How to use the jedi.debug.dbg function in jedi

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few jedi examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github JulianEberius / SublimePythonIDE / server / lib / python_all / jedi / evaluate / View on Github external
    @memoize_default(default=[], evaluator_is_first_arg=True)
    def eval_statement(self, stmt, seek_name=None):
        The starting point of the completion. A statement always owns a call
        list, which are the calls, that a statement does. In case multiple
        names are defined in the statement, `seek_name` returns the result for
        this name.

        :param stmt: A `tree.ExprStmt`.
        debug.dbg('eval_statement %s (%s)', stmt, seek_name)
        types = self.eval_element(stmt.get_rhs())

        if seek_name:
            types = finder.check_tuple_assignments(types, seek_name)

        first_operation = stmt.first_operation()
        if first_operation not in ('=', None) and not isinstance(stmt, er.InstanceElement):  # TODO don't check for this.
            # `=` is always the last character in aug assignments -> -1
            operator = copy.copy(first_operation)
            operator.value = operator.value[:-1]
            name = str(stmt.get_defined_names()[0])
            parent = self.wrap(stmt.get_parent_scope())
            left = self.find_types(parent, name, stmt.start_pos, search_global=True)
            if isinstance(stmt.get_parent_until(tree.ForStmt), tree.ForStmt):
                # Iterate through result and add the values, that's possible
                # only in for loops without clutter, because they are
github srusskih / SublimeJEDI / dependencies / jedi / inference / value / View on Github external
# If there are annotations, prefer them over anything else.
                # This will make it faster.
                return value_set
            value_set |= docstrings.infer_return_types(self._value)
            returns = funcdef.iter_return_stmts()

        for r in returns:
            if check_yields:
                value_set |= ValueSet.from_sets(
                    for lazy_value in self._get_yield_lazy_value(r)
                check = flow_analysis.reachability_check(self, funcdef, r)
                if check is flow_analysis.UNREACHABLE:
                    debug.dbg('Return unreachable: %s', r)
                        children = r.children
                    except AttributeError:
                        ctx = compiled.builtin_from_name(self.inference_state, u'None')
                        value_set |= ValueSet([ctx])
                        value_set |= self.infer_node(children[1])
                if check is flow_analysis.REACHABLE:
                    debug.dbg('Return reachable: %s', r)
        return value_set
github DamnWidget / anaconda / anaconda_lib / jedi / View on Github external
def detect_django_path(module_path):
    """ Detects the path of the very well known Django library (if used) """
    result = []
    while True:
        new = os.path.dirname(module_path)
        # If the module_path doesn't change anymore, we're finished -> /
        if new == module_path:
            module_path = new

        with common.ignored(IOError):
            with open(module_path + os.path.sep + ''):
                debug.dbg('Found django path: %s' % module_path)
    return result
github snakeleon / YouCompleteMe-x64 / third_party / ycmd / third_party / jedi_deps / jedi / jedi / api / View on Github external
def search_in_module(inference_state, module_context, names, wanted_names,
                     wanted_type, complete=False, fuzzy=False,
                     ignore_imports=False, convert=False):
    for s in wanted_names[:-1]:
        new_names = []
        for n in names:
            if s == n.string_name:
                if n.tree_name is not None and n.api_type == 'module' \
                        and ignore_imports:
                new_names += complete_trailer(
        debug.dbg('dot lookup on search %s from %s', new_names, names[:10])
        names = new_names

    last_name = wanted_names[-1].lower()
    for n in names:
        string = n.string_name.lower()
        if complete and helpers.match(string, last_name, fuzzy=fuzzy) \
                or not complete and string == last_name:
            if isinstance(n, SubModuleName):
                names = [ for v in n.infer()]
                names = [n]
            if convert:
                names = convert_names(names)
            for n2 in names:
                if complete:
                    def_ = classes.Completion(
github paulwinex / pw_MultiScriptEditor / multi_script_editor / jedi / evaluate / View on Github external
def _decorated_func(self):
        Returns the function, that is to be executed in the end.
        This is also the places where the decorators are processed.
        f = self.base_func

