How to use the netaddr.address.CIDR function in netaddr

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        @param strict: (optional) If True and non-zero bits are found to the
            right of the subnet mask/prefix a ValueError is raised. If False,
            CIDR returned has these bits automatically truncated.
            (default: True)

        @param expand_abbrev: (optional) If True, enables the abbreviated CIDR
            expansion routine. If False, abbreviated CIDRs will be considered
            invalid addresses, raising an AddrFormatError exception.
            (default: True)
        cidr_arg = cidr     #   Keep a copy of original argument.

        if expand_abbrev:
            #   Replace an abbreviation with a verbose CIDR.
            verbose_cidr = CIDR.abbrev_to_verbose(cidr)
            if verbose_cidr is not None:
                cidr = verbose_cidr

        if not isinstance(cidr, (str, unicode)):
            raise TypeError('%r is not a valid CIDR!' % cidr)

        #   Check for prefix in address and extract it.
            (network, mask) = cidr.split('/', 1)
        except ValueError:
            network = cidr
            mask = None

        #FIXME: Are IP objects for first and last really necessary?
        #FIXME: Should surely just be integer values.
        first = IP(network)
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def compact(self):
        Compact/summarize internal list of IP addresses and CIDRs.

        if self._dirty:
            self._cidrs = CIDR.summarize(self._cidrs)
            self._dirty = False
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def cidrs(self):
        @return: A list of a copy of this L{CIDR} object. This method is here
            mainly for compatibility with IPRange interface.
        cidr_copy = CIDR('%s/%d' % (self.strategy.int_to_str(self.first),

        #   Respect formatting.
        if self.fmt in (str, unicode):
            return [self.fmt(cidr_copy)]

        return [cidr_copy]
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def is_reserved(self):
        @return: C{True} if this IP is in IANA reserved range, C{False}
            otherwise. Reference: RFCs 3330 and 3171.
        if self.addr_type == AT_INET:
            #   Use of ipglobs here much more concise than CIDR...
            for cidr in (CIDR('240/4'), CIDR('234/7'), CIDR('236/7'),
                         IPGlob('225-231.*.*.*'), IPGlob('234-238.*.*.*')):
                if self in cidr:
                    return True
        if self.addr_type == AT_INET6:
            for cidr in (CIDR('ff00::/12'),CIDR('::/8'), CIDR('0100::/8'),
                         CIDR('0200::/7'), CIDR('0400::/6'), CIDR('0800::/5'),
                         CIDR('1000::/4'), CIDR('4000::/3'), CIDR('6000::/3'),
                         CIDR('8000::/3'), CIDR('A000::/3'), CIDR('C000::/3'),
                         CIDR('E000::/4'), CIDR('F000::/5'), CIDR('F800::/6'),
                if self in cidr:
                    return True
        return False
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def is_multicast(self):
        """@return: C{True} if this IP is multicast, C{False} otherwise"""
        if self.addr_type == AT_INET:
            return self in CIDR('224/4')
        elif  self.addr_type == AT_INET6:
            return self in CIDR('ff00::/8')
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def is_private(self):
        @return: C{True} if this IP is for internal/private use only
            (i.e. non-public), C{False} otherwise. Reference: RFCs 1918,
            3330, 4193, 3879 and 2365.
        if self.addr_type == AT_INET:
            for cidr in (CIDR('192.168/16'), CIDR('10/8'),CIDR('172.16/12'),
                         CIDR(''), CIDR('239.192/14')):
                if self in cidr:
                    return True
        elif self.addr_type == AT_INET6:
            #   Please Note: FEC0::/10 has been deprecated! See RFC 3879.
            return self in CIDR('fc00::/7') #   ULAs - Unique Local Addresses

        if self.is_link_local():
            return True

        return False
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if count is None:
            count = max_count

        if not 1 <= count <= max_count:
            raise ValueError('count not within current CIDR boundaries!')

        base_address = self.strategy.int_to_str(self.first)

        #   Respect self.fmt value if one wasn't passed to the method.
        if fmt is None and self.fmt in (str, unicode):
            fmt = self.fmt

        if fmt is None:
            #   Create new CIDR instances for each subnet returned.
            for i in xrange(count):
                cidr = CIDR('%s/%d' % (base_address, prefixlen))
                cidr.first += cidr.size() * i
                cidr.prefixlen = prefixlen
                yield cidr
        elif fmt in (str, unicode):
            #   Keep the same CIDR and just modify it.
            for i in xrange(count):
                cidr = CIDR('%s/%d' % (base_address, prefixlen))
                cidr.first += cidr.size() * i
                cidr.prefixlen = prefixlen
                yield fmt(cidr)
            raise TypeError('unsupported fmt callable %r' % fmt)
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def is_reserved(self):
        @return: C{True} if this IP is in IANA reserved range, C{False}
            otherwise. Reference: RFCs 3330 and 3171.
        if self.addr_type == AT_INET:
            #   Use of ipglobs here much more concise than CIDR...
            for cidr in (CIDR('240/4'), CIDR('234/7'), CIDR('236/7'),
                         IPGlob('225-231.*.*.*'), IPGlob('234-238.*.*.*')):
                if self in cidr:
                    return True
        if self.addr_type == AT_INET6:
            for cidr in (CIDR('ff00::/12'),CIDR('::/8'), CIDR('0100::/8'),
                         CIDR('0200::/7'), CIDR('0400::/6'), CIDR('0800::/5'),
                         CIDR('1000::/4'), CIDR('4000::/3'), CIDR('6000::/3'),
                         CIDR('8000::/3'), CIDR('A000::/3'), CIDR('C000::/3'),
                         CIDR('E000::/4'), CIDR('F000::/5'), CIDR('F800::/6'),
                if self in cidr:
                    return True
        return False
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def add(self, cidr):
        Adds a CIDR or IP address to this group.

        @param cidr: the CIDR/IP address to be added.

        if hasattr(cidr, 'value'):
            #   An IP object.
            cidr = cidr.cidr()
        elif not hasattr(cidr, 'first'):
            #   Anything that isn't a CIDR object or IP object.
            cidr = CIDR(cidr, strict=False, expand_abbrev=False)

        self._dirty = True
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def cidr_to_bits(cidr):
    @param cidr: a CIDR object or CIDR string value (acceptable by CIDR class

    @return: a tuple containing CIDR in binary string format and addr_type.
    if not hasattr(cidr, 'network'):
        cidr = CIDR(cidr, strict=False)

    bits ='')
    return (bits[0:cidr.prefixlen], cidr.addr_type)