How to use the netaddr.ip.__init__.IPNetwork function in netaddr

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any duplicates.

    :param ip_addrs: an iterable sequence of IP addresses and subnets.

    :return: a summarized list of `IPNetwork` objects.
    # The algorithm is quite simple: For each CIDR we create an IP range.
    # Sort them and merge when possible.  Afterwars split them again
    # optimally.
    if not hasattr(ip_addrs, '__iter__'):
        raise ValueError('A sequence or iterator is expected!')

    ranges = []

    for ip in ip_addrs:
        cidr = IPNetwork(ip)
        # Since non-overlapping ranges are the common case, remember the original
        ranges.append( (cidr.version, cidr.last, cidr.first, cidr) )

    i = len(ranges) - 1
    while i > 0:
        if ranges[i][0] == ranges[i - 1][0] and ranges[i][2] - 1 <= ranges[i - 1][1]:
            ranges[i - 1] = (ranges[i][0], ranges[i][1], min(ranges[i - 1][2], ranges[i][2]))
            del ranges[i]
        i -= 1
    merged = []
    for range_tuple in ranges:
        # If this range wasn't merged we can simply use the old cidr.
        if len(range_tuple) == 4:
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def cidr_partition(target, exclude):
    Partitions a target IP subnet on an exclude IP address.

    :param target: the target IP address or subnet to be divided up.

    :param exclude: the IP address or subnet to partition on

    :return: list of `IPNetwork` objects before, the partition and after, sorted.

    Adding the three lists returns the equivalent of the original subnet.

    target = IPNetwork(target)
    exclude = IPNetwork(exclude)

    if exclude.last < target.first:
        #   Exclude subnet's upper bound address less than target
        #   subnet's lower bound.
        return [], [], [target.cidr]
    elif target.last < exclude.first:
        #   Exclude subnet's lower bound address greater than target
        #   subnet's upper bound.
        return [target.cidr], [], []

    if target.prefixlen >= exclude.prefixlen:
        # Exclude contains the target
        return [], [target], []

    left = []
    right = []
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left = []
    right = []

    new_prefixlen = target.prefixlen + 1
    # Some @properties that are expensive to get and don't change below.
    target_module_width = target._module.width

    target_first = target.first
    version = exclude.version
    i_lower = target_first
    i_upper = target_first + (2 ** (target_module_width - new_prefixlen))

    while exclude.prefixlen >= new_prefixlen:
        if exclude.first >= i_upper:
            left.append(IPNetwork((i_lower, new_prefixlen), version=version))
            matched = i_upper
            right.append(IPNetwork((i_upper, new_prefixlen), version=version))
            matched = i_lower

        new_prefixlen += 1

        if new_prefixlen > target_module_width:

        i_lower = matched
        i_upper = matched + (2 ** (target_module_width - new_prefixlen))

    return left, [exclude], right[::-1]
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lowest_ip = sorted_ips[0]
    highest_ip = sorted_ips[-1]

    if lowest_ip.version != highest_ip.version:
        raise TypeError('IP sequence cannot contain both IPv4 and IPv6!')

    ipnum = highest_ip.last
    prefixlen = highest_ip.prefixlen
    lowest_ipnum = lowest_ip.first
    width = highest_ip._module.width

    while prefixlen > 0 and ipnum > lowest_ipnum:
        prefixlen -= 1
        ipnum &= -(1<<(width-prefixlen))

    return IPNetwork( (ipnum, prefixlen), version=lowest_ip.version )
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IPRange('', ''),

#   Cached IPv6 address range lookups.
IPV6_LOOPBACK = IPAddress('::1')

    IPNetwork('fc00::/7'),  #   Unique Local Addresses (ULA)
    IPNetwork('fec0::/10'), #   Site Local Addresses (deprecated - RFC 3879)

IPV6_LINK_LOCAL = IPNetwork('fe80::/10')

IPV6_MULTICAST = IPNetwork('ff00::/8')

