How to use the jwql.utils.utils.get_config function in jwql

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def pre_init(self):
        self._embed = True
        #App design
        self.format_string = None
        self.interface_file = os.path.join(script_dir, 'yaml',
        self.settings = get_config()
        self.output_dir = self.settings['outputs']
        self.cache_time = Time(0., format='unix')
        self.jwst_bar_colors = self.caom_bar_colors = 3
        self.jwst_datacols = []
        self.caom_datacols = []
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``False`` if not.

    image_info : dict
        A dictionary containing various information for the given

    # Initialize dictionary to store information
    image_info = {}
    image_info['all_jpegs'] = []
    image_info['suffixes'] = []
    image_info['num_ints'] = {}

    preview_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'preview_images')

    # Find all of the matching files
    dirname = file_root[:7]
    search_filepath = os.path.join(FILESYSTEM_DIR, dirname, file_root + '*.fits')
    image_info['all_files'] = glob.glob(search_filepath)

    for file in image_info['all_files']:

        # Get suffix information
        suffix = os.path.basename(file).split('_')[4].split('.')[0]

        # Determine JPEG file location
        jpg_dir = os.path.join(preview_dir, dirname)
        jpg_filename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(file)[0] + '_integ0.jpg')
        jpg_filepath = os.path.join(jpg_dir, jpg_filename)
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number of files.

    filepaths : list
        A list of full paths to files of interest.

    proposal_info : dict
        A dictionary containing various information about the
        proposal(s) and files corresponding to the given ``filepaths``.

    proposals = list(set([f.split('/')[-1][2:7] for f in filepaths]))
    thumbnail_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'thumbnails')
    thumbnail_paths = []
    num_files = []
    for proposal in proposals:
        thumbnail_search_filepath = os.path.join(thumbnail_dir, 'jw{}'.format(proposal), 'jw{}*rate*.thumb'.format(proposal))
        thumbnail = glob.glob(thumbnail_search_filepath)
        if len(thumbnail) > 0:
            thumbnail = thumbnail[0]
            thumbnail = '/'.join(thumbnail.split('/')[-2:])

        fits_search_filepath = os.path.join(FILESYSTEM_DIR, 'jw{}'.format(proposal), 'jw{}*.fits'.format(proposal))

    # Put the various information into a dictionary of results
    proposal_info = {}
    proposal_info['num_proposals'] = len(proposals)
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def run(self):
        """The main method.  See module docstrings for further
        """'Begin logging for readnoise_monitor\n')

        # Get the output directory and setup a directory to store the data
        self.output_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'readnoise_monitor')
        ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'data'))

        # Use the current time as the end time for MAST query
        self.query_end =

        # Loop over all instruments
        for instrument in ['nircam', 'niriss']:
            self.instrument = instrument

            # Identify which database tables to use

            # Get a list of all possible apertures for this instrument
            siaf = Siaf(self.instrument)
            possible_apertures = list(siaf.apertures)
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def get_dashboard_components():
    """Build and return dictionaries containing components and html
    needed for the dashboard.

    dashboard_components : dict
        A dictionary containing components needed for the dashboard.
    dashboard_html : dict
        A dictionary containing full HTML needed for the dashboard.

    output_dir = get_config()['outputs']
    name_dict = {'': '',
                 'monitor_mast': 'Database Monitor',
                 'monitor_filesystem': 'Filesystem Monitor'}

    # Run the cron job monitor to produce an updated table

    # Build dictionary of Bokeh components from files in the output directory
    dashboard_components = {}
    for dir_name, _, file_list in os.walk(output_dir):
        monitor_name = os.path.basename(dir_name)

        # Only continue if the dashboard knows how to build that monitor
        if monitor_name in name_dict.keys():
            formatted_monitor_name = name_dict[monitor_name]
            dashboard_components[formatted_monitor_name] = {}
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def main():
    #generate paths
    DATABASE_LOCATION = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'database')
    DATABASE_FILE = os.path.join(DATABASE_LOCATION, 'nirspec_database.db')

    #connect to temporary database
    conn = sql.create_connection(DATABASE_FILE)

    #do for every file in list above
    for path in filenames:
        process_file(conn, path)

    #close connection
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / jwql_monitors / View on Github external'Completed database search for {} instruments and {} data products.'.
                 format(instruments, dataproducts))

    # Make the table
    all_cols = ['instrument']+dataproducts+['total']
    table = pd.DataFrame(inventory, columns=all_cols)

    # Melt the table
    table = pd.melt(table, id_vars=['instrument'],
                    value_name='files', var_name='dataproduct')

    # Plot it
    if plot:
        # Determine plot location and names
        output_dir = get_config()['outputs']

        if caom:
            output_filename = 'database_monitor_caom'
            output_filename = 'database_monitor_jwst'

        # Make the plot
        plt = Donut(table, label=['instrument', 'dataproduct'], values='files',
                    text_font_size='12pt', hover_text='files',
                    name="JWST Inventory", plot_width=600, plot_height=600)

        # Save the plot as full html
        html_filename = output_filename + '.html'
        outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, 'monitor_mast', html_filename)
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def run(self):
        """The main method.  See module docstrings for further details.

        There are 2 parts to the bad pixel monitor:
        1. Bad pixels from illuminated data
        2. Bad pixels from dark data

        For each, we will query MAST, copy new files from the filesystem
        and pass the list of copied files into the ``process()`` method.
        """'Begin logging for bad_pixel_monitor')

        # Get the output directory
        self.output_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'bad_pixel_monitor')

        # Read in config file that defines the thresholds for the number
        # of dark files that must be present in order for the monitor to run
        limits =

        # Use the current time as the end time for MAST query
        self.query_end =

        # Loop over all instruments
        for instrument in JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES:
            self.instrument = instrument

            # Identify which database tables to use

            # Get a list of all possible apertures from pysiaf
github spacetelescope / jwql / jwql / instrument_monitors / miri_monitors / data_trending / View on Github external
def main():
    #generate paths
    DATABASE_LOCATION = os.path.join(get_config()['jwql_dir'], 'database')
    DATABASE_FILE = os.path.join(DATABASE_LOCATION, 'miri_database.db')

    #connect to temporary database
    conn = sql.create_connection(DATABASE_FILE)

    #process every csv file in directory folder
    for path in paths:
        process_file(conn, path)

    #close connection
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def _dark_mean_image(self):
        """Update bokeh objects with mean dark image data."""

        # Open the mean dark current file and get the data
        mean_dark_image_file = self.pixel_table[-1].mean_dark_image_file
        mean_slope_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'dark_monitor', 'mean_slope_images')
        mean_dark_image_path = os.path.join(mean_slope_dir, mean_dark_image_file)
        with as hdulist:
            data = hdulist[1].data

        # Update the plot with the data and boundaries
        y_size, x_size = np.shape(data)
        self.refs["mean_dark_source"].data['image'] = [data]
        self.refs["stamp_xr"].end = x_size
        self.refs["stamp_yr"].end = y_size
        self.refs["mean_dark_source"].data['dw'] = [x_size]
        self.refs["mean_dark_source"].data['dh'] = [x_size]

        # Set the image color scale
        self.refs["log_mapper"].high = 0
        self.refs["log_mapper"].low = -.2


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