How to use the mayavi.mlab.text3d function in mayavi

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github xinglunju / tdviz / View on Github external
def labels(self):
		Add 3d text to show the axes.
		fontsize = max(self.xrang, self.yrang)/40.
		tcolor = (1,1,1)
		mlab.text3d(-10,-10,self.zrang/2-10,'V (km/s)',scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=True,color=tcolor)

		# Add scale bars
		if self.leng != 0.0:
			distance = self.dist * 1e3
			length = self.leng
			leng_pix = np.round(length/distance/np.pi*180./np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt1']))
			bar_x = [self.xrang-20-leng_pix, self.xrang-20]
			bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
			bar_z = [0, 0]
			mlab.plot3d(bar_x, bar_y, bar_z, color=tcolor, tube_radius=1.)
			mlab.text3d(self.xrang-30-leng_pix,self.yrang-25,0,'{:.2f} pc'.format(length),scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=False,color=tcolor)
		if self.vsp != 0.0:
			vspan = self.vsp
			vspan_pix = np.round(vspan/np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt3']/1e3))
github jeffmahler / GPIS / src / grasp_selection / View on Github external
def mv_plot_pose(T_frame_world, alpha=0.5, tube_radius=0.005, center_scale=0.025):
        T_world_frame = T_frame_world.inverse()
        R = T_world_frame.rotation
        t = T_world_frame.translation

        x_axis_tf = np.array([t, t + alpha * R[:,0]])
        y_axis_tf = np.array([t, t + alpha * R[:,1]])
        z_axis_tf = np.array([t, t + alpha * R[:,2]])
        mv.points3d(t[0], t[1], t[2], color=(1,1,1), scale_factor=center_scale)

        mv.plot3d(x_axis_tf[:,0], x_axis_tf[:,1], x_axis_tf[:,2], color=(1,0,0), tube_radius=tube_radius)
        mv.plot3d(y_axis_tf[:,0], y_axis_tf[:,1], y_axis_tf[:,2], color=(0,1,0), tube_radius=tube_radius)
        mv.plot3d(z_axis_tf[:,0], z_axis_tf[:,1], z_axis_tf[:,2], color=(0,0,1), tube_radius=tube_radius)

        mv.text3d(t[0], t[1], t[2], ' %s' %T_frame_world.to_frame.upper(), scale=0.01)
github xinglunju / tdviz / View on Github external
def labels(self):
		Add 3d text to show the axes.
		fontsize = max(self.xrang, self.yrang)/40.
		tcolor = (1,1,1)
		mlab.text3d(-10,-10,self.zrang/2-10,'V (km/s)',scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=True,color=tcolor)

		# Add scale bars
		if self.leng != 0.0:
			distance = self.dist * 1e3
			length = self.leng
			leng_pix = np.round(length/distance/np.pi*180./np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt1']))
			bar_x = [self.xrang-20-leng_pix, self.xrang-20]
			bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
			bar_z = [0, 0]
			mlab.plot3d(bar_x, bar_y, bar_z, color=tcolor, tube_radius=1.)
			mlab.text3d(self.xrang-30-leng_pix,self.yrang-25,0,'{:.2f} pc'.format(length),scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=False,color=tcolor)
		if self.vsp != 0.0:
			vspan = self.vsp
			vspan_pix = np.round(vspan/np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt3']/1e3))
			bar_x = [self.xrang, self.xrang]
github int-brain-lab / ibllib / examples / one / histology / View on Github external
color = rendering.color_cycle(m)
    it = np.where(channels['trajectory_id'] == probe_id)[0]
    xyz = channels['xyz'][it]
    ins = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz, brain_atlas=ba)

