How to use the ndlib.XYZMorton function in ndlib

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github neurodata / ndstore / scripts / onetime / psdclarity / View on Github external
            #imgdata = ocpcarest.cutout( imageurl, outproj, outDB )
            imgdata = cv2.imread(filename,-1) 
            if imgdata != None:
              img = Image.frombuffer( 'I;16', (imgdata.shape[::-1]), imgdata.flatten(), 'raw', 'I;16', 0, 1)
              slab[b,:,:] = np.asarray(img.resize( [ximagesz,yimagesz]))
              img = None
              slab[b,:,:] = np.zeros((yimagesz,ximagesz),dtype=np.uint16)
          except IOError, e:
            print "Failed to get Cutout. {}".format(e)

      for y in range ( 0, yimagesz+1, ycubedim ):
        for x in range ( 0, ximagesz+1, xcubedim ):

          zidx = ndlib.XYZMorton ( [x/xcubedim,y/ycubedim,(sl-startslice)/zcubedim] )
          cubedata = np.zeros ( (zcubedim,ycubedim,xcubedim), dtype=np.uint16 )

          xmin = x 
          ymin = y
          xmax = ((min(ximagesz-1,x+xcubedim-1)))+1
          ymax = ((min(yimagesz-1,y+ycubedim-1)))+1
          zmin = 0
          zmax = min(sl+zcubedim,endslice+1)

          cubedata[0:zmax-zmin,0:ymax-ymin,0:xmax-xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]

          cube = imagecube.ImageCube16 ( cubedims )
 = cubedata
          if np.count_nonzero ( != 0:
            outDB.putChannelCube ( zidx, 1, result.resolution, cube )
github neurodata / ndstore / spdb / View on Github external
def generateSuperZindex(self, zidx, resolution):
    """Generate super zindex from a given zindex"""
    [[ximagesz, yimagesz, zimagesz], timerange] = self.db.proj.datasetcfg.imageSize(resolution)
    [xcubedim, ycubedim, zcubedim] = cubedim = self.db.proj.datasetcfg.getCubeDims()[resolution]
    [xoffset, yoffset, zoffset] = self.db.proj.datasetcfg.getOffset()[resolution]
    [xsupercubedim, ysupercubedim, zsupercubedim] = super_cubedim = self.db.proj.datasetcfg.getSuperCubeDims()[resolution]
    # super_cubedim = map(mul, cubedim, SUPERCUBESIZE)
    [x, y, z] = ndlib.MortonXYZ(zidx)
    corner = map(mul, ndlib.MortonXYZ(zidx), cubedim)
    [x,y,z] = map(div, corner, super_cubedim)
    # print zidx, corner, [x,y,z], ndlib.XYZMorton([x,y,z])
    return ndlib.XYZMorton([x,y,z])
github neurodata / ndstore / ingest / boyden / View on Github external
# reading the raw data
            file_name = "{}BrainBowExM_{:0>4}.tif".format(result.path, slice_number+b)
            print "Open filename {}".format(file_name)
            img =, 'r').convert("RGBA")
            imgdata = np.asarray(img)
            slab[b,:,:] = np.left_shift(imgdata[:,:,3], 24, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(imgdata[:,:,2], 16, dtype=np.uint32) | np.left_shift(imgdata[:,:,1], 8, dtype=np.uint32) | np.uint32(imgdata[:,:,0])
          except IOError, e:
            print e
            imgdata = np.zeros((yimagesz, ximagesz), dtype=np.uint32)
            slab[b,:,:] = imgdata

      for y in range ( 0, yimagesz+1, ycubedim ):
        for x in range ( 0, ximagesz+1, xcubedim ):

          # Getting a Cube id and ingesting the data one cube at a time
          zidx = ndlib.XYZMorton ( [x/xcubedim, y/ycubedim, (slice_number-zoffset)/zcubedim] )
          cube = Cube.getCube(cubedim, ch.getChannelType(), ch.getDataType())

          xmin = x
          ymin = y
          xmax = min ( ximagesz, x+xcubedim )
          ymax = min ( yimagesz, y+ycubedim )
          zmin = 0
          zmax = min(slice_number+zcubedim, zimagesz+1)

[0:zmax-zmin,0:ymax-ymin,0:xmax-xmin] = slab[zmin:zmax, ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]
          db.putCube(ch, zidx, result.resolution, cube, update=True)
github neurodata / ndstore / spdb / View on Github external
zidx_list = []
    cube_list = []
    # SuperCube Size
    [xnumcubes, ynumcubes, znumcubes] = self.db.datasetcfg.getSuperCubeSize()
    # Cube dimensions
    cubedim = self.db.datasetcfg.cubedim[resolution]
    [x,y,z] = ndlib.MortonXYZ(super_zidx)
    # start = map(mul, cubedim, [x,y,z])
    start = map(mul, [x,y,z], self.db.datasetcfg.getSuperCubeSize())
    for z in range(znumcubes):
      for y in range(ynumcubes):
        for x in range(xnumcubes):
          zidx = ndlib.XYZMorton(map(add, start, [x,y,z]))

          # Parameters in the cube slab
          index = map(mul, cubedim, [x,y,z])
          end = map(add, index, cubedim)

          cube_data = super_cube[index[2]:end[2], index[1]:end[1], index[0]:end[0]]
    return zidx_list, cube_list