How to use the jwql.instrument_monitors.miri_monitors.data_trending.utils.condition.greater function in jwql

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holds extracted data with condition 2 applied

    log = log_error_and_file.Log('Process')

    # abbreviate attribute
    m = mnemonic_data
    returndata = dict()

    con_set_1 = [ \
        cond.equal(m['IMIR_HK_IMG_CAL_LOOP'], 'OFF'), \
        cond.equal(m['IMIR_HK_IFU_CAL_LOOP'], 'OFF'), \
        cond.equal(m['IMIR_HK_POM_LOOP'], 'OFF'), \
        cond.smaller(m['IMIR_HK_ICE_SEC_VOLT1'], 1.0), \
        cond.greater(m['SE_ZIMIRICEA'], 0.2)]
    # setup condition
    condition_1 = cond.condition(con_set_1)

    # add filtered engineering values of mnemonics given in list mnemonic_cond_1
    # to dictitonary
    for identifier in mn.mnemonic_cond_1:
        data = extract_data.extract_data(condition_1, m[identifier])

        if data != None:
            returndata.update({identifier: data})
            log.log('Check condition 1 Succesful for ' + identifier)
            log.log('NO data in condition 1 for ' + identifier, 'Error')

    del condition_1
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data_cond_1 : dict
        holds extracted data with condition 2 applied

    #abbreviate attribute
    m = mnemonic_data
    returndata = dict()

    con_set_1 = [                                               \
    cond.equal(m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_IMG_CAL_LOOP'),'OFF'),       \
    cond.equal(m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_IFU_CAL_LOOP'),'OFF'),       \
    cond.equal(m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_POM_LOOP'),'OFF'),           \
    cond.smaller(m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_ICE_SEC_VOLT1'),1.0),      \
    #setup condition
    condition_1 = cond.condition(con_set_1)

    #add filtered engineering values of mnemonics given in list mnemonic_cond_1
    #to dictitonary
    for identifier in mn.mnemonic_cond_1:
        data = extract_data(condition_1, m.mnemonic(identifier))

        if data != None:
            returndata.update( {identifier:data} )
            print("no data for {}".format(identifier))

    del condition_1

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    FW : dict
        holds FW ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key
    GW14 : dict
        holds GW14 ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key
    GW23 : dict
        holds GW23 ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key
    CCC : dict
        holds CCC ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key

    #abbreviate attribute
    m = mnemonic_data

    con_set_FW = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_FW = cond.condition(con_set_FW)
    FW = extract_filterpos(condition_FW, mn.fw_nominals, \
        m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_FW_POS_RATIO'), m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_FW_CUR_POS'))

    del condition_FW

    con_set_GW14 = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_GW14 = cond.condition(con_set_GW14)
    GW14 = extract_filterpos(condition_GW14, mn.gw14_nominals, \
        m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_RATIO'), m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW14_CUR_POS'))

    del condition_GW14

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FW_volt = extract_data(condition_FW, m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT'))
    del condition_FW

    #extract data for IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT under given condition
    con_set_GW14 = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_GW14 = cond.condition(con_set_GW14)
    GW14_volt = extract_data(condition_GW14, m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT'))
    del condition_GW14

    #extract data for IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT under given condition
    con_set_GW23 = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_GW23 = cond.condition(con_set_GW23)
    GW23_volt = extract_data(condition_GW23, m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT'))
    del condition_GW23

    #extract data for IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT under given condition
    con_set_CCC = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_CCC = cond.condition(con_set_CCC)
    CCC_volt = extract_data(condition_CCC, m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT'))
    del condition_CCC

    return returndata
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FW = extract_filterpos(condition_FW, mn.fw_nominals, \
        m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_FW_POS_RATIO'), m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_FW_CUR_POS'))

    del condition_FW

    con_set_GW14 = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_GW14 = cond.condition(con_set_GW14)
    GW14 = extract_filterpos(condition_GW14, mn.gw14_nominals, \
        m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_RATIO'), m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW14_CUR_POS'))

    del condition_GW14

    con_set_GW23 = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_GW23 = cond.condition(con_set_GW23)
    GW23 = extract_filterpos(condition_GW23, mn.gw23_nominals, \
        m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_RATIO'), m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_GW23_CUR_POS'))

    del condition_GW23

    con_set_CCC = [                                               \
    #setup condition
    condition_CCC = cond.condition(con_set_CCC)
    CCC = extract_filterpos(condition_CCC, mn.ccc_nominals, \
        m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_RATIO'), m.mnemonic('IMIR_HK_CCC_CUR_POS'))

    del condition_CCC
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    FW : dict
        holds FW ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key
    GW14 : dict
        holds GW14 ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key
    GW23 : dict
        holds GW23 ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key
    CCC : dict
        holds CCC ratio values and times with corresponding positionlabel as key

