How to use the ndlib.ndtype.ANNOTATION_CHANNELS function in ndlib

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few ndlib examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github neurodata / ndstore / webservices / View on Github external
def reserve ( webargs ):
  """Reserve annotation ids"""

  [token, channel, reservestr, cnt, other] = webargs.split ('/', 4)

  with closing (NDProjectsDB()) as projdb:
    proj = projdb.loadToken ( token )

  with closing (RamonDB(proj)) as rdb:

    ch = NDChannel.fromName(proj,channel)
    if ch.channel_type not in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
      logger.error("Illegal project type for reserve.")
      raise NDWSError("Illegal project type for reserve.")

      count = int(cnt)
      # perform the reservation
      firstid = rdb.reserve (ch, count)
      return json.dumps ( (firstid, int(cnt)) )
      logger.error("Illegal arguments to reserve: {}".format(webargs))
      raise NDWSError("Illegal arguments to reserve: {}".format(webargs))
github neurodata / ndstore / webservices / View on Github external
# reading the raw data
                file_name = "{}{}".format(self.path, self.generateFileName(slice_number+b))
                # print "Open filename {}".format(file_name)
      "Open filename {}".format(file_name))
                if ch.channel_datatype in [UINT8, UINT16] and ch.channel_type in IMAGE_CHANNELS:
                    image_data = np.asarray(, 'r'))
                    slab[b,:,:] = image_data
                  except Exception as e:
                    slab[b,:,:] = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz), dtype=ND_dtypetonp.get(ch.channel_datatype))
                    logger.warning("File corrupted. Cannot open file. {}".format(e))
                elif ch.channel_datatype in [UINT32] and ch.channel_type in IMAGE_CHANNELS:
                  image_data = np.asarray(, 'r').convert('RGBA'))
                  slab[b,:,:] = np.left_shift(image_data[:,:,3], 24, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(image_data[:,:,2], 16, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(image_data[:,:,1], 8, dtype=np.uint32) | np.uint32(image_data[:,:,0])
                elif ch.channel_type in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
                  image_data = np.asarray(, 'r'))
                  slab[b,:,:] = image_data
                  logger.error("Cannot ingest this data yet")
                  raise NDWSError("Cannot ingest this data yet")
              except IOError, e:
                logger.warning("IOError {}.".format(e))
                slab[b,:,:] = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz), dtype=ND_dtypetonp.get(ch.channel_datatype))
          for y in range ( 0, yimagesz+1, ysupercubedim ):
            for x in range ( 0, ximagesz+1, xsupercubedim ):

              # Getting a Cube id and ingesting the data one cube at a time
              zidx = XYZMorton ( [x/xsupercubedim, y/ysupercubedim, (slice_number-zoffset)/zsupercubedim] )
              cube = Cube.CubeFactory(supercubedim, ch.channel_type, ch.channel_datatype)
github neurodata / ndstore / django / synaptogram / View on Github external
# get the data region for each channel 
      for chan in channels:
        # data type on a per channel basis
        ch = proj.getChannelObj(chan)
          cb = db.cutout ( ch, corner, dim, resolution )
          # apply window for 16 bit projects 
          if ch.getDataType() in DTYPE_uint16:
            [startwindow, endwindow] = window_range = ch.window_range
            if (endwindow != 0):
     = np.uint8(windowCutout(, window_range))
          outputdict[chan] = []
          for zslice in
            if ch.getChannelType() in ANNOTATION_CHANNELS:
              # parse annotation project
              imagemap = np.zeros( [ dim[1], dim[0] ], dtype=np.uint32 )
              imagemap = recolor_ctype( zslice, imagemap )
              img = Image.frombuffer( 'RGBA', (dim[0],dim[1]), imagemap, 'raw', 'RGBA', 0, 1 )

              # parse image project  
              img = Image.frombuffer( 'L', (dim[0], dim[1]), zslice.flatten(), 'raw', 'L', 0, 1 )
            # convert to base64
            fileobj = cStringIO.StringIO()
  , "PNG")
            encodedimg = base64.b64encode(