How to use the netpyne.sim.pc function in netpyne

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github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / network / View on Github external
for cell in cellsUpdate:
                # Add synMechs, stim and conn NEURON objects

    nodeSynapses = sum([len(cell.conns) for cell in]) 
    if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
        nodeConnections = sum([len(set([conn['preGid'] for conn in cell.conns])) for cell in])   
        nodeConnections = nodeSynapses

    print(('  Number of connections on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, nodeConnections)))
    if nodeSynapses != nodeConnections:
        print(('  Number of synaptic contacts on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, nodeSynapses)))
    sim.timing('stop', 'connectTime')
    if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.timing: print(('  Done; cell connection time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['connectTime']))

    return [cell.conns for cell in self.cells]
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / network / View on Github external
def createCells (self):
        from .. import sim

        sim.timing('start', 'createTime')
        if sim.rank==0: 
            print(("\nCreating network of %i cell populations on %i hosts..." % (len(self.pops), sim.nhosts))) 
        for ipop in list(self.pops.values()): # For each pop instantiate the network cells (objects of class 'Cell')
            newCells = ipop.createCells() # create cells for this pop using Pop method
            self.cells.extend(newCells)  # add to list of cells
            if sim.rank==0 and sim.cfg.verbose: print(('Instantiated %d cells of population %s'%(len(newCells), ipop.tags['pop'])))  

        if self.params.defineCellShapes: self.defineCellShapes()
        print(('  Number of cells on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank,len(self.cells)))) 
        sim.timing('stop', 'createTime')
        if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.timing: print(('  Done; cell creation time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['createTime']))

        return self.cells
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / cell / View on Github external
                    #sec = self.secs['soma'] if 'soma' in self.secs else self.secs[self.secs.keys()[0]]  # use soma if exists, otherwise 1st section
                    sec = next((sec for secName, sec in self.secs.items() if len(sec['topol']) == 0), self.secs[list(self.secs.keys())[0]])  # root sec (no parents)
                    loc = 0.5
                nc = None
                if 'pointps' in sec:  # if no syns, check if point processes with 'vref' (artificial cell)
                    for pointpName, pointpParams in sec['pointps'].items():
                        if 'vref' in pointpParams:
                            nc = h.NetCon(getattr(sec['pointps'][pointpName]['hObj'], '_ref_'+pointpParams['vref']), None, sec=sec['hObj'])
                if not nc:  # if still haven't created netcon  
                    nc = h.NetCon(sec['hObj'](loc)._ref_v, None, sec=sec['hObj'])
                if 'threshold' in sec: threshold = sec['threshold'] 
                threshold = threshold if threshold is not None else
                nc.threshold = threshold
                sim.pc.cell(self.gid, nc, 1)  # associate a particular output stream of events
                del nc # discard netcon[self.gid] = len(
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / network / View on Github external
if not gapJunctions and 'gapJunction' in connParam: gapJunctions = True

        if sim.cfg.printSynsAfterRule:
            nodeSynapses = sum([len(cell.conns) for cell in])
            print(('  Number of synaptic contacts on node %i after conn rule %s: %i ' % (sim.rank, connParamLabel, nodeSynapses)))

    # add presynaptoc gap junctions
    if gapJunctions:
        # distribute info on presyn gap junctions across nodes
        if not getattr(, 'preGapJunctions', False): 
   = []  # if doesn't exist, create list to store presynaptic cell gap junctions
        data = []*sim.nhosts  # send cells data to other nodes
        data[sim.rank] = None
        gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data)  # collect cells data from other nodes (required to generate connections)
        for dataNode in gather:
            if dataNode:

        # add gap junctions of presynaptic cells (need to do separately because could be in different ranks)
        for preGapParams in getattr(, 'preGapJunctions', []):
            if preGapParams['gid'] in self.gid2lid:  # only cells in this rank
                cell = self.cells[self.gid2lid[preGapParams['gid']]] 

