How to use the netpyne.sim.pc.gid_connect function in netpyne

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                print('\nError: no synMech available for conn: ', conn)
                print(' cell tags: ',self.tags)
                print(' cell synMechs: ',self.secs[conn['sec']]['synMechs'])
                import sys

            # create NetCon
            if conn['preGid'] == 'NetStim':
                netstim = next((stim['hObj'] for stim in self.stims if stim['source']==conn['preLabel']), None)
                if netstim:
                    netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget)
                else: continue
                #cell = next((c for c in if c.gid == conn['preGid']), None)
                netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(conn['preGid'], postTarget)

            netcon.weight[0] = conn['weight']
            netcon.delay = conn['delay']
            #netcon.threshold = conn.get('threshold',
            conn['hObj'] = netcon
            # Add plasticity 
            if conn.get('plast'):
                self._addConnPlasticity(conn['plast'], self.secs[conn['sec']], netcon, 0)
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                print('\nError: no synMech available for conn: ', conn)
                print(' cell tags: ',self.tags)
                print(' cell synMechs: ',self.secs[conn['sec']]['synMechs'])
                import sys

            # create NetCon
            if conn['preGid'] == 'NetStim':
                netstim = next((stim['hNetStim'] for stim in self.stims if stim['source']==conn['preLabel']), None)
                if netstim:
                    netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget)
                else: continue
                #cell = next((c for c in if c.gid == conn['preGid']), None)
                netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(conn['preGid'], postTarget)

            netcon.weight[0] = conn['weight']
            netcon.delay = conn['delay']
            #netcon.threshold = conn.get('threshold',
            conn['hNetcon'] = netcon
            # Add plasticity 
            if conn.get('plast'):
                self._addConnPlasticity(conn['plast'], self.secs[conn['sec']], netcon, 0)
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def _addConnPlasticity (self, params, sec, netcon, weightIndex):
        from .. import sim

        plasticity = params.get('plast')
        if plasticity and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
                plastMech = getattr(h, plasticity['mech'], None)(0, sec=sec['hSec'])  # create plasticity mechanism (eg. h.STDP)
                for plastParamName,plastParamValue in plasticity['params'].items():  # add params of the plasticity mechanism
                    setattr(plastMech, plastParamName, plastParamValue)
                if plasticity['mech'] == 'STDP':  # specific implementation steps required for the STDP mech
                    precon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], plastMech); precon.weight[0] = 1 # Send presynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    pstcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(self.gid, plastMech); pstcon.weight[0] = -1 # Send postsynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    h.setpointer(netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], 'synweight', plastMech) # Associate the STDP adjuster with this weight
                    #self.conns[-1]['hPlastSection'] = plastSection
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDP']         = plastMech
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPprecon']   = precon
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPpstcon']   = pstcon
                    self.conns[-1]['STDPdata']      = {'preGid':params['preGid'], 'postGid': self.gid, 'receptor': weightIndex} # Not used; FYI only; store here just so it's all in one place
                    if sim.cfg.verbose: print('  Added STDP plasticity to synaptic mechanism')
                print('Error: exception when adding plasticity using %s mechanism' % (plasticity['mech']))
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def _addConnPlasticity (self, params, sec, netcon, weightIndex):
        from .. import sim

        plasticity = params.get('plast')
        if plasticity and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
                plastMech = getattr(h, plasticity['mech'], None)(0, sec=sec['hObj'])  # create plasticity mechanism (eg. h.STDP)
                for plastParamName,plastParamValue in plasticity['params'].items():  # add params of the plasticity mechanism
                    setattr(plastMech, plastParamName, plastParamValue)
                if plasticity['mech'] == 'STDP':  # specific implementation steps required for the STDP mech
                    precon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], plastMech); precon.weight[0] = 1 # Send presynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    pstcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(self.gid, plastMech); pstcon.weight[0] = -1 # Send postsynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    h.setpointer(netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], 'synweight', plastMech) # Associate the STDP adjuster with this weight
                    #self.conns[-1]['hPlastSection'] = plastSection
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDP']         = plastMech
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPprecon']   = precon
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPpstcon']   = pstcon
                    self.conns[-1]['STDPdata']      = {'preGid':params['preGid'], 'postGid': self.gid, 'receptor': weightIndex} # Not used; FYI only; store here just so it's all in one place
                    if sim.cfg.verbose: print('  Added STDP plasticity to synaptic mechanism')
                print('Error: exception when adding plasticity using %s mechanism' % (plasticity['mech']))
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                    netcon = None

                # connections using NetCons
                    if pointp:
                        sec = self.secs[secLabels[0]]
                        postTarget = sec['pointps'][pointp]['hPointp'] #  local point neuron 
                        sec = self.secs[synMechSecs[i]]
                        postTarget = synMechs[i]['hSyn'] # local synaptic mechanism

                    if netStimParams:
                        netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget) # create Netcon between netstim and target
                        netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], postTarget) # create Netcon between global gid and target
                    netcon.weight[weightIndex] = weights[i]  # set Netcon weight
                    netcon.delay = delays[i]  # set Netcon delay
                    #netcon.threshold = threshold  # set Netcon threshold
                    self.conns[-1]['hNetcon'] = netcon  # add netcon object to dict in conns list

