How to use the function in holoviews

To help you get started, we’ve selected a few holoviews examples, based on popular ways it is used in public projects.

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github holoviz / holoviews / tests / core / data / View on Github external
def test_dataset_groupby_dynamic_alias(self):
        array = np.random.rand(11, 11)
        dataset = Dataset({'x':self.xs, 'y':self.y_ints, 'z': array},
                          kdims=[('x', 'X'), ('y', 'Y')], vdims=[('z', 'Z')])
        with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], dataset):
            grouped = dataset.groupby('X', dynamic=True)
        first = Dataset({'y': self.y_ints, 'z': array[:, 0]},
                        kdims=[('y', 'Y')], vdims=[('z', 'Z')])
        self.assertEqual(grouped[0], first)
github holoviz / holoviews / tests / core / data / View on Github external
def test_dimension_values_kdim(self):
        cube = Dataset(self.cube, kdims=['longitude', 'latitude'])
        self.assertEqual(cube.dimension_values('longitude', expanded=False),
                         np.array([-1,  0,  1, 2], dtype=np.int32))
github holoviz / holoviews / tests / core / data / View on Github external
def test_dataset_from_multi_index_tuple_dims(self):
        df = pd.DataFrame({'x': np.arange(10), 'y': np.arange(10), 'z': np.random.rand(10)})
        ds = Dataset(df.groupby(['x', 'y']).mean(), [('x', 'X'), ('y', 'Y')])
        self.assertEqual(ds, Dataset(df, [('x', 'X'), ('y', 'Y')]))
github holoviz / holoviews / tests / element / View on Github external
def test_from_networkx_custom_nodes(self):
            import networkx as nx
            raise SkipTest('Test requires networkx to be installed')
        FG = nx.Graph()
        FG.add_weighted_edges_from([(1,2,0.125), (1,3,0.75), (2,4,1.2), (3,4,0.375)])
        nodes = Dataset([(1, 'A'), (2, 'B'), (3, 'A'), (4, 'B')], 'index', 'some_attribute')
        graph = Graph.from_networkx(FG, nx.circular_layout, nodes=nodes)
        self.assertEqual(graph.nodes.dimension_values('some_attribute'), np.array(['A', 'B', 'A', 'B']))
github holoviz / holoviews / tests / core / data / View on Github external
def test_dimension_values_kdim_expanded(self):
        cube = Dataset(self.cube, kdims=['longitude', 'latitude'])
                         np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0,  0,  0,
                                   1,  1,  1, 2,  2,  2], dtype=np.int32))
github holoviz / holoviews / tests / core / data / View on Github external
def test_concat_grid_3d_shape_mismatch(self):
        arr1 = np.random.rand(3, 2)
        arr2 = np.random.rand(2, 3)
        ds1 = Dataset(([0, 1], [1, 2, 3], arr1), ['x', 'y'], 'z')
        ds2 = Dataset(([0, 1, 2], [1, 2], arr2), ['x', 'y'], 'z')
        hmap = HoloMap({1: ds1, 2: ds2})
        arr = np.full((3, 3, 2), np.NaN)
        arr[:, :2, 0] = arr1
        arr[:2, :, 1] = arr2
        ds = Dataset(([1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], arr), ['Default', 'x', 'y'], 'z')
        self.assertEqual(concat(hmap), ds)
github holoviz / holoviews / tests / core / data / View on Github external
def test_reindex_2d_grid_to_1d(self):
        with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], self.dataset_grid):
            ds = self.dataset_grid.reindex(kdims=['x'])
        with DatatypeContext([self.datatype, 'dictionary' , 'dataframe'], Dataset):
            self.assertEqual(ds, Dataset(self.dataset_grid.columns(), 'x', 'z'))
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / core / data / View on Github external
        eltype: Element type to convert
        data: The original data
        kdims: The declared key dimensions
        vdims: The declared value dimensions

        A list of dictionaries containing geometry coordinates and values.
    from . import Dataset

    xname, yname = ( for kd in kdims[:2])
    if isinstance(data, dict):
        data = {k: v if isscalar(v) else np.asarray(v) for k, v in data.items()}
        return data
    new_el = Dataset(data, kdims, vdims)
    if new_el.interface is interface:
    new_dict = {}
    for d in new_el.dimensions():
        if d in (xname, yname):
            scalar = False
            scalar = new_el.interface.isscalar(new_el, d)
        vals = new_el.dimension_values(d, not scalar)
        new_dict[] = vals[0] if scalar else vals
    return new_dict
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / element / View on Github external
if data is None:
            data = []
        if isinstance(data, tuple):
            data = data + (None,)*(3-len(data))
            edges, nodes, edgepaths = data
            edges, nodes, edgepaths = data, None, None
        sankey_graph = params.pop('sankey', None)
        compute = not (sankey_graph and isinstance(nodes, Nodes) and isinstance(edgepaths, EdgePaths))
        super(Graph, self).__init__(edges, kdims=kdims, vdims=vdims, **params)
        if compute:
            if nodes is None:
                src = self.dimension_values(0, expanded=False)
                tgt = self.dimension_values(1, expanded=False)
                values = unique_array(np.concatenate([src, tgt]))
                nodes = Dataset(values, 'index')
            elif not isinstance(nodes, Dataset):
                    nodes = Dataset(nodes)
                    nodes = Dataset(nodes, 'index')
            if not nodes.kdims:
                raise ValueError('Could not determine index in supplied node data. '
                                 'Ensure data has at least one key dimension, '
                                 'which matches the node ids on the edges.')
            self._nodes = nodes
            nodes, edgepaths, graph = _layout_sankey.instance().layout(self)
            self._nodes = nodes
            self._edgepaths = edgepaths
            self._sankey = graph
            if not isinstance(nodes, self.node_type):
github holoviz / holoviews / holoviews / core / data / View on Github external
def _inner_dataset_template(cls, dataset, validate_vdims=True):
        Returns a Dataset template used as a wrapper around the data
        contained within the multi-interface dataset.
        from . import Dataset
        vdims = dataset.vdims if getattr(dataset, 'level', None) is None else []
        return Dataset([0], datatype=cls.subtypes,
                       kdims=dataset.kdims, vdims=vdims,