    mlapdv = ba.xyz2ccf(
    # display the interpolated tracks
    mlab.plot3d(mlapdv[:, 1], mlapdv[:, 2], mlapdv[:, 0],
                line_width=3, color=color, tube_radius=20)
    # display the channels locations
    mlapdv_channels = ba.xyz2ccf(xyz)
    mlab.points3d(mlapdv_channels[:, 1], mlapdv_channels[:, 2], mlapdv_channels[:, 0],
                  color=color, scale_factor=50)
    # setup the labels at the top of the trajectories
    mlab.text3d(mlapdv[0, 1], mlapdv[0, 2], mlapdv[0, 0] - 500, label,
                line_width=4, color=tuple(color), figure=fig, scale=150)
github ghimiredhikura / KITTI-Point-Cloud-Utils / kitti / View on Github external
gt_boxes3d: numpy array (n,8,3) for XYZs of the box corners
        fig: mayavi figure handler
        color: RGB value tuple in range (0,1), box line color
        line_width: box line width
        draw_text: boolean, if true, write box indices beside boxes
        text_scale: three number tuple
        color_list: a list of RGB tuple, if not None, overwrite color.
        fig: updated fig
    num = len(gt_boxes3d)
    for n in range(num):
        b = gt_boxes3d[n]
        if color_list is not None:
            color = color_list[n] 
        if draw_text: mlab.text3d(b[4,0], b[4,1], b[4,2], '%d'%n, scale=text_scale, color=color, figure=fig)
        for k in range(0,4):
            mlab.plot3d([b[i,0], b[j,0]], [b[i,1], b[j,1]], [b[i,2], b[j,2]], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=line_width, figure=fig)

            i,j=k+4,(k+1)%4 + 4
            mlab.plot3d([b[i,0], b[j,0]], [b[i,1], b[j,1]], [b[i,2], b[j,2]], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=line_width, figure=fig)

            mlab.plot3d([b[i,0], b[j,0]], [b[i,1], b[j,1]], [b[i,2], b[j,2]], color=color, tube_radius=None, line_width=line_width, figure=fig)
    #mlab.view(azimuth=180, elevation=70, focalpoint=[ 12.0909996 , -1.04700089, -2.03249991], distance=62.0, figure=fig)
    return fig
github xinglunju / tdviz / View on Github external
fontsize = max(self.xrang, self.yrang)/40.
        tcolor = (1,1,1)
        mlab.text3d(-10,-10,self.zrang/2-10,'V (km/s)',scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=True,color=tcolor)
        # Add scale bars
        if self.leng != 0.0:
            distance = self.dist * 1e3
            length = self.leng
            leng_pix = np.round(length/distance/np.pi*180./np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt1']))
            bar_x = [self.xrang-20-leng_pix, self.xrang-20]
            bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
            bar_z = [0, 0]
            mlab.plot3d(bar_x, bar_y, bar_z, color=tcolor, tube_radius=1.)
            mlab.text3d(self.xrang-30-leng_pix,self.yrang-25,0,'{:.2f} pc'.format(length),scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=False,color=tcolor)
        if self.vsp != 0.0:
            vspan = self.vsp
            vspan_pix = np.round(vspan/np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt3']/1e3))
            bar_x = [self.xrang, self.xrang]
            bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
            bar_z = np.array([5, 5+vspan_pix])*self.zscale
            mlab.plot3d(bar_x, bar_y, bar_z, color=tcolor, tube_radius=1.)
            mlab.text3d(self.xrang,self.yrang-25,10,'{:.1f} km/s'.format(vspan),scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=False,color=tcolor,orientation=(0,90,0))
        # Label the coordinates of the corners
        # Lower left corner
        ra0 = self.extent[0]; dec0 = self.extent[2]
        c = SkyCoord(ra=ra0*, dec=dec0*, frame='icrs')
        RA_ll = str(int(c.ra.hms.h))+'h'+str(int(c.ra.hms.m))+'m'+str(round(c.ra.hms.s,1))+'s'
        DEC_ll = str(int(c.dec.dms.d))+'d'+str(int(abs(c.dec.dms.m)))+'m'+str(round(abs(c.dec.dms.s),1))+'s'
github CellProfiler / CellProfiler-Analyst / cpa / View on Github external
figure = self.mayavi_view.scene.mayavi_scene) 
        pts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar'
        pts.mlab_source.dataset.lines = np.array(G.edges())
        self.node_collection = pts
        tube =, tube_radius=2.0) # Default tube_radius results in v. thin lines: tube.filter.radius = 0.05
        self.edge_collection = mlab.pipeline.surface(tube, color=(0.8, 0.8, 0.8))
        # Add object label text to the left
        dx = np.diff(self.node_x_locations)[0]
        first_nodes = [i[0] for i in self.connected_nodes]
        x = [self.node_positions[i][0]-0.75*dx for i in first_nodes]
        y = [self.node_positions[i][1] for i in first_nodes]
        z = list(np.array(y)*0)
        s = [str(i[0]) for i in first_nodes]
        self.text_collection = [mlab.text3d(xx, yy, zz, ss,
                                            line_width = 20,
                                            scale = 20,
                                            name = ss,
                                            figure = self.mayavi_view.scene.mayavi_scene) 
                                for xx,yy,zz,ss in zip(x,y,z,s)] 

