Secure your code as it's written. Use Snyk Code to scan source code in minutes - no build needed - and fix issues immediately.
>>> defs[2].type
>>> defs[3].type
stripped = self._definition
if isinstance(stripped, er.InstanceElement):
stripped = stripped.var
if isinstance(stripped, compiled.CompiledObject):
return stripped.api_type()
elif isinstance(stripped, iterable.Array):
return 'instance'
elif isinstance(stripped, tree.Import):
return 'import'
string = type(stripped).__name__.lower().replace('wrapper', '')
if string == 'exprstmt':
return 'statement'
return string
def scan(scope):
for s in scope.children:
if s.start_pos <= position <= s.end_pos:
if isinstance(s, (tree.Scope, tree.Flow)):
return scan(s) or s
elif s.type in ('suite', 'decorated'):
return scan(s)
return None
def _name_to_types(evaluator, name, scope):
types = []
typ = name.get_definition()
if typ.isinstance(tree.ForStmt):
for_types = evaluator.eval_element(typ.children[3])
for_types = iterable.get_iterator_types(for_types)
types += check_tuple_assignments(for_types, name)
elif typ.isinstance(tree.CompFor):
for_types = evaluator.eval_element(typ.children[3])
for_types = iterable.get_iterator_types(for_types)
types += check_tuple_assignments(for_types, name)
elif isinstance(typ, tree.Param):
types += _eval_param(evaluator, typ, scope)
elif typ.isinstance(tree.ExprStmt):
types += _remove_statements(evaluator, typ, name)
elif typ.isinstance(tree.WithStmt):
types += evaluator.eval_element(typ.node_from_name(name))
elif isinstance(typ, tree.Import):
types += imports.ImportWrapper(evaluator, name).follow()
elif isinstance(typ, tree.GlobalStmt):
# TODO theoretically we shouldn't be using search_global here, it
# doesn't make sense, because it's a local search (for that name)!
# However, globals are not that important and resolving them doesn't
# guarantee correctness in any way, because we don't check for when
types = _eval_param(evaluator, typ, scope)
elif typ.isinstance(tree.ExprStmt):
types = _remove_statements(evaluator, typ, name)
elif typ.isinstance(tree.WithStmt):
types = evaluator.eval_element(typ.node_from_name(name))
elif isinstance(typ, tree.Import):
types = imports.ImportWrapper(evaluator, name).follow()
elif typ.type == 'global_stmt':
for s in _get_global_stmt_scopes(evaluator, typ, name):
finder = NameFinder(evaluator, s, str(name))
names_dicts = finder.scopes(search_global=True)
# For global_stmt lookups, we only need the first possible scope,
# which means the function itself.
names_dicts = [next(names_dicts)]
types += finder.find(names_dicts, attribute_lookup=False)
elif isinstance(typ, tree.TryStmt):
# TODO an exception can also be a tuple. Check for those.
# TODO check for types that are not classes and add it to
# the static analysis report.
exceptions = evaluator.eval_element(name.get_previous_sibling().get_previous_sibling())
types = set(chain.from_iterable(evaluator.execute(t) for t in exceptions))
if typ.isinstance(er.Function):
typ = typ.get_decorated_func()
types = set([typ])
return types
def get_instance_el(evaluator, instance, var, is_class_var=False):
Returns an InstanceElement if it makes sense, otherwise leaves the object
Basically having an InstanceElement is context information. That is needed
in quite a lot of cases, which includes Nodes like ``power``, that need to
know where a self name comes from for example.
if isinstance(var, tree.Name):
parent = get_instance_el(evaluator, instance, var.parent, is_class_var)
return InstanceName(var, parent)
elif var.type != 'funcdef' \
and isinstance(var, (Instance, compiled.CompiledObject, tree.Leaf,
tree.Module, FunctionExecution)):
return var
var = evaluator.wrap(var)
return InstanceElement(evaluator, instance, var, is_class_var)
result = []
if flow.is_scope():
# Check for asserts.
names = reversed(flow.names_dict[search_name.value])
except (KeyError, AttributeError):
names = []
for name in names:
ass = name.get_parent_until(tree.AssertStmt)
if isinstance(ass, tree.AssertStmt) and pos is not None and ass.start_pos < pos:
result = _check_isinstance_type(evaluator, ass.assertion(), search_name)
if result:
if isinstance(flow, (tree.IfStmt, tree.WhileStmt)):
element = flow.children[1]
result = _check_isinstance_type(evaluator, element, search_name)
return result
def _complete(self, like_name):
dot = '.' if self._needs_dot else ''
append = ''
if settings.add_bracket_after_function \
and self.type == 'Function':
append = '('
if settings.add_dot_after_module:
if isinstance(self._definition, pr.Module):
append += '.'
if isinstance(self._definition, pr.Param):
append += '='
name = str(self._name)
if like_name:
name = name[self._like_name_length:]
return dot + name + append
return leaf
power = trailer.parent
index = power.children.index(trailer)
new_power = copy.copy(power)
new_power.children = list(new_power.children)
new_power.children[index + 1:] = []
if power.type == 'error_node':
start = index
while True:
start -= 1
if power.children[start].type != 'trailer':
transformed = tree.Node('power', power.children[start:])
transformed.parent = power.parent
return transformed
return power
def get_param(scope, el):
if isinstance(el.get_parent_until(tree.Param), tree.Param):
return scope.param_by_name(str(el))
return el
def wrap(self, element):
if isinstance(element, tree.Class):
return er.Class(self, element)
elif isinstance(element, tree.Function):
if isinstance(element, tree.Lambda):
return er.LambdaWrapper(self, element)
return er.Function(self, element)
elif isinstance(element, (tree.Module)) \
and not isinstance(element, er.ModuleWrapper):
return er.ModuleWrapper(self, element)
return element