    IPNetwork('ff00::/12'), IPNetwork('::/8'),
    IPNetwork('0100::/8'), IPNetwork('0200::/7'),
    IPNetwork('0400::/6'), IPNetwork('0800::/5'),
    IPNetwork('1000::/4'), IPNetwork('4000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('6000::/3'), IPNetwork('8000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('A000::/3'), IPNetwork('C000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('E000::/4'), IPNetwork('F000::/5'),
    IPNetwork('F800::/6'), IPNetwork('FE00::/9'),
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IPNetwork(''),    #   Multicast test network
    IPRange('', ''),
    IPRange('', ''),

#   Cached IPv6 address range lookups.
IPV6_LOOPBACK = IPAddress('::1')

    IPNetwork('fc00::/7'),  #   Unique Local Addresses (ULA)
    IPNetwork('fec0::/10'), #   Site Local Addresses (deprecated - RFC 3879)

IPV6_LINK_LOCAL = IPNetwork('fe80::/10')

IPV6_MULTICAST = IPNetwork('ff00::/8')

    IPNetwork('ff00::/12'), IPNetwork('::/8'),
    IPNetwork('0100::/8'), IPNetwork('0200::/7'),
    IPNetwork('0400::/6'), IPNetwork('0800::/5'),
    IPNetwork('1000::/4'), IPNetwork('4000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('6000::/3'), IPNetwork('8000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('A000::/3'), IPNetwork('C000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('E000::/4'), IPNetwork('F000::/5'),
    IPNetwork('F800::/6'), IPNetwork('FE00::/9'),
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#   Cached IPv6 address range lookups.
IPV6_LOOPBACK = IPAddress('::1')

    IPNetwork('fc00::/7'),  #   Unique Local Addresses (ULA)
    IPNetwork('fec0::/10'), #   Site Local Addresses (deprecated - RFC 3879)

IPV6_LINK_LOCAL = IPNetwork('fe80::/10')

IPV6_MULTICAST = IPNetwork('ff00::/8')

    IPNetwork('ff00::/12'), IPNetwork('::/8'),
    IPNetwork('0100::/8'), IPNetwork('0200::/7'),
    IPNetwork('0400::/6'), IPNetwork('0800::/5'),
    IPNetwork('1000::/4'), IPNetwork('4000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('6000::/3'), IPNetwork('8000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('A000::/3'), IPNetwork('C000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('E000::/4'), IPNetwork('F000::/5'),
    IPNetwork('F800::/6'), IPNetwork('FE00::/9'),
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start = IPNetwork(start)
    end = IPNetwork(end)

    iprange = [start.first, end.last]

    #   Get spanning CIDR covering both addresses.
    cidr_span = spanning_cidr([start, end])
    width = start._module.width

    if cidr_span.first < iprange[0]:
        exclude = IPNetwork((iprange[0]-1, width), version=start.version)
        cidr_list = cidr_partition(cidr_span, exclude)[2]
        cidr_span = cidr_list.pop()
    if cidr_span.last > iprange[1]:
        exclude = IPNetwork((iprange[1]+1, width), version=start.version)
        cidr_list += cidr_partition(cidr_span, exclude)[0]

    return cidr_list
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IPV6_LOOPBACK = IPAddress('::1')

    IPNetwork('fc00::/7'),  #   Unique Local Addresses (ULA)
    IPNetwork('fec0::/10'), #   Site Local Addresses (deprecated - RFC 3879)

IPV6_LINK_LOCAL = IPNetwork('fe80::/10')

IPV6_MULTICAST = IPNetwork('ff00::/8')

    IPNetwork('ff00::/12'), IPNetwork('::/8'),
    IPNetwork('0100::/8'), IPNetwork('0200::/7'),
    IPNetwork('0400::/6'), IPNetwork('0800::/5'),
    IPNetwork('1000::/4'), IPNetwork('4000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('6000::/3'), IPNetwork('8000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('A000::/3'), IPNetwork('C000::/3'),
    IPNetwork('E000::/4'), IPNetwork('F000::/5'),
    IPNetwork('F800::/6'), IPNetwork('FE00::/9'),