    # abbreviate attribute
    m = mnemonic_data

    con_set_FW = [ \
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
    # setup condition
    condition_FW = cond.condition(con_set_FW)
    FW = extract_filterpos(condition_FW, mn.fw_nominals, \
                           m['IMIR_HK_FW_POS_RATIO'], m['IMIR_HK_FW_CUR_POS'])

    del condition_FW

    con_set_GW14 = [ \
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
    # setup condition
    condition_GW14 = cond.condition(con_set_GW14)
    GW14 = extract_filterpos(condition_GW14, mn.gw14_nominals, \
                             m['IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_RATIO'], m['IMIR_HK_GW14_CUR_POS'])

    del condition_GW14

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condition_3 = cond.condition(con_set_3)
    for identifier in mn.mnemonic_cond_3:
        data = extract_data.extract_data(condition_3, m[identifier])

        if data is not None:
            returndata.update({identifier: data})
            log.log('Check condition 3 Succesful for ' + identifier)
            log.log('NO data in condition 3 for ' + identifier, 'Error')

    del condition_3

    # Define Condition Set FW
    # add filtered engineering values of mnemonics given in list mnemonic_cond_FW
    con_set_FW = [
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
    condition_FW = cond.condition(con_set_FW)

    FW_volt = extract_data.extract_data(condition_FW, m['IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT'])
    returndata.update({'IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT': FW_volt})
    del condition_FW
    log.log('Check condition IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT > 250')

    # Define Condition Set GW
    # add filtered engineering values of mnemonics given in list mnemonic_cond_GW
    con_set_GW14 = [
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
    condition_GW14 = cond.condition(con_set_GW14)

    GW14_volt = extract_data.extract_data(condition_GW14, m['IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT'])
    returndata.update({'IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT': GW14_volt})
    del condition_GW14
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GW14_volt : list
        extracted data for IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT
    GW23_volt : list
        extracted data for IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT
    CCC_volt : list
        extracted data for IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT
    log = log_error_and_file.Log('Process')

    m = mnemonic_data
    returndata = dict()

    # Define Condition Set 3
    # add filtered engineering values of mnemonics given in list mnemonic_cond_3
    con_set_3 = [
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_ICE_SEC_VOLT1'], 25.0)]
    condition_3 = cond.condition(con_set_3)
    for identifier in mn.mnemonic_cond_3:
        data = extract_data.extract_data(condition_3, m[identifier])

        if data is not None:
            returndata.update({identifier: data})
            log.log('Check condition 3 Succesful for ' + identifier)
            log.log('NO data in condition 3 for ' + identifier, 'Error')

    del condition_3

    # Define Condition Set FW
    # add filtered engineering values of mnemonics given in list mnemonic_cond_FW
    con_set_FW = [
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_FW_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
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GW14_volt = extract_data(condition_GW14, m['IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT'])
    returndata.update({'IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_VOLT': GW14_volt})
    del condition_GW14

    # extract data for IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT under given condition
    con_set_GW23 = [ \
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
    # setup condition
    condition_GW23 = cond.condition(con_set_GW23)
    GW23_volt = extract_data(condition_GW23, m['IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT'])
    returndata.update({'IMIR_HK_GW23_POS_VOLT': GW23_volt})
    del condition_GW23

    # extract data for IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT under given condition
    con_set_CCC = [ \
        cond.greater(m['IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT'], 250.0)]
    # setup condition
    condition_CCC = cond.condition(con_set_CCC)
    CCC_volt = extract_data(condition_CCC, m['IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT'])
    returndata.update({'IMIR_HK_CCC_POS_VOLT': CCC_volt})
    del condition_CCC

    return returndata


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