How to use the hpccm.toolchain.toolchain function in hpccm

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few hpccm examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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def test_build_environment_and_toolchain(self):
        """build environment and toolchain"""
        tc = toolchain(CC='gcc', CXX='g++', FC='gfortran')
        g = generic_cmake(
            build_environment={'FOO': 'BAR'},
            cmake_opts=['-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release',
                        '-D CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda',
                        '-D GMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON',
                        '-D GMX_GPU=ON',
                        '-D GMX_MPI=OFF',
                        '-D GMX_OPENMP=ON',
                        '-D GMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON',
                        '-D MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS=--allow-run-as-root',
                        '-D REGRESSIONTEST_DOWNLOAD=ON'],
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def test_toolchain(self):
        """Toolchain specified"""
        cm = CMakeBuild()
        tc = toolchain(CC='mycc', CXX='mycxx', FC='myfc', F77='myf77',
                       F90='myf90', CFLAGS='-g -O3', CPPFLAGS='-DFOO -DBAR',
                       CXXFLAGS='-g -O3', FCFLAGS='-g -O3', FFLAGS='-g -O3',
                       LDFLAGS='-Wl,--start-group foo.o bar.o -Wl,--endgroup',
                       LIBS='-ldl -lpthread')

        configure = cm.configure_step(directory='/tmp/src', toolchain=tc)
                         '''mkdir -p /tmp/src/build && cd /tmp/src/build && CC=mycc CFLAGS='-g -O3' CPPFLAGS='-DFOO -DBAR' CXX=mycxx CXXFLAGS='-g -O3' F77=myf77 F90=myf90 FC=myfc FCFLAGS='-g -O3' FFLAGS='-g -O3' FLIBS=-ldl LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mysw/lib:/opt/yoursw/lib LDFLAGS='-Wl,--start-group foo.o bar.o -Wl,--endgroup' LIBS='-ldl -lpthread' cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local /tmp/src''')
github NVIDIA / hpc-container-maker / hpccm / building_blocks / View on Github external
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize building block"""

        super(mpich, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl',
        self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False)
        self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', [])
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', [])
        self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/mpich')
        self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro()
        # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building
        self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain())
        self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '3.3.2')

        # Output toolchain
        self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77',
                                   F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort')

        # Set the configuration options

        # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters

        # Set the environment variables
        self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format(
            posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin'))
        if not self.ldconfig:
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self.__build_environment = kwargs.get('build_environment', {})
        self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False)
        self.__comment = kwargs.get('comment', True)
        self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', [])
        self.__directory = kwargs.get('directory', None)
        self.environment_variables = kwargs.get('devel_environment', {})
        self.__install = kwargs.get('install', True)
        self.__libdir = kwargs.get('libdir', 'lib')
        self.__make = kwargs.get('make', True)
        self.__postconfigure = kwargs.get('postconfigure', [])
        self.__postinstall = kwargs.get('postinstall', [])
        self.__preconfigure = kwargs.get('preconfigure', [])
        self.__recursive = kwargs.get('recursive', False)
        self.__run_arguments = kwargs.get('_run_arguments', None)
        self.runtime_environment_variables = kwargs.get('runtime_environment', {})
        self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain())

        self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup()
        self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory

        # Construct the series of steps to execute

        # Fill in container instructions
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self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts',
        self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', True)
        self.__default_repository = ''
        self.__gdrcopy = kwargs.pop('gdrcopy', '')
        self.__knem = kwargs.pop('knem', '')
        self.__ofed = kwargs.pop('ofed', '')
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', [])
        self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/ucx')
        self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro()
        self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain())
        self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '1.8.0')
        self.__xpmem = kwargs.pop('xpmem', '')

        # Set the configure options

        # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters

        # Set the download specific parameters
        kwargs['repository'] = self.repository
        kwargs['url'] = self.url

        # Setup the environment variables
        self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format(
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def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialize building block"""

        super(mvapich2, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl',
        self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--disable-mcast'])
        self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', True)
        self.__gpu_arch = kwargs.pop('gpu_arch', None)
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', [])
        self.__preconfigure = []
        self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/mvapich2')
        self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro()
        # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building
        self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain())
        self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '2.3.3')