                # Add time-dependent weight shaping
                if 'shape' in params and params['shape']:
                    temptimevecs = []
                    tempweightvecs = []
                    # Default shape
                    pulsetype = params['shape']['pulseType'] if 'pulseType' in params['shape'] else 'square'
                    pulsewidth = params['shape']['pulseWidth'] if 'pulseWidth' in params['shape'] else 100.0
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connParams['preLabel'] = netStimParams['source']
            else:  # do not fill in python structure (just empty dict for NEURON obj)

            # NEURON objects
            if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
                if 'vref' in self.tags:
                    postTarget = getattr(self.hPointp, '_ref_'+self.tags['vref']) #  local point neuron 
                    postTarget = self.hPointp

                if netStimParams:
                    netcon = h.NetCon(netstim, postTarget) # create Netcon between netstim and target
                    netcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], postTarget) # create Netcon between global gid and target
                netcon.weight[weightIndex] = weights[i]  # set Netcon weight
                netcon.delay = delays[i]  # set Netcon delay
                #netcon.threshold = threshold # set Netcon threshold
                self.conns[-1]['hObj'] = netcon  # add netcon object to dict in conns list

                # Add time-dependent weight shaping
                if 'shape' in params and params['shape']:
                    temptimevecs = []
                    tempweightvecs = []
                    # Default shape
                    pulsetype = params['shape']['pulseType'] if 'pulseType' in params['shape'] else 'square'
                    pulsewidth = params['shape']['pulseWidth'] if 'pulseWidth' in params['shape'] else 100.0
                    pulseperiod = params['shape']['pulsePeriod'] if 'pulsePeriod' in params['shape'] else 100.0
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def _addConnPlasticity (self, params, sec, netcon, weightIndex):
        from .. import sim

        plasticity = params.get('plast')
        if plasticity and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
                plastMech = getattr(h, plasticity['mech'], None)(0, sec=sec['hSec'])  # create plasticity mechanism (eg. h.STDP)
                for plastParamName,plastParamValue in plasticity['params'].items():  # add params of the plasticity mechanism
                    setattr(plastMech, plastParamName, plastParamValue)
                if plasticity['mech'] == 'STDP':  # specific implementation steps required for the STDP mech
                    precon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], plastMech); precon.weight[0] = 1 # Send presynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    pstcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(self.gid, plastMech); pstcon.weight[0] = -1 # Send postsynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    h.setpointer(netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], 'synweight', plastMech) # Associate the STDP adjuster with this weight
                    #self.conns[-1]['hPlastSection'] = plastSection
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDP']         = plastMech
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPprecon']   = precon
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPpstcon']   = pstcon
                    self.conns[-1]['STDPdata']      = {'preGid':params['preGid'], 'postGid': self.gid, 'receptor': weightIndex} # Not used; FYI only; store here just so it's all in one place
                    if sim.cfg.verbose: print('  Added STDP plasticity to synaptic mechanism')
                print('Error: exception when adding plasticity using %s mechanism' % (plasticity['mech']))
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def _addConnPlasticity (self, params, sec, netcon, weightIndex):
        from .. import sim

        plasticity = params.get('plast')
        if plasticity and sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
                plastMech = getattr(h, plasticity['mech'], None)(0, sec=sec['hObj'])  # create plasticity mechanism (eg. h.STDP)
                for plastParamName,plastParamValue in plasticity['params'].items():  # add params of the plasticity mechanism
                    setattr(plastMech, plastParamName, plastParamValue)
                if plasticity['mech'] == 'STDP':  # specific implementation steps required for the STDP mech
                    precon = sim.pc.gid_connect(params['preGid'], plastMech); precon.weight[0] = 1 # Send presynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    pstcon = sim.pc.gid_connect(self.gid, plastMech); pstcon.weight[0] = -1 # Send postsynaptic spikes to the STDP adjuster
                    h.setpointer(netcon._ref_weight[weightIndex], 'synweight', plastMech) # Associate the STDP adjuster with this weight
                    #self.conns[-1]['hPlastSection'] = plastSection
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDP']         = plastMech
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPprecon']   = precon
                    self.conns[-1]['hSTDPpstcon']   = pstcon
                    self.conns[-1]['STDPdata']      = {'preGid':params['preGid'], 'postGid': self.gid, 'receptor': weightIndex} # Not used; FYI only; store here just so it's all in one place
                    if sim.cfg.verbose: print('  Added STDP plasticity to synaptic mechanism')
                print('Error: exception when adding plasticity using %s mechanism' % (plasticity['mech']))