        # Scale axes according to the data limits
        # TODO: Figure out how scaling relates to elment coordinates for trajectory picking.
        #self.axis_scaling = [1.0/(max(xy[:,0])-min(xy[:,0])), 1.0/(max(xy[:,1])-min(xy[:,1])), 0.0] = self.axis_scaling = self.axis_scaling
        # Text labels are not the same scale as the other graphical elements, so adjust accordingly
        # TODO: Figure out how to scale the text the same as the graphical elements.
        #current_text_scaling = self.text_collection[0]
        #for t in self.text_collection:
   = current_text_scaling*self.axis_scaling
github xinglunju / tdviz / View on Github external
def labels(self):
		Add 3d text to show the axes.
		fontsize = max(self.xrang, self.yrang)/40.
		tcolor = (1,1,1)
		mlab.text3d(-10,-10,self.zrang/2-10,'V (km/s)',scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=True,color=tcolor)

		# Add scale bars
		if self.leng != 0.0:
			distance = self.dist * 1e3
			length = self.leng
			leng_pix = np.round(length/distance/np.pi*180./np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt1']))
			bar_x = [self.xrang-20-leng_pix, self.xrang-20]
			bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
			bar_z = [0, 0]
			mlab.plot3d(bar_x, bar_y, bar_z, color=tcolor, tube_radius=1.)
			mlab.text3d(self.xrang-30-leng_pix,self.yrang-25,0,'{:.2f} pc'.format(length),scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=False,color=tcolor)
		if self.vsp != 0.0:
			vspan = self.vsp
			vspan_pix = np.round(vspan/np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt3']/1e3))
			bar_x = [self.xrang, self.xrang]
			bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
github xinglunju / tdviz / View on Github external
vspan = self.vsp
            vspan_pix = np.round(vspan/np.abs(self.hdr['cdelt3']/1e3))
            bar_x = [self.xrang, self.xrang]
            bar_y = [self.yrang-10, self.yrang-10]
            bar_z = np.array([5, 5+vspan_pix])*self.zscale
            mlab.plot3d(bar_x, bar_y, bar_z, color=tcolor, tube_radius=1.)
            mlab.text3d(self.xrang,self.yrang-25,10,'{:.1f} km/s'.format(vspan),scale=fontsize,orient_to_camera=False,color=tcolor,orientation=(0,90,0))
        # Label the coordinates of the corners
        # Lower left corner
        ra0 = self.extent[0]; dec0 = self.extent[2]
        c = SkyCoord(ra=ra0*, dec=dec0*, frame='icrs')
        RA_ll = str(int(c.ra.hms.h))+'h'+str(int(c.ra.hms.m))+'m'+str(round(c.ra.hms.s,1))+'s'
        DEC_ll = str(int(c.dec.dms.d))+'d'+str(int(abs(c.dec.dms.m)))+'m'+str(round(abs(c.dec.dms.s),1))+'s'
        # Upper right corner
        ra0 = self.extent[1]; dec0 = self.extent[3]
        c = SkyCoord(ra=ra0*, dec=dec0*, frame='icrs')
        RA_ll = str(int(c.ra.hms.h))+'h'+str(int(c.ra.hms.m))+'m'+str(round(c.ra.hms.s,1))+'s'
        DEC_ll = str(int(c.dec.dms.d))+'d'+str(int(abs(c.dec.dms.m)))+'m'+str(round(abs(c.dec.dms.s),1))+'s'
        # V axis
        if self.extent[5] > self.extent[4]:
            v0 = self.extent[4]; v1 = self.extent[5]
            v0 = self.extent[5]; v1 = self.extent[4]
        mlab.axes(self.field, ranges=self.extent, x_axis_visibility=False, y_axis_visibility=False, z_axis_visibility=False)