    # apply subcellular connectivity params (distribution of synaspes)
    if self.params.subConnParams:
        self.subcellularConn(allCellTags, allPopTags)
        sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = origCreateNEURONObj # set to original value
        sim.cfg.addSynMechs = origAddSynMechs # set to original value
        cellsUpdate = [c for c in if c.tags['cellModel'] not in ['NetStim', 'VecStim']]
        if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj:
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / examples / RL_arm / View on Github external
# turn off RL and explor movs for last testing trial 
    if t >= sim.trainTime:
        sim.useRL = False
        sim.explorMovs = False

    if sim.useArm:, sim) # run virtual arm apparatus (calculate command, move arm, feedback)
    if sim.useRL and (t - sim.timeoflastRL >= sim.RLinterval): # if time for next RL
        sim.timeoflastRL = h.t
        vec = h.Vector()
        if sim.rank == 0:
            critic = sim.arm.RLcritic(h.t) # get critic signal (-1, 0 or 1)
            sim.pc.broadcast(vec.from_python([critic]), 0) # convert python list to hoc vector for broadcast data received from arm
        else: # other workers
            sim.pc.broadcast(vec, 0)
            critic = vec.to_python()[0]
        if critic != 0: # if critic signal indicates punishment (-1) or reward (+1)
            print 't=',t,'- adjusting weights based on RL critic value:', critic
            for cell in
                for conn in cell.conns:
                    STDPmech = conn.get('hSTDP')  # check if has STDP mechanism
                    if STDPmech:   # run stdp.mod method to update syn weights based on RLprint cell.gid

        # store weight changes
        sim.allWeights.append([]) # Save this time
        for cell in
            for conn in cell.conns:
                if 'hSTDP' in conn:
                    sim.allWeights[-1].append(float(conn['hNetcon'].weight[0])) # save weight only for STDP conns
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / network / View on Github external
for cell in cellsUpdate:
                # Add synMechs, stim and conn NEURON objects

    nodeSynapses = sum([len(cell.conns) for cell in]) 
    if sim.cfg.createPyStruct:
        nodeConnections = sum([len(set([conn['preGid'] for conn in cell.conns])) for cell in])   
        nodeConnections = nodeSynapses

    print(('  Number of connections on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, nodeConnections)))
    if nodeSynapses != nodeConnections:
        print(('  Number of synaptic contacts on node %i: %i ' % (sim.rank, nodeSynapses)))
    sim.timing('stop', 'connectTime')
    if sim.rank == 0 and sim.cfg.timing: print(('  Done; cell connection time = %0.2f s.' % sim.timingData['connectTime']))

    return [cell.conns for cell in self.cells]
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / cell / View on Github external
def associateGid (self, threshold = None):
        from .. import sim

        if sim.cfg.createNEURONObj: 
            sim.pc.set_gid2node(self.gid, sim.rank) # this is the key call that assigns cell gid to a particular node
            if 'vref' in self.tags:
                nc = h.NetCon(getattr(self.hPointp, '_ref_'+self.tags['vref']), None)
                nc = h.NetCon(self.hPointp, None)
            threshold = threshold if threshold is not None else
            nc.threshold = threshold
            sim.pc.cell(self.gid, nc, 1)  # associate a particular output stream of events
            del nc # discard netcon[self.gid] = len(
github Neurosim-lab / netpyne / netpyne / network / View on Github external
# check if gap junctions in any of the conn rules
        if not gapJunctions and 'gapJunction' in connParam: gapJunctions = True

        if sim.cfg.printSynsAfterRule:
            nodeSynapses = sum([len(cell.conns) for cell in])
            print(('  Number of synaptic contacts on node %i after conn rule %s: %i ' % (sim.rank, connParamLabel, nodeSynapses)))

    # add presynaptoc gap junctions
    if gapJunctions:
        # distribute info on presyn gap junctions across nodes
        if not getattr(, 'preGapJunctions', False): 
   = []  # if doesn't exist, create list to store presynaptic cell gap junctions
        data = []*sim.nhosts  # send cells data to other nodes
        data[sim.rank] = None
        gather = sim.pc.py_alltoall(data)  # collect cells data from other nodes (required to generate connections)
        for dataNode in gather:
            if dataNode:

        # add gap junctions of presynaptic cells (need to do separately because could be in different ranks)
        for preGapParams in getattr(, 'preGapJunctions', []):
            if preGapParams['gid'] in self.gid2lid:  # only cells in this rank
                cell = self.cells[self.gid2lid[preGapParams['gid']]] 

    # apply subcellular connectivity params (distribution of synaspes)
    if self.params.subConnParams:
        self.subcellularConn(allCellTags, allPopTags)
        sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = origCreateNEURONObj # set to original value
        sim.cfg.addSynMechs = origAddSynMechs # set to original value
        cellsUpdate = [c for c in if c.tags['cellModel'] not in ['NetStim', 'VecStim']]