How to use the implicit.nearest_neighbours.ItemItemRecommender function in implicit

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few implicit examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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class CosineRecommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on Cosine distances between items """
    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        # cosine distance is just the dot-product of a normalized matrix, normalize(counts), show_progress)

class TFIDFRecommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on TF-IDF distances between items """
    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        weighted = normalize(tfidf_weight(counts)), weighted, show_progress)

class BM25Recommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on BM25 distance between items """
    def __init__(self, K=20, K1=1.2, B=.75, num_threads=0):
        super(BM25Recommender, self).__init__(K, num_threads)
        self.K1 = K1
        self.B = B

    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        weighted = bm25_weight(counts, self.K1, self.B), weighted, show_progress)

def tfidf_weight(X):
    """ Weights a Sparse Matrix by TF-IDF Weighted """
    X = coo_matrix(X)

    # calculate IDF
github benfred / implicit / implicit / View on Github external
ret = cls()
        ret.similarity = similarity
        ret.scorer = NearestNeighboursScorer(similarity)
        ret.K = m['K']
        return ret

class CosineRecommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on Cosine distances between items """
    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        # cosine distance is just the dot-product of a normalized matrix, normalize(counts), show_progress)

class TFIDFRecommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on TF-IDF distances between items """
    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        weighted = normalize(tfidf_weight(counts)), weighted, show_progress)

class BM25Recommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on BM25 distance between items """
    def __init__(self, K=20, K1=1.2, B=.75, num_threads=0):
        super(BM25Recommender, self).__init__(K, num_threads)
        self.K1 = K1
        self.B = B

    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        weighted = bm25_weight(counts, self.K1, self.B), weighted, show_progress)
github benfred / implicit / implicit / View on Github external
def load(cls, filename):
        # automatically appends a npz suffic, numpy.load doesn't apparently
        if not filename.endswith(".npz"):
            filename = filename + ".npz"

        m = numpy.load(filename)
        similarity = csr_matrix((m['data'], m['indices'], m['indptr']), shape=m['shape'])

        ret = cls()
        ret.similarity = similarity
        ret.scorer = NearestNeighboursScorer(similarity)
        ret.K = m['K']
        return ret

class CosineRecommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on Cosine distances between items """
    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        # cosine distance is just the dot-product of a normalized matrix, normalize(counts), show_progress)

class TFIDFRecommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on TF-IDF distances between items """
    def fit(self, counts, show_progress=True):
        weighted = normalize(tfidf_weight(counts)), weighted, show_progress)

class BM25Recommender(ItemItemRecommender):
    """ An Item-Item Recommender on BM25 distance between items """
    def __init__(self, K=20, K1=1.2, B=.75, num_threads=0):