How to use the makefun.remove_signature_parameters function in makefun

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if len(ms) > 0:
                final_values[i] = make_marked_parameter_value((final_values[i],), marks=ms)

    if len(final_values) != len(final_ids):
        raise ValueError("Internal error related to fixture parametrization- please report")

    # (4) wrap the fixture function so as to remove the parameter names and add 'request' if needed
    all_param_names = tuple(v for pnames in params_names_or_name_combinations for v in pnames)

    # --create the new signature that we want to expose to pytest
    old_sig = signature(fixture_func)
    for p in all_param_names:
        if p not in old_sig.parameters:
            raise ValueError("parameter '%s' not found in fixture signature '%s%s'"
                             "" % (p, fixture_func.__name__, old_sig))
    new_sig = remove_signature_parameters(old_sig, *all_param_names)
    # add request if needed
    func_needs_request = 'request' in old_sig.parameters
    if not func_needs_request:
        new_sig = add_signature_parameters(new_sig, first=Parameter('request', kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD))

    # --common routine used below. Fills kwargs with the appropriate names and values from fixture_params
    def _map_arguments(*_args, **_kwargs):
        request = _kwargs['request'] if func_needs_request else _kwargs.pop('request')

        # populate the parameters
        if len(params_names_or_name_combinations) == 1:
            _params = [request.param]  # remove the simplification
            _params = request.param
        for p_names, fixture_param_value in zip(params_names_or_name_combinations, _params):
            if len(p_names) == 1:
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# TO DO if fixtures_to_union has length 1, simplify ? >> No, we leave such "optimization" to the end user

            # Finally create a "main" fixture with a unique name for this test function
            # note: the function automatically registers it in the module
            # note 2: idstyle is set to None because we provide an explicit enough list of ids
            big_param_fixture = _fixture_union(caller_module, fixture_union_name, fixtures_to_union, idstyle=None,
                                               ids=fixtures_to_union_names_for_ids, hook=hook)

            # --create the new test function's signature that we want to expose to pytest
            # it is the same than existing, except that we want to replace all parameters with the new fixture
            # first check where we should insert the new parameters (where is the first param we remove)
            for _first_idx, _n in enumerate(old_sig.parameters):
                if _n in all_param_names:
            # then remove all parameters that will be replaced by the new fixture
            new_sig = remove_signature_parameters(old_sig, *all_param_names)
            # finally insert the new fixture in that position. Indeed we can not insert first or last, because
            # 'self' arg (case of test class methods) should stay first and exec order should be preserved when possible
            new_sig = add_signature_parameters(new_sig, custom_idx=_first_idx,
                                               custom=Parameter(fixture_union_name, kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD))

            # --Finally create the fixture function, a wrapper of user-provided fixture with the new signature
            def replace_paramfixture_with_values(kwargs):
                # remove the created fixture value
                encompassing_fixture = kwargs.pop(fixture_union_name)
                # and add instead the parameter values
                if nb_params > 1:
                    for i, p in enumerate(all_param_names):
                        kwargs[p] = encompassing_fixture[i]
                    kwargs[all_param_names[0]] = encompassing_fixture
                # return
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print("Creating final union fixture %r with alternatives %r" % (fixture_union_name, fix_alternatives))

            # note: the function automatically registers it in the module
            _make_fixture_union(caller_module, name=fixture_union_name, hook=hook, caller=parametrize_plus,
                                fix_alternatives=fix_alternatives, unique_fix_alt_names=fix_alt_names,
                                ids=explicit_ids_to_use or ids or ParamIdMakers.get(idstyle))

            # --create the new test function's signature that we want to expose to pytest
            # it is the same than existing, except that we want to replace all parameters with the new fixture
            # first check where we should insert the new parameters (where is the first param we remove)
            _first_idx = -1
            for _first_idx, _n in enumerate(old_sig.parameters):
                if _n in argnames:
            # then remove all parameters that will be replaced by the new fixture
            new_sig = remove_signature_parameters(old_sig, *argnames)
            # finally insert the new fixture in that position. Indeed we can not insert first or last, because
            # 'self' arg (case of test class methods) should stay first and exec order should be preserved when possible
            new_sig = add_signature_parameters(new_sig, custom_idx=_first_idx,

            if debug:
                print("Creating final test function wrapper with signature %s%s" % (test_func_name, new_sig))

            # --Finally create the fixture function, a wrapper of user-provided fixture with the new signature
            def replace_paramfixture_with_values(kwargs):  # noqa
                # remove the created fixture value
                encompassing_fixture = kwargs.pop(fixture_union_name)
                # and add instead the parameter values
                if nb_params > 1:
                    for i, p in enumerate(argnames):  # noqa
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if len(ms) > 0:
                final_values[i] = make_marked_parameter_value(final_values[i], marks=ms)

    if len(final_values) != len(final_ids):
        raise ValueError("Internal error related to fixture parametrization- please report")

    # (4) wrap the fixture function so as to remove the parameter names and add 'request' if needed
    all_param_names = tuple(v for l in params_names_or_name_combinations for v in l)

    # --create the new signature that we want to expose to pytest
    old_sig = signature(fixture_func)
    for p in all_param_names:
        if p not in old_sig.parameters:
            raise ValueError("parameter '%s' not found in fixture signature '%s%s'"
                             "" % (p, fixture_func.__name__, old_sig))
    new_sig = remove_signature_parameters(old_sig, *all_param_names)
    # add request if needed
    func_needs_request = 'request' in old_sig.parameters
    if not func_needs_request:
        new_sig = add_signature_parameters(new_sig, first=Parameter('request', kind=Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD))

    # --common routine used below. Fills kwargs with the appropriate names and values from fixture_params
    def _get_arguments(*args, **kwargs):
        request = kwargs['request'] if func_needs_request else kwargs.pop('request')

        # populate the parameters
        if len(params_names_or_name_combinations) == 1:
            _params = [request.param]  # remove the simplification
            _params = request.param
        for p_names, fixture_param_value in zip(params_names_or_name_combinations, _params):
            if len(p_names) == 1:
github smarie / python-decopatch / decopatch / View on Github external
implementors_signature = signature(impl_function)

    # determine the mode (nested, flat, double-flat) and check signature
    mode, injected_name, contains_varpositional, injected_pos, \
    injected_arg, f_args_name, f_kwargs_name = extract_mode_info(implementors_signature, flat_mode_decorated_name)

    # create the signature of the decorator function to create, according to mode
    if mode is None:
        # *nested: keep the signature 'as is'
        exposed_signature = implementors_signature
        function_for_metadata = impl_function
        nested_impl_function = impl_function

    elif mode is DECORATED:  # flat mode
        # use the same signature, but remove the injected arg.
        exposed_signature = remove_signature_parameters(implementors_signature, injected_name)

        # use the original function for the docstring/module metadata
        function_for_metadata = impl_function

        # generate the corresponding nested decorator
        nested_impl_function = make_nested_impl_for_flat_mode(exposed_signature, impl_function, injected_name,

    elif mode is WRAPPED:
        # *double-flat: the same signature, but we remove the injected args.
        args_to_remove = (injected_name,) + ((f_args_name,) if f_args_name is not None else ()) \
                         + ((f_kwargs_name,) if f_kwargs_name is not None else ())
        exposed_signature = remove_signature_parameters(implementors_signature, *args_to_remove)

        # use the original function for the docstring/module metadata
        function_for_metadata = impl_function