Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
field_line += '(REQUIRED),'
field_line += "NA,"
# add this field line to the documentation
# get the set of types this field was derived from
if isinstance(field, mm.fields.List):
# if it's a list we want to do this for its container
base_types = inspect.getmro(type(field.container))
base_types = inspect.getmro(type(field))
field_type = type(field)
# use these base_types to figure out the raw_json type for this field
if isinstance(field, mm.fields.Nested):
# if it's a nested field we should specify it as a dict, and link to the documentation
# for that nested schema
field_type = type(field.schema)
# schema_class_name = schema_type.__module__ + "." + schema_type.__name__
if field.many:
raw_type = 'list'
raw_type = 'dict'
# otherwise we should be able to look it up in the FIELD_TYPE_MAP
base_type = next(
bt for bt in base_types if bt in FIELD_TYPE_MAP)
raw_type = FIELD_TYPE_MAP[base_type].__name__
# hack in marshmallow for py3 which things Str is type 'bytes'
if raw_type == 'bytes':
incident_id = fields.String(required=True)
target_plugin = fields.Nested(TargetPluginSchema, missing={})
persistence_plugin = fields.Nested(PersistencePluginSchema, missing={})
collection_plugin = fields.Nested(CollectionPluginSchema, missing={})
payload_plugin = fields.Nested(PayloadPluginSchema, missing={})
class AnalysisSchema(BaselineSchema):
analysis_plugin = fields.Nested(AnalysisPluginSchema, missing={})
# TODO: move incident_id from BaselineSchema here
class TaskOutputSchema(DiffyOutputSchema):
id = fields.String(attribute="id")
created_at = fields.DateTime()
args = fields.Dict()
status = fields.String(attribute="status")
class TaskInputSchema(DiffyInputSchema):
id = fields.String(required=True)
baseline_input_schema = BaselineSchema()
baseline_output_schema = BaselineSchema()
analysis_input_schema = AnalysisSchema()
analysis_output_schema = AnalysisSchema()
task_output_schema = TaskOutputSchema()
task_list_output_schema = TaskOutputSchema(many=True)
task_input_schema = TaskInputSchema()
This module contains marshmallow schema definitions for loaded files.
Schemas in this file inherit from a BaseSchema, which is a schema object that supports grouping.
Those in the __groups__ dict are grouped together by prefix, and are usually used for localized dictionaries.
from mhdata import cfg
from marshmallow import fields, ValidationError, validates, validates_schema
from .cfields import ValidatedStr, ExcelBool, BaseSchema, NestedPrefix
# schemas were added later down the line, so no schemas exist for certain objects yet
# schemas are used mostly for type conversion and pre-validation
class ItemSchema(BaseSchema):
__groups__ = ('name', 'description')
id = fields.Int()
name = fields.Dict()
description = fields.Dict()
category = ValidatedStr("item", "material", "ammo", "misc", "hidden")
subcategory = ValidatedStr(None, "account", "supply", "appraisal", "trade")
rarity = fields.Int(allow_none=True, default=0)
buy_price = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
sell_price = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
carry_limit = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
points = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
icon_name = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
icon_color = ValidatedStr(None, *cfg.icon_colors)
class ItemCombinationSchema(BaseSchema):
id = fields.Int()
result = fields.Str()
Represents a DAG.
Nodes should be overridden with a non-raw schema.
nodes = fields.Nested(
edges = fields.List(
substitutions = fields.List(
def unflatten(self, obj, **kwargs):
Translate substitutions dictionary into objects.
obj.substitutions = [
dict(from_id=key, to_id=value)
for key, value in getattr(obj, "substitutions", {}).items()
return obj
quantity = marshmallow.fields.Integer(allow_none=True)
class Meta:
unknown = marshmallow.EXCLUDE
def post_load(self, data, **kwargs):
del data["action"]
return types.ShoppingListChangeTextLineItemQuantityAction(**data)
class ShoppingListChangeTextLineItemsOrderActionSchema(ShoppingListUpdateActionSchema):
"Marshmallow schema for :class:`commercetools.types.ShoppingListChangeTextLineItemsOrderAction`."