        # MVAPICH2 does not accept F90
        self.toolchain_control = {'CC': True, 'CXX': True, 'F77': True,
                                  'F90': False, 'FC': True}

        # Output toolchain
        self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77',
                                   F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort')

        # Set the configure options

        # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters
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self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', False)
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', [])
        self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro()
        self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/opt/pgi')
        self.__referer = r'\&utm_medium=wgt\&utm_campaign=CE\&nvid=nv-int-14-39155'
        self.__system_cuda = kwargs.get('system_cuda', False)
        self.__system_libnuma = kwargs.get('system_libnuma', True)
        self.__tarball = kwargs.get('tarball', '')
        self.__url_template = '{}'

        # The version is fragile since the latest version is
        # automatically downloaded, which may not match this default.
        self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '19.10')
        self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory

        self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='pgcc', CXX='pgc++', F77='pgfortran',
                                   F90='pgfortran', FC='pgfortran')

        # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters

        # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters

        self.__basepath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__arch_directory)
        self.__basepath_llvm = posixpath.join(self.__prefix,

        # Construct the series of steps to execute
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self.__apt_keys = []       # Filled in below
        self.__apt_repositories = [] # Filled in below
        self.__commands = []       # Filled in below
        self.__compiler_debs = []  # Filled in below
        self.__compiler_rpms = []  # Filled in below
        self.__extra_repo = kwargs.get('extra_repository', False)
        self.__extra_tools = kwargs.get('extra_tools', False)
        self.__nightly = kwargs.get('nightly', False)
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) # Filled in below
        self.__runtime_debs = []   # Filled in below
        self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in below
        self.__runtime_rpms = []   # Filled in below
        self.__version = kwargs.get('version', None)

        # Output toolchain
        self.toolchain = toolchain()
        self.toolchain.CC = 'clang'
        self.toolchain.CXX = 'clang++'

        # Set the packages to install based on the Linux distribution
        # and CPU architecture

        # Fill in container instructions
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self.__cuda_version = kwargs.get('cuda_version', '9.2')
        self.__gnu = kwargs.get('gnu', True)
        self.__gnu_version = kwargs.get('gnu_version', '4.8.5')
        self.__install_path_template = '/opt/mvapich2/gdr/{0}/mcast/no-openacc/{1}/{2}/mpirun/{3}'
        self.__mofed_version = kwargs.get('mlnx_ofed_version', '4.5')
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', [])
        self.__package = kwargs.get('package', '')
        self.__package_template = 'mvapich2-gdr-mcast.{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}.el7.{5}.rpm'
        self.__pgi = kwargs.get('pgi', False)
        self.__pgi_version = kwargs.get('pgi_version', '18.10')
        self.__release = kwargs.get('release', '2')
        self.version = kwargs.get('version', '2.3.3')
        self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory

        # Output toolchain
        self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77',
                                   F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort')

        # Validate compiler choice
        if self.__gnu and self.__pgi and not self.__package:
            logging.warning('Multiple compilers selected, using PGI')
            self.__gnu = False
        elif not self.__gnu and not self.__pgi:
            logging.warning('No compiler selected, using GNU')
            self.__gnu = True

        self.__commands = []              # Filled in by __setup()
        self.__install_path = ''          # Filled in by __setup()

        # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters
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# corresponding Arm Allinea Studio End User License Agreement
        self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False)

        self.__gcc_version = kwargs.get('gcc_version', '9.2.0')
        self.__installer_template = '' # Filled in by __distro()
        self.__microarchitectures = kwargs.get('microarchitectures',
        self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', [])
        self.__package_string = '' # Filled in by __distro()
        self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/opt/arm')
        self.__tarball = kwargs.get('tarball', None)
        self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '20.0')
        self.__wd = '/var/tmp' # working directory

        self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='armclang', CXX='armclang++',
                                   F77='armflang', F90='armflang',

        if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch != cpu_arch.AARCH64: # pragma: no cover
            logging.warning('Using arm_allinea_studio on a non-aarch64 processor')

        if not self.__eula:
            raise RuntimeError('Arm Allinea Studio EULA was not accepted.  To accept, see the documentation for this building block')

        # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters

        # Construct the series of steps to execute

        # Fill in container instructions