        # Only enter it, if has not already been processed.
        if not self.is_decorated:
            for dec in reversed(self.base_func.decorators):
                debug.dbg('decorator: %s %s', dec, f)
                dec_results = self._evaluator.eval_statement(dec)
                if not len(dec_results):
                    debug.warning('decorator not found: %s on %s', dec, self.base_func)
                    return None
                decorator = dec_results.pop()
                if dec_results:
                    debug.warning('multiple decorators found %s %s',
                                  self.base_func, dec_results)
                # Create param array.
                old_func = Function(self._evaluator, f, is_decorated=True)

                wrappers = self._evaluator.execute(decorator, (old_func,))
                if not len(wrappers):
                    debug.warning('no wrappers found %s', self.base_func)
                    return None
                if len(wrappers) > 1:
github DamnWidget / anaconda / anaconda_lib / jedi / evaluate / View on Github external
operator = ' '.join(str(c.value) for c in operator.children)

        # handle lazy evaluation of and/or here.
        if operator in ('and', 'or'):
            left_bools = set([left.py__bool__() for left in types])
            if left_bools == set([True]):
                if operator == 'and':
                    types = context.eval_node(right)
            elif left_bools == set([False]):
                if operator != 'and':
                    types = context.eval_node(right)
            # Otherwise continue, because of uncertainty.
            types = calculate(evaluator, context, types, operator,
    debug.dbg('calculate_children types %s', types)
    return types
github davidhalter / jedi / jedi / api / View on Github external
def type_inference(evaluator, parser, user_context, position, dotted_path):
    Base for completions/goto. Basically it returns the resolved scopes
    under cursor.
    debug.dbg('start: %s in %s', dotted_path, parser.user_scope())

    # Just parse one statement, take it and evaluate it.
    eval_stmt = get_under_cursor_stmt(evaluator, parser, dotted_path, position)
    if eval_stmt is None:
        return []

    return evaluator.eval_element(eval_stmt)
github marslo / myvim / Configurations / bundle / jedi-vim / pythonx / jedi / jedi / evaluate / View on Github external
if not len(dec_values):
                code = dec.get_code(include_prefix=False)
                # For the short future, we don't want to hear about the runtime
                # decorator in typing that was intentionally omitted. This is not
                # "correct", but helps with debugging.
                if code != '@runtime\n':
                    debug.warning('decorator not found: %s on %s', dec, node)
                return initial

            values = dec_values.execute(arguments.ValuesArguments([values]))
            if not len(values):
                debug.warning('not possible to resolve wrappers found %s', node)
                return initial

        debug.dbg('decorator end %s', values, color="MAGENTA")
    if values != initial:
        return ContextSet([Decoratee(c, decoratee_context) for c in values])
    return values
github DonJayamanne / pythonVSCode / pythonFiles / jedi / evaluate / View on Github external
# This is a huge exception, we follow a nested import
            # ``os.path``, because it's a very important one in Python
            # that is being achieved by messing with ``sys.modules`` in
            # ``os``.
            if import_parts == ['os', 'path']:
                return parent_module.py__getattribute__('path')

                method = parent_module.py__path__
            except AttributeError:
                # The module is not a package.
                _add_error(self.module_context, import_path[-1])
                return NO_CONTEXTS
                paths = method()
                debug.dbg('search_module %s in paths %s', module_name, paths)
                for path in paths:
                    # At the moment we are only using one path. So this is
                    # not important to be correct.
                    if not isinstance(path, list):
                        path = [path]
                    code, module_path, is_pkg = self._evaluator.compiled_subprocess.get_module_info(
                    if module_path is not None:
                    _add_error(self.module_context, import_path[-1])
                    return NO_CONTEXTS
github srusskih / SublimeJEDI / dependencies / jedi / inference / View on Github external
def _infer_node(context, element):
    debug.dbg('infer_node %s@%s in %s', element, element.start_pos, context)
    inference_state = context.inference_state
    typ = element.type
    if typ in ('name', 'number', 'string', 'atom', 'strings', 'keyword', 'fstring'):
        return infer_atom(context, element)
    elif typ == 'lambdef':
        return ValueSet([FunctionValue.from_context(context, element)])
    elif typ == 'expr_stmt':
        return infer_expr_stmt(context, element)
    elif typ in ('power', 'atom_expr'):
        first_child = element.children[0]
        children = element.children[1:]
        had_await = False
        if first_child.type == 'keyword' and first_child.value == 'await':
            had_await = True
            first_child = children.pop(0)