How to use the manubot.manuscript.get_citation_strings function in manubot

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def test_get_citation_strings_1():
    text = '''
    Sci-Hub has released article request records from its server logs, covering 165 days from September 2015 through February 2016 [@doi:10.1126/science.352.6285.508; @doi:10.1126/science.aaf5664; @doi:10.5061/dryad.q447c/1].
    We filtered for valid requests by excluding DOIs not included in our literature catalog and omitting requests that occurred before an article's publication date.

    Figure {@fig:citescore}B shows that articles from highly cited journals were visited much more frequently on average.

    @10.5061/bad_doi says blah but @url: disagrees.
    citations = get_citation_strings(text)
    expected = sorted([
    assert citations == expected
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def get_citation_df(args, text):
    Generate citation_df and save it to 'citations.tsv'.
    citation_df = pandas.DataFrame(
        {'string': get_citation_strings(text)}
    if args.citation_tags_path.is_file():
        tag_df = pandas.read_table(args.citation_tags_path)
        na_rows_df = tag_df[tag_df.isnull().any(axis='columns')]
        if not na_rows_df.empty:
            logging.error(f'{args.citation_tags_path} contains rows with missing values:\n{na_rows_df}\nThis error can be caused by using spaces rather than tabs to delimit fields.\nProceeding to reread TSV with delim_whitespace=True.')  # noqa: E501
            tag_df = pandas.read_table(args.citation_tags_path, delim_whitespace=True)
        tag_df['string'] = '@tag:' + tag_df.tag
        for citation in tag_df.citation:
            is_valid_citation_string('@' + citation)
        citation_df = citation_df.merge(tag_df[['string', 'citation']], how='left')
        citation_df['citation'] = None'missing {args.citation_tags_path} file: no citation tags set')
    citation_df.citation.fillna(citation_df.string.astype(str).str.lstrip('@'), inplace=True)
    citation_df['standard_citation'] =