How to use the hpccm.common.linux_distro function in hpccm

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def __build(self):
        """Build from source"""

        # The download URL has the format contains vMAJOR.MINOR in the
        # path and the tarball contains MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, so pull
        # apart the full version to get the MAJOR and MINOR
        # components.
        match = re.match(r'(?P\d+)\.(?P\d+)', self.__version)
        major_minor = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'],
        tarball = 'cmake-{}.tar.gz'.format(self.__version)
        url = '{0}/v{1}/{2}'.format(self.__baseurl, major_minor, tarball)

        # Include SSL packages
        if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
        elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS:
        else: # pragma: no cover
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution')

        # Download source from web
        self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd))
            tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd))

        # Build and install
        if not self.__bootstrap_opts:
        self.__commands.append('cd {} && ./bootstrap --prefix={} {}'.format(
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def __distro(self):
        """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly.  A user
        specified value overrides any defaults."""

        if self.__source:
            # Build dependencies
            if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
                self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'gcc', 'g++', 'git',
                                     'make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget', 'xz-utils']
            elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS:
                self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'git',
                                     'make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget', 'xz']
            else: # pragma: no cover
                raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution')

        elif self.__version and not self.__source:
            # Setup the environment so that the alternate compiler version
            # is the new default
            alternatives = {}
            if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
                if self.__cc:
                    alternatives['gcc'] = '$(which gcc-{})'.format(
                if self.__cxx:
                    alternatives['g++'] = '$(which g++-{})'.format(
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def __distro(self):
        if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
            if not self.__ospackages:
                self.__ospackages = ['libnl-3-200', 'libnl-route-3-200',
        elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS:
            if not self.__ospackages:
                if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'):
                    self.__ospackages = ['libnl3', 'numactl-libs']
                    self.__ospackages = ['libnl', 'libnl3', 'numactl-libs']
        else: # pragma: no cover
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution')
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def __distro(self):
        """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly.  A user
        specified value overrides any defaults."""

        if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
            if not self.__ospackages:
                self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'libbz2-dev', 'tar', 'wget',
        elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS:
            if not self.__ospackages:
                self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'bzip2-devel', 'tar', 'wget',
                                     'which', 'zlib-devel']
        else: # pragma: no cover
            raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution')
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def __distro(self):
        """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly.  A user
        specified value overrides any defaults."""

        if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
            self.__directory_string = 'Ubuntu-16.04'
            self.__package_string = 'Ubuntu_16.04'
            self.__url_string = 'Ubuntu16.04'

            self.__installer_template = 'arm-compiler-for-linux-{{}}_Generic-AArch64_{0}'.format(self.__directory_string)

            if not self.__ospackages:
                self.__ospackages = ['libc6-dev', 'lmod', 'python', 'tar',
                                     'tcl', 'wget']

        elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS:
            if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'):
                self.__directory_string = 'RHEL-8'
                self.__package_string = 'RHEL_8'
                self.__url_string = 'RHEL8'
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"""Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly.  A user
        specified value overrides any defaults."""

        if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU:
            if not self.__ospackages:
                self.__ospackages = ['cpio', 'libnuma1', 'libpciaccess0',
                                     'openssh-client', 'rpm2cpio', 'wget']
                if self.__gnu:
            self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libnuma1', 'libpciaccess0',
            if self.__gnu:

            self.__installer_template = 'cd / && rpm2cpio {} | cpio -id'
        elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS:
            if not self.__ospackages:
                self.__ospackages = ['libpciaccess', 'numactl-libs',
                                     'openssh-clients', 'wget']
                if self.__gnu:
            self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libpciaccess', 'numactl-libs',
            if self.__gnu:

            # The RPM has dependencies on some CUDA libraries that are
            # present, but not in the RPM database.  Use --nodeps as a
            # workaround.
            self.__installer_template = 'rpm --install --nodeps {}'

        else: # pragma: no cover