ("node", "edge")}

    def pop_attr(dct, category, attr, i):
            return dct.pop(attr)
        except KeyError:
            outputs = (category, i, attr)
            raise NetworkXError("%s #%d has no '%s' attribute" % outputs)

    nodes = graph.get("node", [])
    mapping = {}
    node_labels = set()
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes if isinstance(nodes, list) else [nodes]):
        id = pop_attr(node, "node", "id", i)
        if id in G:
github Uninett / nav / python / nav / eventengine / View on Github external
def get_graph_for_vlan(vlan):
    """Builds a simple topology graph of the active netboxes in vlan.

    Any netbox that seems to be down at the moment will not be included in
    the graph.

    :returns: A networkx.Graph object.

    swpvlan = SwPortVlan.objects.filter(vlan=vlan).select_related(
        'interface', 'interface__netbox', 'interface__to_netbox',
    graph = networkx.MultiGraph(name='graph for vlan %s' % vlan)
    for swp in swpvlan:
        source = swp.interface.netbox
        source_ifc = swp.interface
        target = swp.interface.to_netbox
        target_ifc = swp.interface.to_interface
        if target:
            key = tuple(sorted(
                (, if target_ifc else None)))
            data = set([source_ifc, target_ifc])
            graph.add_edge(source, target, key=key, data=data)
    return graph
github RTXteam / RTX / code / reasoningtool / QuestionAnswering / View on Github external
    This function takes the result (subgraph) of a ipython-cypher query and builds a networkx graph from it
    :param res: output from an ipython-cypher query
    :param directed: Flag indicating if the resulting graph should be treated as directed or not
    :return: networkx graph (MultiDiGraph or MultiGraph)
    if not res:
        #raise Exception("Empty graph. Cypher query input returned no results.")
        raise CustomExceptions.EmptyCypherError("unkown query")
    if nx is None:
        raise ImportError("Try installing NetworkX first.")
    if multigraph:
        if directed:
            graph = nx.MultiDiGraph()
            graph = nx.MultiGraph()
        if directed:
            graph = nx.DiGraph()
            graph = nx.Graph()
    for item in res._results.graph:
        for node in item['nodes']:
            graph.add_node(node['id'], properties=node['properties'], labels=node['labels'], names=node['properties']['id'], description=node['properties']['name'], id=node['properties']['id'])
        for rel in item['relationships']:
            graph.add_edge(rel['startNode'], rel['endNode'], id=rel['id'], properties=rel['properties'], type=rel['type'])
    return graph
github fdraxler / PyTorch-AutoNEB / torch_autoneb / View on Github external
def load_pickle_graph(graph_file_name: str) -> MultiGraph:
    open_fn = if graph_file_name.endswith(".gz") else open
    with open_fn(graph_file_name, "rb") as file:
        graph = pickle.load(file)

    # Check file content
    if not isinstance(graph, MultiGraph):
        raise ValueError(f"{graph_file_name} does not contain a nx.MultiGraph")

    return graph
github networkx / networkx / networkx / readwrite / View on Github external
def make_graph(self, graph_xml, graphml_keys, defaults, G=None):
        # set default graph type
        edgedefault = graph_xml.get("edgedefault", None)
        if G is None:
            if edgedefault == 'directed':
                G = nx.MultiDiGraph()
                G = nx.MultiGraph()
        # set defaults for graph attributes
        G.graph['node_default'] = {}
        G.graph['edge_default'] = {}
        for key_id, value in defaults.items():
            key_for = graphml_keys[key_id]['for']
            name = graphml_keys[key_id]['name']
            python_type = graphml_keys[key_id]['type']
            if key_for == 'node':
                G.graph['node_default'].update({name: python_type(value)})
            if key_for == 'edge':
                G.graph['edge_default'].update({name: python_type(value)})
        # hyperedges are not supported
        hyperedge = graph_xml.find("{%s}hyperedge" % self.NS_GRAPHML)
        if hyperedge is not None:
            raise nx.NetworkXError("GraphML reader doesn't support hyperedges")
        # add nodes
github david-zwicker / video-analysis / video / analysis / View on Github external
contains functions that are useful for image analysis

from __future__ import division

import cv2
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from shapely import geometry

import curves

class MorphologicalGraph(nx.MultiGraph):
    """ class that represents a morphological graph.
    Note that a morphological graph generally might have parallel edges.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(MorphologicalGraph, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._unique_node_id = 0 #< used to ensure unique nodes
    def get_node_points(self):
        """ returns the coordinates of all nodes """
        return nx.get_node_attributes(self, 'coords').values()

    def get_edge_curves(self):
        """ returns a list of all edge curves """