text_line_item_order = marshmallow.fields.List(
marshmallow.fields.String(allow_none=True), data_key="textLineItemOrder"
class Meta:
unknown = marshmallow.EXCLUDE
def post_load(self, data, **kwargs):
del data["action"]
return types.ShoppingListChangeTextLineItemsOrderAction(**data)
class ShoppingListRemoveLineItemActionSchema(ShoppingListUpdateActionSchema):
"Marshmallow schema for :class:`commercetools.types.ShoppingListRemoveLineItemAction`."
line_item_id = marshmallow.fields.String(allow_none=True, data_key="lineItemId")
quantity = marshmallow.fields.Integer(allow_none=True, missing=None)
class ServiceReqSchema(ma.ModelSchema):
class Meta:
model = ServiceReq
jit = toastedmarshmallow.Jit
citizen_id = fields.Int()
channel_id = fields.Int()
service_id = fields.Int()
quantity = fields.Int()
sr_number = fields.Int()
periods = fields.Nested(PeriodSchema(exclude=('request_periods', 'reception_csr_ind', 'sr', 'sr_id', 'state_periods',)), many=True)
sr_state = fields.Nested(SRStateSchema(exclude=('sr_state_id', 'sr_state_desc',)))
service = fields.Nested(ServiceSchema(exclude=('actual_service_ind', 'deleted', 'display_dashboard_ind', 'prefix',
'service_code', 'service_desc', 'service_id',)))
channel = fields.Nested(ChannelSchema(exclude=('channel_id',)))
citizen = fields.Nested('CitizenSchema', exclude=('service_reqs',))
.. module: lemur.sources.schemas
:platform: unix
:copyright: (c) 2018 by Netflix Inc., see AUTHORS for more
:license: Apache, see LICENSE for more details.
.. moduleauthor:: Kevin Glisson
from marshmallow import fields, post_dump
from lemur.schemas import PluginInputSchema, PluginOutputSchema
from lemur.common.schema import LemurInputSchema, LemurOutputSchema
class SourceInputSchema(LemurInputSchema):
id = fields.Integer()
label = fields.String(required=True)
description = fields.String()
plugin = fields.Nested(PluginInputSchema)
active = fields.Boolean()
class SourceOutputSchema(LemurOutputSchema):
id = fields.Integer()
label = fields.String()
description = fields.String()
plugin = fields.Nested(PluginOutputSchema)
options = fields.List(fields.Dict())
def fill_object(self, data):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from marshmallow import fields
from polyaxon_schemas.base import BaseConfig, BaseMultiSchema, BaseSchema
class BaseOptimizerSchema(BaseSchema):
learning_rate = fields.Float(allow_none=True)
decay_type = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
decay_rate = fields.Float(allow_none=True)
decay_steps = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
start_decay_at = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
stop_decay_at = fields.Int(allow_none=True)
min_learning_rate = fields.Float(allow_none=True)
staircase = fields.Bool(allow_none=True)
global_step = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
use_locking = fields.Bool(allow_none=True)
name = fields.Str(allow_none=True)
def schema_config():
return BaseOptimizerConfig
class BaseOptimizerConfig(BaseConfig):
def __init__(
super(RecurrentConfig, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.return_sequences = return_sequences
self.return_state = return_state
self.go_backwards = go_backwards
self.stateful = stateful
self.unroll = unroll
self.implementation = implementation
class SimpleRNNSchema(RecurrentSchema):
units = fields.Int()
activation = StrOrFct(allow_none=True, validate=validate.OneOf(ACTIVATION_VALUES))
use_bias = fields.Bool(default=True, missing=True)
kernel_initializer = fields.Nested(InitializerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
recurrent_initializer = fields.Nested(InitializerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
bias_initializer = fields.Nested(InitializerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
kernel_regularizer = fields.Nested(RegularizerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
recurrent_regularizer = fields.Nested(RegularizerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
bias_regularizer = fields.Nested(RegularizerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
activity_regularizer = fields.Nested(RegularizerSchema, default=None, missing=None)
kernel_constraint = fields.Nested(ConstraintSchema, default=None, missing=None)
recurrent_constraint = fields.Nested(ConstraintSchema, default=None, missing=None)
bias_constraint = fields.Nested(ConstraintSchema, default=None, missing=None)
dropout = fields.Float(default=0.0, missing=0.0)
recurrent_dropout = fields.Float(default=0.0, missing=0.0)